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[i习作temp] issue48 [突击先锋小组第15次作业] [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-6 18:49:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."




Do the most significant events and tendencies in history result from the powers of those few famous individuals or groups of people who are not emphasized in the study of history? In my opinion, the study of history indeed focus on the powers of a few individuals who play an important role in the development of society. However, it should not be denied in history study that groups of people, who are unknown, also greatly contribute to every reform and progress in history of society.

It is true that in the study of history, there are some heroism and individualism existing which emphasize on studying the function of the famous few in most significant events and trends. One of the functions of history study is to inspire contemporary people to act as these heroes or heroines in the past when they are confronted with the setback or enormous difficult. Also people want to learn from the history how these famous few broke through the limitation of the society they lived in and improve the society to have a great change. For the foregoing reasons, it can be conclude that people who study history will easily keep their attentions on some individuals and attribute the development of society, especially those prominent events, to a few famous historical individuals. On the other hand, it is hard for the specialists of history to study deeply in great amount of people who also participated in the significant events and the unremarkable characters of these people cannot seize the eyes of the readers interested in history. Consider the famous event World War, lots of unknown individuals died under guns, however, who really and who can study deeply into these groups?

However, those, who are crucial in inducing the historical events and trends come into effects, are just the groups of people who are overlooked in the study of history. The improvement and development of society means most of people in a era change their minds and values, or these changes take place in their daily lives. If most of people in medieval are not interested in the liberty of personality and willing to accepting the theocracy, how can the renaissance come about? If most of soldiers in World War refused to take part in the troops to fight for these ruthless rulers, how can these prominent events happened and lots of people became homeless? If most of black people do not have enough eagerness and courage to fight for their own right and against the discrimination existing in America for a long history, how can the exploitation on black people disappeared? In short, only relying on few individuals, these prominent events and trends cannot take place in history.

On the contrary, it is the emerging of those famous ones that decides whether the significant events and trends would happen. As in every herd of deer, there is always a leading deer who lead his herd of deer to the most suitable and safe areas, there should always be a famous individuals who have enough power and courage to inspire and direct most of people in society to create a consequence of famous events and significant trends. For example, Hitler is marked as the most essential cause attributed to the famous slaughter of Jews in the history. Washington, a famous president in America, is marked as the important power to win the citizen right for these black people. To sum up, without the emerging of few famous in certain era, these famous events and trends would never take place in the history.

Accordingly, the study of history does always emphasize on the power of few famous individuals but overlook the function of those groups of people. However, it is the combination of the efforts from both few famous and groups of individuals that, at last, induce the significant events and trends in the long history.

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