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Argument174 第一次写的…… 第一次写……给自己设了60分钟……
题目:ARGUMENT174 - The following recommendation was made by the president an
d administrative staff of Grove College, a private institution, to the colleg
e's governing committee.
"We recommend that Grove College preserve its century-old tradition of all-fe
male education rather than admit men into its programs. It is true that a maj
ority of faculty members voted in favor of coeducation, arguing that it would
encourage more students to apply to Grove. But eighty percent of the student
s responding to a survey conducted by the student government wanted the schoo
l to remain all female, and over half of the alumni who answered a separate s
urvey also opposed coeducation. Keeping the college all-female, therefore, wi
ll improve morale among students and convince alumni to keep supporting the c
ollege financially."
字数:627 用时:00:56:14 日期:2008-2-9 15:42:29
In this memo, the president and administrative staff of Grove college recom
mends that its century-old tradition of all-female education should be preser
ved. although there is indeed a majority of faculty members who are in favor
of coeducation. In an attempt to bolster his claim, the arguer provides the e
vidence that in a survey conducted by student government, eighty percent of t
he respondents wanted to remain all-female state. Moreover, over half of the
alumni who responded to a survey also are in oppose of coeducation. In additi
on, the author reasons that all-female condition is conducive in improving mo
rale among students and ensuring incessant financial support from alumni. Clo
se scrutiny of each of these evidence, however, reveals that the proposition
suffers from several flaw, which renders it unconvincing as it stands.
First, the most glaring problem is the statistical evidence cited in this
argument. the author fails to provide evidence that the respondents' view in
either of the surveys are necessarily representative of the totality. He did
not point out explicitly how many students or alumni were surveyed. It is pro
bably the respondents in total are only twenty or even less, such a small sam
ple can not reflect general attitudes and thus the conclusion on the basis of
these surveys are highly suspect. Also, lacking information about the struct
ure of the respondents it is impossible to assess the reliability of the resu
lts. Perhaps a large proportion of the respondents in the student surveys are
coincident with the most adamant proponents of the all-female tradition. In
the alumni case, it is entirely impossible that a majority of these people ar
e beneficiaries of the all-female tradition and they are more likely to defen
se it. If so, the surveys can lend little credible support to the president's
Secondly, the president alleges that all-female tradition will improve mor
al among students, however, no evidence is provided that this is the case. It
is absolutely possible that the state of students moral remains the same lev
el, or perhaps girl students in that college are sick and tired of dealing wi
th their female peers and thus the general moral will be frustrated. Without
careful observation of the girl students’ daily life, the president can not
confidently and hastily conclude that all-female tradition is helpful in boos
ting moral among students..
Finally, the president assumes that the reservation of all-female tradit
ion can assure and keep alumni’s donation. In other words, the author establ
ishes a very strong relationship between all- female tradition and financial
support. It is more likely that other factors, rather than all –female admis
sion policy, might contribute to donation more importantly. For example, the
most powerful donator are inclined to paying attention to college’s facility
improvement and faculty’s welfare, he or she will donate a certain amount o
f money whatever the admission policy is. Moreover, it is possible a good par
t of donators are against all-female policy and will donate money only if the
college adopts coeducation policy. Without ruling out these and other possib
le explanations or factors, it is unreasonable for the author to safely antic
ipate all-female policy will guarantee financial support.
To sum up, the conclusion is flimsy and lacks credibility in that the eviden
ce cited in the analysis are insufficient to lend strong support to what the
arguer claims. In order to fortify the proposition, the president needs to co
rroborate the reliability of the above surveys by giving detailed and full in
formation related to them. It is also essential for the administration in col
lege to get to know how the moral among student is and what effects the admis
sion policy had exerted and will do. Furthermore, the administration should p
resents more convincing evidence by exposing us to archives of donation or ot
her reliable date that all-female policy bears relation to alumni’s donation
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