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[i习作temp] Issue51 【Chasing For "6" Score】第一次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2008-3-2 23:27:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Effective education can be achieved only by specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student? Though I concede with the importance of satisfaction with needs and interests in the designation of education, I fundamentally disagree with this statement in three aspects for this statement fails to dipict that importance and finally overestimate it.

I concede that a high effective education must be one specifically designed on the basic of individual needs and interests of each student. Just as a old chinese saying goes, also one of the fundamental conceptions of modern education, to educate one student on the consideration of his ability and talent is right as far as it goes. The individual needs are the basal motive of oneself to learn and recourse to formal as well as informal education, which satisfy student with something useful or something desirable. With the attraction of their learning purpose, students are contiuning to push themselves in receiving knowledge and thinking in an effective way.  It is the same mechanism lies in the way that interests of each student make them work efficaciously.  Besides, if a system of education fails to attract the students' interest or satisfy their needs, undoubtedly can not this system of education survive. As a result, the designer of education should always give their attention to meeting needs and interests.

Another reason I fundamentally agree with the statement above is, when an individual is of independent ability and well-rounded reasoning, he/she should choose the education which truly meet his/her needs and interests. In this high-speed functioning society, the infomation and method is useful and valubale only when it helps to solve problems or bring profit. In another word, the learning of some professional knowledge to a layperson serves to nothing also is an extent of wasting time.  Accordingly, satisfying the needs is the most important discipline to our survival though it is a little pragmtic  

However, I am disargee with the statement in three aspects. Firstly, specially designed education should not replace the common education because of the deficiency of education which is specifially designed to satisfy the needs and interests of students.These education misses the point of ultimate purpose of education--prepare enough people with well-around talent and sound mental quality for society, whose requirement of talented people foundationally deside the purpose and elements of common education. The teach of these values that we want every young person to know: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of country, and brief in the princilpes of liberty, equality, and the freedom to practise one's faith, can only be achieved by common education that plays a critical role in the preservation of culture and mainstream ideological areas.

Secondaryly, the actual situation of educaion leaves little feasibility to practise that kind of specially designed education. When we begin to design a system of effective education, we find ourselves boggled in a information marsh--how to choose useful information which is related to the educational receivers, teachers, ways, and methods; how to decide which information should be adopted and which should be abandoned; who should make the decision and so forth. For example, whether a child who has a talent in mathematics should develop his/her special ability in early childhood or not, different experts have very different viewpoints, let alone such questions as use which method and manner, by which teacher or professor,to what extent. All of these trials have little certainty for success and creat more controversial problems.

Thirdly, only serving to meet the needs and interests of an individual makes the education become a tool for content of one's desire and realizaton of one's illusion unless everybody is considerate and high-minded. Children are teached of things and knowledge they think interesting and right, they can even pick up every fragment of disciplines which they think worthwhile and give up what they are uninterested or regard as not important. It is ridiculous. Because this kind of education gives the receivers absolute right lacking the guide provided by the older and obligation coming from social lives.

In sum, the statement have pointed out a very important aspect of effective education, but failed in three aspects of depicting and finally overestimate the importance of meeting the individual needs and interests of each student.
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