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[i习作temp] ISSUE70 飞跃小组disyoo的三次作业 累死我了 快上500了 请指教!~ [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-2-26 20:22:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE70 - "In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."
WORDS: 486          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-2-26


Is the surest path to success for any enterprise revitalization through new leadership? The speaker claims so, and he also presents that the profession those in power should step down after five years for new leadership. However I concede that it is necessary for an enterprise to change a new leadership if it is need, but not any enterprise. Otherwise in my view, a new leadership will not do better than profession ones.

First, the new leadership in an enterprise surly will take some new idea to make the enterprise proceed, especially in the world now that all the information is changing. A new leadership who take place of the profession one must have work experience out of the enterprise, and that means that the new leadership have more time and experience to face to the changing in out world than the old ones. To lead the enterprise success in such a business world where is filled with competition, it is necessary that the leader of the company knows better of the other enterprise. So in order to win the competition among many enterprises, it is necessary to have a new leadership who have a new and knowledgeable mind.

However, a new leadership have no experience and people relationship in the enterprise that lead to a hard work for him to do begin his work, and even worse, they will do some mistakes during working in a new place. Here is an example to support my view. There is a middle school in my city and who have a grate reputation in education field, however, the government send a new leader to the school in 2001, who is a profession in education but has no experience background to be a leader, because of the non-productive work he did in 4 years, the rank of that school in China in 2005 depress to 20 below. So a leadership in an enterprise, especially in school, stands in an important place that it will take danger if the place changed for a new one.

In addition, it is not reasonable for the profession those in power to step down after five years. The person who is named as profession must have experience all his life in the field, and they can solve some of the problem easily which is impossible to be solved by news. In short, we should still give a chance for profession to work in an enterprise of other organization. A professor in my college once said (and I paraphrase):"The person’s experience includes any fields, is a living book for people to solve problems and study." It is to say that in the way we studying and experiment; we should think of the profession and make better use of their ability.

In sum, the further development of an enterprise needs new leadership and new ideas, but the profession is also a valuable experience to success.

[ 本帖最后由 disyoo 于 2007-2-26 20:27 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-1 16:56:19 |只看该作者
Is the surest path to success for any enterprise revitalization through new leadership? The speaker claims so, and he also presents that the profession those in power should step down after five years for new leadership. However I concede that it is necessary for an enterprise to change a new leadership if it is need, but not any enterprise. Otherwise in my view, a new leadership will not do better than profession ones.

First, the new leadership in an enterprise surly will take some new idea to make the enterprise proceed, especially in the world now that all the information is changing. A new leadership who take place of the profession one must have work experience out of the enterprise, and that means that the new leadership have more time and experience to face to the changing in out world than the old ones.(
我觉得这句没有根据,说年轻人更有魄力和新鲜的思想去变革或接受挑战是不是好一些)To lead the enterprise success in such a business world where is filled with competition, it is necessary that the leader of the company knows better of the other enterprise. So in order to win the competition among many enterprises, it is necessary to have a new leadership who have a new and knowledgeable mind.(这句是不是意思就是说profession就没有new and knwoledgeable mind? 个人认为还是从新领导新和魄力方面去说比较好)

However, a new leadership have no experience and people relationship in the enterprise that lead to a hard work for him to do begin his work, and even worse, they will do some mistakes during working in a new place. Here is an example to support my view. There is a middle school in my city and who have a grate reputation in education field, however, the government send a new leader to the school in 2001, who is a profession in education but has no experience background to be a leader, because of the non-productive work he did in 4 years, the rank of that school in China in 2005 depress to 20 below.(最好不要举身边的例子,说服力比较差。其实就从缺乏经验方面和人际关系方面展开说就行) So a leadership in an enterprise, especially in school, stands in an important place that it will take danger if the place changed for a new one.

In addition, it is not reasonable for the profession those in power to step down after five years. The person who is named as profession must have experience all his life in the field, and they can solve some of the problem easily which is impossible to be solved by news. In short, we should still give a chance for profession to work in an enterprise of other organization. A professor in my college once said (and I paraphrase):"The person’s experience includes any fields, is a living book for people to solve problems and study." It is to say that in the way we studying and experiment; we should think of the profession and make better use of their ability.

In sum, the further development of an enterprise needs new leadership and new ideas, but the profession is also a valuable experience to success.


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ISSUE70 飞跃小组disyoo的三次作业 累死我了 快上500了 请指教!~
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