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[i习作temp] issue87 spring 3rd 求拍 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-11-11 15:10:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

In every fields of today's society, human donate their whole life in pursuing summit. Now, people have a fierce debate on whether the beginner is likely make important discoveries or the expert is closer to extent fields broader.  Considering the fact that both beginner and expert are make great achievement s on history, I hold a dual position on this issue.

First, in many fields, amount of experience and knowledge are required to research deeply.  To strengthen what is we know so far and to enhance the base, human accumulate numerous material that would be inherit by successors. Those successors' discoveries, of course, based on the experience and knowledge antecessor left for them.  For example, in china, an offer of rewarding published in 1990s that claim that who can decrypt Goldbach’s conjecture would receive 100000 RMB as reward. In the after 5 years, hundreds of people claimed he or she had cracked the conjecture. However, scrutiny on those formula revealed each of them lend little support. It is true that the enthusiasm on mathematic should be appreciated, but to crack this guess one need a profound understanding on math which only those expert own. This guess is even uncrackable from those mathematics’s’ thought, let alone normal people.

In another aspect, a gifted one is more likely to make a big giant in his field, especially in art fields, many master pieces are the product of a light of inspiration. Those gifted artists are tending to painting or composing at will and this way really works because the means of art is release human's emotion in deep mind. Gifted people can easily catch human's feeling, but which dose not mean most of them are beginner, in contrary, the majority of them train and practice in a long time before master piece are created. For example, Michelangelo, the great sculptor and painter in history, engraved his masterpiece "“after many years of studying and practicing. No doubt that he is a gifted artist, but also is a expert in his field.(不仅是。。更是怎么说?)

Admittly, the beginner indeed made a lot of progresses in many field whose lack of experience but more likely to challenge authorities and tending to explore the unknown area which maybe regarded as forbidden or impossible by so called experts. Because of the spirit of explore and quest, the beginner possess a possibility of discovering important event. In the case of Colombo, who discover north America, was no one mocked by everyone before he make a great discover that changed the whole world. Comparing with other navigators, the explore spirit and courage were his biggest advantages. Thus, in conclusion, the beginner also can make important discoveries thought some certain elements expert might have lost.

In sum, not only the expert but also the beginner could make big discoveries, which are, however, due to different reasons. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, on the way of pursuing the summit, whether the beginner or the expert should be enthusiastically and patient.

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