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[i习作temp] Issue185 感觉筋疲力尽了,使劲拍吧~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-26 21:07:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue185 "Scandals whether in politics, academia, or other areas can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."   

(1)有句谚语: “好事不出门,坏事传千里“。丑闻更能引起人们的注意源自于人的天性。丑闻作为具体真实的例子,相对于演说家或者改革家空洞的演讲,更能引发人们的兴趣。





字数:460 words
时间:查阅资料(1小时)+提纲(15分钟)+正文(1.5小时) = 2小时45分钟
There is a saying:" Bad news travels fast". The fact that scandals can focus people's attention on problems more easily is probably derived from human nature. Everyone has curiosity. Scandals, as idiographic and actual examples, relative to the empty declarations of speakers or reformers, are more likely to attract people's interest. Therefore, scandals can be useful in many areas.

In the first place, scandals can be useful in politics areas. The media plays a supervisory role on the government's management. Exposures of corruptions and briberies can remind the leaders not to make mistakes during their works. Reports of political abuses can accelerate the political reforms. For example, if lots of corruption scandals are reported, it shows that there do lack of supervisors on the officers. What's more, scandals sometimes can guide the work of the governmental departments. For instance, sick pork can do great harm to people' health, and killing and selling sick pigs are forbidden. But some darkminded businessmen still do this kind of things in secret. If the behaviors are exposed, the related department can be reminded to punish the phenomena efficiently.

In the second place, scandals can reveal their use in academia areas. Science study is a serious action and mendacities should not exist, but unfortunately, plagiarisms or fabrications are often found on academic papers. Take a piece of recently hot news as an example. Pioneer South Korean stem cell researcher Hwang Woo-suk, who is respected by thousands and thousands of people and ever named as "Father of Clone", is proved that he has counterfeited some experiment data in his papers. This scandal caused lots of remarks and credits are regarded seriously again, which proves that scandals are also useful in academia areas.

In the third place, scandals can find their place in other areas, such as education area or medicine area. Scandals about the college entrance examinations indicate the need of exam system reform; scandals about confused charges in hospitals reveal the importance of medical reform. Not with the help of scandals, even if speakers or reformers give lots of speeches, the essentiality of reforms can hardly call people's attention.

Admittedly, every advantage has its disadvantage, and it is also true of scandals. Sometimes, attentions to some scandals are absolutely useless, and even influence other's life. For example, scandals about famous person's private life are just a waste of energy and resources. In addition, it can cause people neglect the matters that really need to be paid attentions to.

To sum up, it is truth that scandals are useful in all areas because they can focus people's attention in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. Of course, it is important to distinct scandals that are really useful from those that are useless at all.

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[ Last edited by @amy@ on 2005-12-26 at 21:10 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-27 10:21:25 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-27 14:43:28 |只看该作者
There is a saying:" Bad news travels fast".学习一下,呵呵 The fact that scandals can focus people's attention on problems more easily is probably derived from human nature. Everyone has curiosity. Scandals, as idiographic and actual examples, relative to 好词the empty declarations of speakers or reformers, are more likely to attract people's interest. Therefore, scandals can be useful in many areas.

In the first place, scandals can be useful in politics areas. The media plays a supervisory role on the government's management. Exposures of corruptions and briberies can remind the leaders not to make mistakes during their works. Reports of political abuses can accelerate the political reforms. For example, if lots of corruption scandals are reported, it shows that there do lack of supervisors on the officers. What's more, scandals sometimes can guide the work of the governmental departments. For instance, sick pork can do great harm to people' health, and killing and selling sick pigs are forbidden. But some darkminded businessmen still do this kind of things in secret. If the behaviors are exposed, the related department can be reminded to punish the phenomena(惩罚现象不太合理,应该是惩罚那些黑心人啊) efficiently.

In the second place, scandals can reveal their use in academia areas. Science study is a serious action and mendacities should not exist, but unfortunately, plagiarisms or fabrications are often found on academic papers. Take a piece of recently hot news as an example. Pioneer South Korean stem cell researcher Hwang Woo-suk, who is respected by thousands and thousands of people and ever named as "Father of Clone", is proved that he has counterfeited好词 some experiment data in his papers. This scandal caused lots of remarks and credits are regarded seriously again, which proves that scandals are also useful in academia areas.到底是什么用处呢,只是让人们知道这件事,没有其他了呀?这里我不会分析它的好处,大家来讨论一下吧

In the third place, scandals can find their place in other areas, such as education area or medicine area. Scandals about the college entrance examinations indicate the need of exam system reform; scandals about confused charges in hospitals reveal the importance of medical reform. Not with the help of scandals, even if speakers or reformers give lots of speeches, the essentiality of reforms can hardly call people's attention.

Admittedly, every advantage has its disadvantage,(这个这个?每个好处有它的坏处?是不是说每个事物都有两面性,一般都这么写Everything has two sides) and it is also true of scandals. Sometimes, attentions to some scandals are absolutely useless, and even influence other's life. For example, scandals about famous person's private life are just a waste of energy and resources. In addition, it can cause people neglect the matters that really need to be paid attentions to.这两段太单薄了

To sum up, it is truth that scandals are useful in all areas because they can focus people's attention in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. Of course, it is important to distinct(distinct是不同的,形容词,amy是不是想用区分啊?discriminate?seperate?)scandals that are really useful from those that are useless at all.区分了之后呢,这里再提一下丑闻具体的积极作用就好了


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-27 21:45:43 |只看该作者


There is a saying:" Bad news travels fast". The fact that scandals can focus people's attention on problems more easily is probably derived from human nature. Everyone has curiosity. Scandals, as idiographic and actual examples, relative to the empty declarations of speakers or reformers, are more likely to attract people's interest. Therefore, scandals can be useful in many areas.

In the first place, scandals can be useful in politics areas. The media plays a supervisory role on the government's management. Exposures of corruptions and briberies can remind the leaders not to make mistakes during their works. Reports of political abuses can accelerate the political reforms. For example, if lots of corruption scandals are reported, it shows that there do lack of supervisors on the officers. What's more, scandals sometimes can guide the work of the governmental departments. For instance, sick pork can do great harm to people' health, and killing and selling sick pigs are forbidden. But some darkminded businessmen still do this kind of things in secret. If the behaviors are exposed, the related department can be reminded to punish those darkminded businessmen efficiently.

In the second place, scandals can reveal their use in academia areas. Science study is a serious action and mendacities should not exist, but unfortunately, plagiarisms or fabrications are often found on academic papers. Take a piece of recently hot news as an example. Pioneer South Korean stem cell researcher Hwang Woo-suk, who is respected by thousands and thousands of people and ever named as "Father of Clone", is proved that he has counterfeited some experiment data in his papers. This scandal caused lots of remarks and credits are regarded seriously again, consequently, the whole academia areas begin to realize that to be honest is the first important principle, which proves that scandals are also useful in academia areas.

In the third place, scandals can find their place in other areas, such as education area or medicine area. Scandals about the college entrance examinations indicate the need of exam system reform; scandals about confused charges in hospitals reveal the importance of medical reform. A recent scandal about disordered management in hospital gives great press on the government to advance medicine system reform. Not with the help of scandals, even if speakers or reformers give lots of speeches, the essentiality of reforms can hardly call people's attention.

Admittedly, every advantage has its disadvantage,(我查了一下这句意思是“有利必有弊”,确实有这种说法,但不知道地道不地道?) and it is also true of scandals. Sometimes, attentions to some scandals are absolutely useless, and even influence other's life. For example, scandals about famous person's private life are just a waste of energy and resources. In addition, it can cause people neglect the matters that really need to be paid attentions to.

To sum up, it is truth that scandals are useful in all areas because they can focus people's attention in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. Of course, it is important to distinguish scandals that are really useful from those that are useless at all, however, it is more important for us to bring into play the positive effect of scandals and try to avoid the negative effect.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-12-31 22:26:15 |只看该作者
There is a saying:" Bad news travels fast". The fact that scandals can focus people's attention on problems more easily is probably derived from human nature. Everyone has curiosity. Scandals, as idiographic and actual examples, relative to the empty declarations of speakers or reformers, are more likely to attract people's interest.和前面的focus people's attention重复 Therefore, scandals can be useful in many areas.后两句调整合成一句比较好 scandals, as idiographic and negative examples, can be used in many areas as a measn to unveil empty declaraions of speakers or reformers.

In the first place, scandals can be useful in politics areas. The media plays a supervisory role on the government's management. Exposures of corruptions and briberies can remind the leaders not to make the same mistakes during their worksadministration. Reports of political abuses can accelerate the political reforms. For example, if lots of corruption scandals are reported, it shows that there doare lacks of supervisors on the officers. What's more, scandals sometimes can guide the work of the governmental departments. For instance, sick pork can do great harm to people' health, and killing and selling sick pigs are forbidden. But some darkminded businessmen still do this kind of things in secret. If the behaviors are exposed, the related department can be reminded to punish those darkmindedmalicious 尽量避免用词重复.businessmen efficiently.

In the second place, scandals can reveal their use vicious situations 注意搭配,是揭露丑恶的现象,发挥作用in academia areas. Science study is a serious action and mendacities should not exist,这个表达很中式,建议改为mendacities should be prohibited but unfortunately, plagiarisms or fabrications are often found on academic papers. Take a piece of recently hot news as an example. Pioneer South Korean stem cell researcher Hwang Woo-suk, who is respected by thousands and thousands of people and ever named as "Father of Clone", is proved that he has counterfeited好词 some experiment data in his papers. This scandal caused lots of remarks and credits are regarded seriously again, consequently, the whole academia areas begin to realize that to be honest is the first important principle, which proves that scandals are also useful in academia areas.

In the third place, scandals can find their place in other areas, such as education area 我想不用再写了吧,要的话也归到上一段or medicine area. Scandals about the college entrance examinations indicate the need of exam system reform; scandals about confusedillicit charges in hospitals revealprovoke  the importance of medical reform. A recent scandal about disordered management in hospital gives great press on the government to advance medicine system reform. Not with the help of scandals, even if speakers or reformers give lots of speeches, the essentiality of reforms can hardly call people's attention.

Admittedly, every advantage has its disadvantage,(我查了一下这句意思是“有利必有弊”,确实有这种说法,但不知道地道不地道?) and it is also true of scandals. Sometimes, attentions to some scandals are absolutely useless, and even influence other's life.even后面的强度要比前面强,但你这样感觉没体现出来,influence 是个中性词,这个用表示不好的词更合适,比如:infringe on others' welfare For example, scandals about famous person's private life are just a waste of energy and resources.这里可以用because展开一下,要不然有点空 In addition, it can cause people neglect 有语法错误,再检查the matters that really need to be paid attentions to.

To sum up, it is truthtrue that scandals are useful in all 太绝对areas because they can focus people's attention in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. Of course, it is important to distinguish scandals that are really useful from those that are useless at all, however, it is more important for us to bring into play the positive effect of scandals and try to avoid the negative effect


使用道具 举报

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Issue185 感觉筋疲力尽了,使劲拍吧~~
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