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[i习作temp] issue114G-89-互助社-8.8日同主题写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-10 11:20:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
114 "Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity."
In an age without electricity, an age dominated by hunting for survive, labor force gained its greatest ascendancy; in an age with automobile instead of carriage, an age using email instead of sending letter, technological innovations gained incomparable ascendancy. Living conditions has a totally change during the last century due to technology progress, which contributes to higher material conditions of humanity while it can't change all the inner condition of humanity.

With the technology coming to pervade every aspect of people's lives, improvement of convenience and material comfort have been achieved in the human world. In agriculture, new high-yield hybridized corps emerged, the aggregate output have increased as much as more than twice than a century ago. So less people will suffer from hunger. In industry, vehicles use alternative fuel are invented, and the price of cars have decreased a lot while its speed increased, so more people can enjoy the convenience of car while producing less pollution. In the IT world, virtue shopping malls enable individuals get what they want with a click, MSN and some other software enhance our drive to communicate, and manipulative forms of information and ideas are available for access for us. These great change in living, working, and studying conditions actually improve humanity in the material sense.

All these things that can hardly be imagined by our ancestors are not only renders a large amount of convenience into people's lives but also triggers several thinking of humanity that transcends the family, the local community, and even the nation. For instance, the debate over cloning and ethics has eluded definitive answers until now. In this century, the cloning turns into reality from some fictions, but is it conform the moral standard of humanity? The controversy questions surfaced with technology progress and let us make a deeper recognition of humanity. For some couples, cloning represents the only hope of having a child carrying their genes, but if the instincts are wrong, the backlash against cloning---and indeed science as a whole---could be a catastrophe that violent human dignity, secrecy and privacy. Besides the cloning problem, anti-nuclear war movement during these years and debate about euthanasia are all help us go further on the way of humanity. This advancement of technology brings a lot of fresh perspectives and discoveries into the individual, community, and nation levels and also inspires common people to reflect some of the moral and ethic issues that have never been noticed in the last century.

However, many defects of humanity still exist. War and violence are breakout in the Middle East nearly everyday, and poverty is pervasive in Africa. These changed little as the technology progresses, take the war as an example: In the labor-force age, conflict between crowds and countries are very frequently, people divide their land, wealth, and drove through combat. As the technologies advances, more violent weapons with great execution are invented, the only consequence is more severe but not less war. From a recent survey, in our world, there are only fourteen days completely without wars, so we can derive that the war has not much relation with the technology but originated from the instability, bellicosity humanity of the inner essentiality of human being.

From this point of view, technology is a double-edge sword and can be equally used in good or evil. However, how to use this kind of facilities has been judged not by the technology itself but by the human beings. In this respect, technology is not the essential impetus of humanity but can only serve as an implement to help human beings to recognize the unknown world. On the other hand, the real propeller of the humanity is the level of recognition of human beings. Therefore, the evolution of technology promotes the material conditions and inspired deep think about humanity, while it is not so effective in the aspects that need improvement of the inner being of human beings.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


Golden Apple

发表于 2005-8-10 12:46:32 |只看该作者
Mencius said,"When heaven is about to confer a great office on any man,it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil.It exposes his body to hunger………….By all these methods, it stimulates his mind, consolidates his character, and increases his efficiency".

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-24 14:00:18 |只看该作者
114 "Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity."

In an age without electricity(仅仅的electricity感觉比较单薄,而且人类在没有电之前也不仅是靠hunting来survival了,或者可以加上and advanced tools), an age dominated by hunting for survive, labor force gained its greatest ascendancy; in an age with automobile instead of carriage, an age using email instead of sending letter, technological innovations gained incomparable ascendancy. Living conditions has a totally change during the last century due to technology progress, which contributes to higher material conditions of humanity while it can't change all the inner condition of humanity.(第一段前面写的不错,但是后面到底是个什么立场,感觉不是特别的明显。)
With the technology coming to pervade every aspect of people's lives, improvement of convenience and material comfort have been achieved in the human world. In agriculture, new high-yield hybridized corps emerged, the aggregate output have increased as much as more than twice than a century ago in that people will suffer from hunger. In industry, vehicles use(using) alternative fuel are invented, and the price of cars have decreased a lot while its speed increased, so(therefore) more people can enjoy the convenience of car while producing less pollution. In the IT world, virtue shopping malls enable individuals get what they want (simply) with a click, MSN and some other software(s) enhance our drive to communicate, and manipulative forms of information and ideas are available for access(删掉) for us. These great change(s) in living, working, and studying conditions actually improve humanity in the material sense.

All these things that can hardly be imagined by our ancestors are not only renders a large amount of convenience into people's lives but also triggers several thinking of humanity that transcends the family, the local community, and even the nation. For instance, the debate over(on?upon?about?) cloning(克隆好像就是clone吧?) and ethics has eluded definitive answers until now. In this century, the cloning turns into reality from some fictions, but is it conform the moral standard of humanity? The controversy questions surfaced with technology progress and let us make a deeper recognition of humanity. For some couples, cloning represents the only hope of having a child carrying their genes, but if the instincts are wrong, the backlash against cloning---and indeed science as a whole---could be a catastrophe that violent human dignity, secrecy and privacy. Besides the cloning problem, anti-nuclear war movement during these years and debate about euthanasia are all help us go further on the way of humanity. This advancement of technology brings a lot of fresh perspectives and discoveries into the individual, community, and nation levels and also inspires common people to reflect some of the moral and ethic issues that have never been noticed in the last century.

However, many defects of humanity still exist. War and violence are breakout in the Middle East nearly everyday, and poverty is pervasive in Africa. These changed little as the technology progresses, take the war as an example: In the labor-force age, conflict between crowds and countries are very frequently, people divide their land, wealth, and drove through combat. As the technologies advances, more violent weapons with great execution are invented, the only consequence is more severe but not less war. From a recent survey, in our world, there are only fourteen days completely without wars, so we can derive(这个词感觉用在这里不太合适,不过我也不是特别清楚凭感觉了) that the war has not much relation with the technology but originated from the instability, bellicosity humanity of the inner essentiality of human being. (感觉humanity和后面的human being重复了,可以精简一下)

From this point of view, technology is a double-edge sword and can be equally used in good or evil. However, how to use this kind of facilities has been judged not by the technology itself but by the human beings. In this respect, technology is not the essential impetus of humanity but can only serve as an implement to help human beings to recognize the unknown world. On the other hand, the real propeller of the humanity is the level of recognition of human beings. Therefore, the evolution of technology promotes the material conditions and inspired(inspires) deep think(thinking) about humanity, while it is not so effective in the aspects that need improvement of the inner being of human beings. (结尾不错)

语言上感觉还是比较中国化,跟我一样,再多看看老美写的了,加油! :victory:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-24 19:21:14 |只看该作者

Thanks a lot~~~


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