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[i习作temp] issue144 求拍! [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-8-15 22:13:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
WORDS: 584          TIME: 00:43:07          DATE: 2007-8-15 18:48:29

Who can bring the perpetual value to the society? The artists? Or the critics? The author claims that it is artists who bring us the lasting values. However, he/she overlooks the crucial role that the critics have played.

Admittedly, it is artists who create the enduring  value. With their sharp insight and profound probe into the world and the society, they can discover those essence and beauty lying behind the complex phenomena. With their unique skills and excellent abilities, they are able to turn what they find into their composition. That is why their masterpieces are thought-provoking and always fraught with connotation. Symphonies NO.5 of Beethoven has inspired myriad of people to struggle with the destiny. Why such a piece of music has so magic a power? It is the deep understanding and the great enthusiasm hidden in the music that arouse people's sympathism and enlighten them to lift their spirit and elbow their own success. Mona Lisa' Smile of Leonardo da Vinci has attracted worldwide concern and is appreciated highly. Why such a piece of portray has so incredible influence? It is the beauty and peace which human beings have cherished for centuries lying in the portraiture. Truly, without artists, chances are that human beings may never aware of these lasting values.

However, this does not mean we should attribute all the contributions to the artists. We should also focus on the critics, who are easily to be ignored, who give intellective and sound advice and inspiration to the artists. During the 19th, the art salon began to prevail in the European. Artists, critics, writers often got together and talked about the latest compositions. In this process, they can express their opinion and attitudes and advice freely, which to some extent pointed out the weak points in the composition as well as came up with some golden advices. Hence, the artists had chances to modify and improve their works. Along with some flamboyant sparks which were evoked in those artists' mind. However, due to no records and articles are made that time, many of the critics are forgotten. Nevertheless, few can deny the contributions of those critics.

Yes, critics promote the birth to those masterpieces to some extent,  however, their dedications are not limited in it. They also act as the conveyer for those masterpieces. People often find themselves lost and awkward in millions of works since they have no thought about which one is the real masterpieces, not to mention to enjoy it. Then come with the critics. With the expert knowledge and the distinct clairvoyance, they can choose the masterpieces just like sifting diamond from sands. After that, they use relatively easy words to convey the inherent value to the mass. Only can a diamond burnished that it can bright up. Van Gogh, the preeminent painter, only two of his paints were sold out during his life since that the contemporaries could not understand his paints. Decades after his death, the critics discovered his works and translated the greatness of his paints thus winning Van Gogh large applauds. Beethoven, the prestigious musician, whose music talent was denied during his life. It is also the critics who dig out the essence of his works and transmitted to the public. What if the critics disappeared? The mere consequences are that those masterpieces will never be taken concern to and they will lose in the history.

Hence, without artists, we may never have the chance to enjoy those masterpieces, without critics, we may never have access to the lasting value embodied in those great works to the full. They are inseparable and integral.

[ 本帖最后由 luoluotiantian 于 2007-8-15 23:25 编辑 ]

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