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[i习作temp] issue141[Jet小组第二次作业] [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-2-2 11:15:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."
Few live in the world is tolerant with failure and stop their step, not say the businessmen, who domed with success fans. They always do all what they can to enhance their dealing. Since the individuality is considered as one necessary part of well selling, sellers, even producers, pay too much attention on how to make their things different and special, thus, too far away from the basic demand of market—conform needs. That is what I want to assert, one could not stand as champion with his production beyond conformity.

Though special characteristics truly identify one production attractive, the basic demand, which is sometimes neglected by sellers now, is developed from usual demand. In the same words, not until demand and support both exist in the market, could business happened. For a simple example, the varieties of telephone now especially mobile phone are, in some words, useless, because when mp3, radio, camera, or even drawing included in the phone, it is a phone in the sole. If take the connection away, no one, who need connect with others, would pay for that multifunctional machine. In the sum, conformity makes things a thing, and characteristics only make the thing special. Only based on conventionality, would one personal economic success turn to be real.

Additional reason to the basic demanding, alternating also depend on the production conformity. Imagining, one eager to success in the economic world, he has no choice but raise the profit, considering too much special goods have been existed in the market and limited demand, the only way to raise profit is alternating other commodity. Thus if one refused the conformity, he closed the door to the chance to earn profit. That means he leave the economic success away. On the other hand, what is the reason why might one astute business man give up the profit, which has touched his finger? And one simple way access to the alternation is conformity. So the fact, which is personal economic success requires conformity, has to be faced even in the world, which is filled with competition.

A wonderful picture is not only the structure but the colors and meaning, so did the business. A well-done commerce is not only the conformity but the individuality, which would raise the value that has a chance to make the production’s price higher than the usual ones in the limited prime cost and turn the goods more attractive. As a result, in the competitive society, in which the supporters obviously more than the demanders, individuality could be used as a bargaining chip. And the more choice means nearer to success.

As a whole, conformity and individuality could not be separated, for a distinct one neither of them can take the response of high profit, high value or more glances. They are the two wings of personal economic success, and how an eagle can fly without its wings? One smart merchant should find a balance between the conformity and the special characters, thus he is qualified for taking part in the game.


[ 本帖最后由 huangli711 于 2008-2-4 20:17 编辑 ]
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-2 15:13:08 |只看该作者
ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."
Few live in the world is tolerant with failure and stop their step, not say the businessmen, who domed with success fans.(我不太懂这句话)They always do all what(有all就没what they can to enhance their dealing. Since the individuality is considered as one necessary part of well selling, sellers, even producers, pay too much attention on how to make their things different and special, thus, too far away from the basic demand of market—conform needs. That is what I want to assert,in my opinion one could not stand as champion with his production beyond conformity.

Though special characteristics truly identify one production(product) attractive, the basic demand, which is sometimes neglected by sellers now, is developed(主动) from usual demand. In the same wordsin another word, not until demand and support both exist in the market, could business happened. For a simple example, the varieties of telephone now especially mobile phone are, in some words, useless, because when mp3, radio, camera, or even drawing included in the phone, it is a phone in the sole. If take the connection away, no one, who need connect with others,people who….would never….. would pay for that multifunctional machine. In the sum, conformity makes things a thing, and characteristics only make the thing special.(only the characteristics make things special.前半句挺累赘,改倒装和后面呼应) Only based on conventionality, would one personal economic success turn to be real.

Additionalanother reason to the basic demanding, alternating also depend on the production conformity. Imagining, one eager to success in the economic world, he has no choice but raise the profit, considering too much special goods have been existed in the market and limited demand, the only way to raise profit is alternating other commodity. Thus if one refused the conformity, he closed the door to the chance to earn profit. That means he leave the economic success away. On the other hand, what is the reason why might oneone might astute business man give up the profit, which has touched his finger? And one simple way access to the alternation is conformity. So the fact, which is personal economic success requires conformity, has to be faced even in the world, which is filled with competition.

A wonderful picture is not only the structure but alsothe colors and meaning, so did the business. A well-done commerce is requiresnot only the conformity but also the individuality, which would raise the value that has a chance to make the production’s price higher than the usual ones in the limited prime cost and turn the goods more attractive. As a result, in the competitive society, in which the supportersproviders obviously more than the demandersconsumers, individuality could be used as a bargaining chip. And the more choice means nearer to success.

As a whole, conformity and individuality could not be separated, for a distinct one neither of them can take the response of high profit, high value or more glances.for each one only cannot bring high profitThey are the two wings of personal economic success, and how an eagle can fly without its wings? One smart merchant should find a balance between the conformity and the special characters, thus he is qualified for taking part in the game.

[ 本帖最后由 ilabc 于 2008-2-4 16:01 编辑 ]

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