面试之后,由于几乎一夜没睡,再加上面试的鏖战,我已感到体力不支,随拿出夫人准备的巧克力和薄饼,并与那里饥肠潞辘的大爷大娘兄弟姐妹们共享了这份爱心。同时也是我对大家的答谢。这一举动引得唯一的一个签证官大笑[他很象加拿大的大山,不知是不是后来兄弟们谈到的那个杀手BIG BOY?]作为回应,我说了声:thank you for working during lunch time.
llqq-Q, officer-D(Da Shan)
当叫到93号时,我上去啦,他先开口, 用中文
D 你好
Q 你好。i will go to the city college so apply for J1 visa.
Q something wrong with your computer?
D yes. 当我听到他的回答,紧张基本解除,接下来他以较快的语速
anyway, i ...process your applicaiotn.
Q thanks
D what will you do there? 用手指着老板的邀请信
Q i will accept some training.
D what's the training?
Q postdoctoral training.这是一个标准答案, IAP-66表上清清楚楚地写着。然而,从他的表情判断并不满意,于是
D what is the training?
Q postdoctoral training.
D what is your field?
Q my field is EHD. EHD means electrohydrodynamics that deals with
dynamics of particle and liquid of suspension under externally applied
electric field...............
Q thanks. 转被动为主动
this field is important and promising. my future superviser is an internationally
famous scientist in this field. he has worked on this field over ten years.
FOR THIS 特别重读, he was awarded the new york mayor's award for excellence of science
of technology in 1998.........................................................
D where did you know this position?
Q internet
D did you ...............him?
D did you .............
face to face,
wo我终于知道了他的所问, 于是
Q No, thanks. [为了自我解嘲,自言自语 i am toonerous. 记忆中,好象还重复了一遍。]
we contacted each other through email. i cited his paper and he cited my paper.
[现在想来有多蠢,连一句简单的句子we cited papers of each other 就不会讲,可想而知当时的紧张程度]。 our experiments strongly supported his theoreticl conclusions so that
it has become accepted widely.[接下来,他转移了话题]
D when did you graduate?
Q 我指着学位证书的芯页,in 1998, i got it for Fudan.
D...........your research..........America and China?
Q [我没有听懂,好象是研究与中美两国的关系,重要性之类]
it is very important to both China and America.
D .................applicaiotn?
Q 由于疲劳的紧张,我的解码系统已经不如当初,开始混乱拉!
是否有应用背景,于是反问:you mean any appliciaotn of my research?
D yes.
Q it is closely related to pollution control.
D you have some publications?
Q [我递进去了打在复旦信签纸上的论文清单[每一个复旦人,请珍惜复旦这块
yes, see here.他看得很仔细
D ....great.
Q thanks.到这时候,面是已持续了相当的时间。原以为,GREAT之后,
D are you married?
Q yes
D when?
Q 19XX..April...1X.
顺序完全中文化,于是,自我解嘲,the date is something like Chiense.
D 他倒是轻松应到 i see. 然后,继续法文,
where ....your wife...?
Q she works in fudan as a ...editor.
D 他拖了很长,说了声,......G---o---o---d!
D you have child?
Q yes, i have a .... studying in fudan primary school.
D .....MUMUMU......about America?
Q 由于语速过快,加上解码系统失灵,没有搞懂,这时候,已全然不顾。
because i am always finding a positon recently MUMUMU knows very little
about America.为了定量地表达little,于是大声补充了一句:
MUMUMU only knows America is on the other side of the earth,