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[i习作temp] issue218 hand-in-hand [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-31 21:36:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE 218 - "In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."
1. 诚然,简单的艺术作品比较容易被人们接受。
2. 但是,艺术的价值不是根据接受人数的大小。 而是在于艺术作品对人类的贡  献。
3. 艺术家应该努力使自己的作品得到理解。

Does the merit of art works really depend on the number of people who can appreciate them? Some speakers assert that any art work must be accessible to most people in order to have merit. In my opinion, I tend state that although understandable art works are easier for people to understand and accept, the merit of any art work should not rely on the number of people who can appreciate it, but rather the value of art itself. In addition, artists should educate people to appreciate their art works so that art works can be understood by others better.

Admittedly, understandable art works are easier for people to fathom, appreciate and accept. For example, a recent famous movie called "The Lord of Rings" was recognized as the best movie in 2004 and the movie also won all 11 Oscar medals in the year when the movie was nominated. The merit of the movie is that the producer deliberately transformed the contemporary social problems such as struggling against industrial revolutions, wars and etc. in the 20th century into an ancient story by describing how a group of good alliances fighting together against the evils. Obviously, due to the demotic language, people can understand the movie quite well. Moreover, people can not only appreciate the wonderful nature such as great mountains, small creeks, big forests and so on, but also some impressive battling scenes such as groups of knights charging into enemy troops, severe city attacks by evils and corresponding city defense by the good and etc. Furthermore, mellifluous music and attractive plots make people even more excited. From this example, art works accessible to people can be easily and widely appreciated, even those people may have little art knowledge.

Nevertheless, the real merit of art does not actually depend on the number of people who can appreciate or accept it. For instance, popular music always has great number of audience. In fact, most of popular music has relative short decay time since after ten or twenty years, these popular music generally will be forgotten. Instead, the real merit of art should lie on the real value that the art work can deliver and contribute to human being.  Take the great German philosopher Kant as an example. In his two renowned books called "Critique of Pure Reason" and "Critique of Practical Reason", he showed that reason is the mean by which people transform the phenomena of experiences of into understanding. Although his work is so radical and difficult that even some philosophers cannot understand either, all of his two books actually are the requisite knowledge for those people want to specialized in philosophy because he advocated the ethics system based on the categorical imperative, which contribute significantly to the philosophy field. From this, we can see that though sometimes art works are too difficult for people to understand, art works still will be appreciated if these art works have values contributing to human being.

Last but not least, artists should help people to understand their art works because sometimes people may lack of the necessary knowledge. For instance, Picasso is the greatest artist in 20th century. Certain amount of his art works belong to abstract type of art, which normal people without the specialized skills cannot understand or even appreciate. If artists can try to provide some hints or necessary helps, their works probably can have larger and wider audiences.

To sum up, generally speaking, accessible art works are easier for people to accept and appreciate. However, the real merit of art does not rely on the number of people who can appreciate the arts but rather the value that art works can benefit human being. In addition, artists should try to educate people so that people with adequate professional knowledge could understand art works wider and better.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-1 10:52:59 |只看该作者
ISSUE 218 - "In order for any work of art-whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most people."
1. 诚然,简单的艺术作品比较容易被人们接受。
2. 但是,艺术的价值不是根据接受人数的大小。 而是在于艺术作品对人类的贡  献。
3. 艺术家应该努力使自己的作品得到理解。


Does the merit of art works really depend on the number of people who can appreciate them? Some speakers assert that any art work must be accessible to most people in order to have merit. In my opinion, I tend (to) state that although understandable art works are easier for people to understand and accept, the merit of any art work should not rely on the number of people who can appreciate it, but rather the value of art itself. In addition, artists should educate people to appreciate their art works so that art works can be understood by others better.

Admittedly, understandable art works are easier for people to fathom, appreciate and accept. For example, a recent famous movie called "The Lord of Rings" was recognized as the best movie in 2004 and the movie also won all 11 Oscar medals in the year when the movie was nominated. The merit of the movie is that the producer deliberately transformed the contemporary social problems such as struggling against industrial revolutions, wars and etc. in the 20th century into an ancient story by describing how a group of good alliances fighting together against the evils. (这是不是有点牵强?说他是一部立志电影还差不多)Sample TextObviously, due to the demotic language, people can understand the movie quite well. Moreover, people can not only appreciate the wonderful nature such as great mountains, small creeks, big forests and so on, but also some impressive battling scenes such as groups of knights charging into enemy troops, severe city attacks by evils and corresponding city defense by the good and etc. Furthermore, mellifluous music and attractive plots make people even more excited. From this example, art works accessible to people can be easily and widely appreciated, even those people may have little art knowledge.

Nevertheless, the real merit of art does not actually depend on the number of people who can appreciate or accept it. For instance, popular music always has great number of audience. In fact, most of popular music has relative short decay time since after ten or twenty years, these popular music generally will be forgotten. Instead, the real merit of art should lie on the real value that the art work can deliver and contribute to human being.  Take the great German philosopher Kant as an example. In his two renowned books called "Critique of Pure Reason" and "Critique of Practical Reason", he showed that reason is the mean by which people transform the phenomena of experiences of into understanding. Although his work is so radical and difficult that even some philosophers cannot understand either, all of his two books actually are the requisite knowledge for those people want to specialized in philosophy because he advocated the ethics system based on the categorical imperative, which contribute significantly to the philosophy field. (哲学属于艺术吗?可以举凡高的例子吧)From this, we can see that though sometimes art works are too difficult for people to understand, art works still will be appreciated if these art works have values contributing to human being.

Last but not least, artists should help people to understand their art works because sometimes people may lack of the necessary knowledge. For instance, Picasso is the greatest artist in 20th century. Certain amount of his art works belong to abstract type of art, which normal people without the specialized skills cannot understand or even appreciate. If artists can try to provide some hints or necessary helps, their works probably can have larger and wider audiences.
觉得这个建议不是很可行的说,艺术家如何能够教育观众?可以说详细点,比方说提供背景知识To sum up, generally speaking, accessible art works are easier for people to accept and appreciate. However, the real merit of art does not rely on the number of people who can appreciate the arts but rather the value that art works can benefit human being. In addition, artists should try to educate people so that people with adequate professional knowledge could understand art works wider and better.

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