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[i习作temp] issue48 倒数中……还是没多少感觉 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-23 16:37:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 672          TIME: 0:43:26          DATE: 2007-8-10

Who made the most significant events and trends in history? The famous few or groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten? The speaker claims that it was the groups of people! However, personally, I maintain that the famous few played a vital part in this process. In addition, in my opinion, it is reasonable to place much emphasis on individuals when studying history.

To begin with, in the process of those most important events and trends, the famous few were more crucial than the masses. Admittedly, without the masses, no individual could manage anything great. TO those famous people, the masses are like his/her legs, without powerful legs, lions would be vulnerable to dogs. However, without the famous few, those people had no power, as sheep that can be easily attacked by a single wolf. The famous person called the masses to accumulate around him/her, forming an unchallengable army. To illustrate, let's take England during the World War Two for example. Facing the cruel German army, the whole England fell into depression, without any hope. Though all suffered enough nonstop gloomy days, they had no idea about how to save themselves out. Then Churchill stood out, with his excellent perceiving ability, extinguishable courage, as well as persistence and charisma, urging the whole nation to pick up arms to fight for peace life. Churchill was the light, leading England even the world to the correct bright way. With his consistent encouragement, victory finally arrived. No one can imagine, without such extraordinary individual, what the world would be like. Moreover, the excellent individual knows how to urge people to support him/her as well as his/her idea. The masses seldom have a unanimous opinion which fundamentally undermines their power and reduce their chances to success. But the famous few may infuse one idea to the masses, thus the power hidden in the public can be fully exploited. An example can lend some light on this point, that is Hitler. Before this man governed Germany, German people lived with Jews harmoniously, with no shameful ambition to conquer the world. However, this man, with his unimaginable power in speeches, abetting this nation to follow his idea, mustered the whole nation to support the war, a disaster in human history. Thousands of Jews were cruelly killed, changing the meaning of demon. Though devil he is, Hitler showed the power of one individual. Without the famous few giving the order and showing the way, the masses will do nothing but only wait. In this sense, the famous few are generals, the masses are soldiers. A good general can lead the same group of soldiers who just loses one battle under a terrible general to victory.

Then, which aspect should the study of history places more emphasis? I still maintain that though the masses were indispensable in the most significant events and trends, history study should focuses on the individuals. For one thing, the purpose of studying history asks for this way to get efficiency. Generally speaking, to study history, modern people wish to know the reason, the procedure, and the result of the events and trends, then to learn some lessons from it, finally use the lessons to predict in the future. Studying the famous few will get a clear idea about the event. In addition, the famous few- the general were responsible for the strategies and methods, crucial factors to explain the results. Therefore, lessons would also be reached in such study focusing on individuals. For another, limited materials left till today also made it necessary and reasonable to focus on individuals. In history, the famous few got more attention than any member of the masses; consequently many kinds of materials were about them, making it possible to thorough study.  

All in all, the famous few- the general and the masses- soldiers are both indispensable. However, when comparing the two, it is certain that the general is more important. Moreover, when coming to study history, it is efficient and reasonable to focus on individuals not the public.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-23 23:35:21 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 672          TIME: 0:43:26          DATE: 2007-8-10

Who made the most significant events and trends in history? The famous few or groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten? The speaker claims that it was the groups of people! However, personally, I maintain that the famous few played a vital part in this process. In addition, in my opinion, it is reasonable to place much emphasis on individuals when studying history.

To begin with, in the process of those most important events and trends, the famous few were more crucial than the masses. Admittedly, without the masses, no individual could manage anything great. TO those famous people, the masses are like his/her legs, (你确定有这种用法吗?)without powerful legs, lions would be vulnerable to dogs. However, without the famous few, those people had no power, as sheep that can be easily attacked by a single wolf. The famous person called the masses to accumulate around him/her, forming an unchallengable army. To illustrate, let's take England during the World War Two for example. Facing the cruel German army, the whole England fell into depression, without any hope. Though all suffered enough nonstop gloomy days, they had no idea about how to save themselves out. Then Churchill stood out, with his excellent perceiving ability, extinguishable courage, as well as persistence and charisma, urging the whole nation to pick up arms to fight for peace life. Churchill was the light, leading England even the world to the correct bright way. With his consistent encouragement, victory finally arrived. 这个不像议论文,倒像散文诗了。No one can imagine, without such extraordinary individual, what the world would be like. Moreover, the excellent individual knows how to urge people to support him/her as well as his/her idea. The masses seldom have a unanimous opinion which fundamentally undermines their power and reduce their chances to success. But the famous few may infuse one idea to the masses, thus the power hidden in the public can be fully exploited. An example can lend some light on this point, that is Hitler. Before this man governed Germany, German people lived with Jews harmoniously, with no shameful ambition to conquer the world. However, this man, with his unimaginable power in speeches, abetting this nation to follow his idea, mustered the whole nation to support the war, a disaster in human history. Thousands of Jews were cruelly killed, changing the meaning of demon. Though devil he is, Hitler showed the power of one individual.这个例子有点反动了,还有点反人类哈。。。把灭犹太人比作某种hidden power有点可怕。举个马丁路德金的例子也好啊,反正都是演讲好手了。 Without the famous few giving the order and showing the way, the masses will do nothing but only wait. In this sense, the famous few are generals, the masses are soldiers. A good general can lead the same group of soldiers who just loses one battle under a terrible general to victory.看你这段的开头,以为你要说的是masses的重要性,但是感觉这段话强调的还是individual的重要性呢。

Then, which aspect should the study of history places more emphasis? I still maintain that though the masses were indispensable in the most significant events and trends, history study should focuses on the individuals.(你上面一段也没怎么强调masses的indispensable,就不用though之类的转折了,直接递进就好了) For one thing, the purpose of studying history asks for this way to get efficiency. Generally speaking, to study history, modern people wish to know the reason, the procedure, and the result of the events and trends, then to learn some lessons from it, finally use the lessons to predict in the future. Studying the famous few will get a clear idea about the event. In addition, the famous few- the general were responsible for the strategies and methods, crucial factors to explain the results. Therefore, lessons would also be reached in such study focusing on individuals. For another, limited materials left till today also made it necessary and reasonable to focus on individuals. In history, the famous few got more attention than any member of the masses; consequently many kinds of materials were about them, making it possible to thorough study.  

All in all, the famous few- the general and the masses- soldiers are both indispensable. However, when comparing the two, it is certain that the general is more important. Moreover, when coming to study history, it is efficient and reasonable to focus on individuals not the public.

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