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[i习作temp] Issue38 [winner小组]第八次作业 by D [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-12 00:36:00 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE38 - "In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."
WORDS: 619          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-11 23:20:00

1-2.强调反对作者意见,即watching TV不能取代reading books,理论说明watching TV不能取代reading books
3-结尾前.  说明watching TV的一些好处,转折说明watching TV的缺点和不足
              说明reading books的好处:
              比如   携带方便
                某些地区收不到电视信号(此点还是可以归类到 reading books更加方便里)
其实还想写一下         reading books能给我们提供更多的想象空间,还有中间的几段说明reading books的方便之处可以合并.另外由于限时,语言也不够简练优美.改作文的同学费心了:handshake

The author asserts that in this new era watching  television will probably render reading books obsolete because in the author's opinion people can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books. Though television do have something advance to books ,I strongly disagree that reading books will become obsolete, or that will decline as a result because watching television cannot replace reading books in many respects, especially, as a way of learning.

As for the claim that watching television will render reading books obsolete, we have already had sufficient empirical evidence that this will simply not happen. For nearly a half-century we have been experienced a significant bloom in the television industry; yet reading books is as popular today as ever. The best conclusion is, though television has become an integral part of our daily lives, the role that books play is still irreplaceable and merits further advocate.

Admittedly, television due has certain advantages over books for imparting certain types of knowledge. For the purpose of documenting, films and video tapes could provide a much more  vivid and detailed way to record the information down than any paper based work or plates. Take the famous D-day an example. I have both read the relative books and watched the documentary films. When I read the books I can hardly imagine what the battle theater really look like. But when it comes to the documentary film, I saw many allies soldiers attacking the shore without caring  a little about their own lives .I was shocked when I was watching the documentary film, that's the feeling I can not taste from reading only books. Thus the author's claim has some merit when it comes to such occasions.

However, every coin has two sides. Because of the role which only passive receiving, people would  easily addicted to TV. When you feel tired while learning on TV, you may turn to another channel to watch some other entertainment programs for relax and that will take rather long time of you since the entertainment programs which aimed at only prophet is specifically designed to catch viewers' attention. Moreover, some comment programs on TV is also distorted by certain governments or social organizations. It will easily cause misleading for common people to watch these comment programs, which means people will treat a problem with twisted perspective. It's harmful for our analyzing when coping with matters. The television it thus a device which always content you with numerous information but only a tiny part can really do help.

Reading books have much more virtues than watching TV.

First of all. A peaceful reading can help us thinking as well as relaxing. We often acquire
more knowledge and useful information when it comes to a tranquil circumstance. In a library, bookstore, even a café, we can imagine the graceful scene. Many students have the experience of browsing books in the school library. It’s really an ocean of knowledge since both the books number and the atmosphere are very exciting. I used to read books in café. Drinking a lemon tea while reading a book, you will feel what so called gorgeous.

Furthermore, limited by technologies and geographic factors, some remote area can not receive television or radio signals. In the occasion, reading books is the only way to get access to knowledge.

Moreover, books are far more portable than television. No matter you are in a bus stop, or seat at a bench in a park, even standing in a running subway, reading books are the first choice to acquire knowledge or kill time.

The author also ignores that books readily enable readers to review and cross-reference material, while televised broadcasts do not. That’s also why our schools still prefer to teach students on books.

In conclusion, watching television do not inhibit reading books in the past and it  or other future technology will never render reading books obsolete because reading books offers us sensory information and imagination as well as life experience that technology can not reproduce.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-12 10:24:53 |只看该作者
1-2.强调反对作者意见,即watching TV不能取代reading books,理论说明watching TV不能取代reading books
3-结尾前.  说明watching TV的一些好处,转折说明watching TV的缺点和不足
              说明reading books的好处:
              比如   携带方便
                某些地区收不到电视信号(此点还是可以归类到 reading books更加方便里)
其实还想写一下         reading books能给我们提供更多的想象空间,还有中间的几段说明reading books的方便之处可以合并.另外由于限时,语言也不够简练优美.改作文的同学费心了:handshake (我们的提纲很相似,,,让我瞧下你是怎样论述的,呵呵)

The author asserts that in this new era watching  television will probably render reading books obsolete because in the author's opinion people can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books. Though television(s) do have something advance to books ,I strongly disagree that reading books will become obsolete, or that will decline as a result(不需要吧), because watching television cannot replace reading books in many respects, especially, as a way of learning.

As for the claim that watching television will render reading books obsolete, we have already had sufficient empirical evidence that this will simply not happen. For nearly a half-century we have been experienced a significant bloom in the television industry; yet reading books is as popular today as ever. The best conclusion is, though television has become an integral part of our daily lives, the role that books play is still irreplaceable and merits further advocate.

Admittedly, television due has certain advantages over books for imparting certain types of knowledge. For the purpose of documenting, films and video tapes could provide a much more  vivid and detailed way to record the information down than any paper based work or plates. Take the famous D-day an example. I have both read the relative books and watched the documentary films. When I read the books I can hardly imagine what the battle theater really look like. But when it comes to the documentary film, I saw many allies soldiers attacking the shore without caring  a little about their own lives .I was shocked when I was watching the documentary film, that's the feeling I can not taste from reading only books. Thus the author's claim has some merit when it comes to such occasions.

However, every coin has two sides. Because of the role which only passive receiving, people would  easily addicted to TV. When you feel tired while learning on TV, you may turn to another channel to watch some other entertainment programs for relax and that will take rather long time of you since the entertainment programs which aimed at only prophet is specifically designed to catch viewers' attention. Moreover, some comment programs on TV is also distorted by certain governments or social organizations. It will easily cause misleading for common people to watch these comment programs, which means people will treat a problem with twisted perspective. It's harmful for our analyzing when coping with matters. The television it thus a device which always content you with numerous information but only a tiny part can really do help.

Reading books have much more virtues than watching TV.

First of all. A peaceful reading can help us thinking as well as relaxing. We often acquire
more knowledge and useful information when it comes to a tranquil circumstance. In a library, bookstore, even a café, we can imagine the graceful scene. Many students have the experience of browsing books in the school library. It’s really an ocean of knowledge since both the books number and the atmosphere are very exciting. I used to read books in café. Drinking a lemon tea while reading a book, you will feel what so called gorgeous.

Furthermore, limited by technologies and geographic factors, some remote area can not receive television or radio signals. In the occasion, reading books is the only way to get access to knowledge.

Moreover, books are far more portable than television. No matter you are in a bus stop, or seat at a bench in a park, even standing in a running subway, reading books are the first choice to acquire knowledge or kill time.(觉得讲电视优点的三部分可以放在一段中陈述)

The author also ignores that books readily enable readers to review and cross-reference material, while televised broadcasts do not. That’s also why our schools still prefer to teach students on books.

In conclusion, watching television do not inhibit reading books in the past and it  or other future technology will never render reading books obsolete because reading books offers us sensory information and imagination as well as life experience that technology can not reproduce.

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