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[a习作temp] argument203 [奋战August] 自己改过啦,希望大家多拍拍,谢谢! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-28 20:00:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT203 - The following appeared in a newspaper feature story.

"At the small, nonprofit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient's stay is two days; at the large, for-profit hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, the average patient stay is six days. Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville, and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital. Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, nonprofit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for-profit hospitals."
WORDS: 351      

This argument was well presented, but not thoroughly well reasoned. By making an incomplete comparison of the hospital in the town of Saluda, which is non-profit and small with a less average length of a patient's stay and more employee for each patient, with the hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, which is for-profit and large with a longer average length of a patient's stay and less employee for each patient, the argument for a better treatment seems logical at the first glance.

First, the arguer fails to convince us that the treatment in a nonprofit hospital with less days to stay is more economical than in the for-profit hospital with longer days to stay. Although the hospital in the town of Saluda is non-profit, it is totally possible they prefer to prescribe some medicine which is expensive but with poor profit. This medicine may be more effective and take action rapidly, but with some side effects at the same time. In contrast, hospital nearby the city of Megaville, is more willing to give patients some cheaper medicine with a litter higher profit in spite of a slow effect on the ailment but little side effect. In this case, hospital near Megaville is more responsible for their patients.

Second, more emplyees per patient does not equal more care and attention per patient. Though hospital in Saluda is small, it has a even smaller amount of patients, since their capacity for severe ailment is limited. Moreover we do not know the occupation of the employees, maybe doctors and nurses only take a small proportion in all the staff.

Third, it is unfair to conclude which hospital has better quality on the basis of the cure rate without comprehensive information about patients' ailment. Perhaps, considering a much higher level of treatment, people with severe ailment favor the hospital nearby Saluda, which is patent that more days to stay is indispensable for a good recovery.

In sum, the arguer's reasoning is questionable and unconvincing. More details about the patients and the service of these two hospitals should be collected before any final recommendation.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-29 12:49:21 |只看该作者
This argument was well presented, but not thoroughly well reasoned. By making an incomplete comparison of the hospital in the town of Saluda, which is non-profit and small with a less average length of a patient's stay and more employee for each patient, with the hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, which is for-profit and large with a longer average length of a patient's stay and less employee for each patient, the argument for a better treatment seems logical at the first glance.(模板有的不錯哈:p)

First, the arguer fails to convince us that the treatment in a nonprofit hospital with less days to stay is more economical than in the for-profit hospital with longer days to stay. Although the hospital in the town of Saluda is non-profit, it is totally possible they prefer to prescribe some medicine which is expensive but with poor effects. This medicine may be more effective and take action rapidly, but with some side effects at the same time. In contrast, hospital nearby the city of Megaville, is more willing to give patients some cheaper medicine with a litter higher profit in spite of a slow effect on the ailment but little side effect. In this case, hospital near Megaville is more responsible for their patients.

Second, more emplyees per patient does not equal more care and attention distributed to per patient. Though hospital in Saluda is small, it has a even smaller amount of patients, since their capacity for severe ailment is limited. Moreover we do not know the occupation of the employees, maybe doctors and nurses only take a small proportion in all the staff.

Third, it is unfair to conclude which hospital has better quality on the basis of the cure rate without comprehensive information about patients' ailment. Perhaps, considering a much higher level of treatment, people with severe ailment favor the hospital nearby Saluda, which is patent that more days to stay is indispensable for a good recovery.

In sum, the arguer's reasoning is questionable and unconvincing. More details about the patients and the service of these two hospitals should be collected before any final recommendation.

[ 本帖最后由 dg336688 于 2007-7-29 12:58 编辑 ]

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argument203 [奋战August] 自己改过啦,希望大家多拍拍,谢谢!
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