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[i习作temp] Issue99 九天后考 求拍~~~~~~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-3-29 09:22:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE99 - "In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options."
WORDS: 855          TIME: 00:44:27          DATE: 2008-3-29 9:16:54

How to select between idealism and pragmatism seems to be a difficult question discussing by many people throughout a long time. Although I agree with the author to some extent that pragmatic behavior do contributed a lot and even function as the basis in some realms such as business and education, but in fields such as science and art, idealism is the catalyst and the propeller of the internal force, and in political field, the situation is more complex. I will give my reasons depended on the case-by-case basis.

On one hand, in business filed, in the modern supermarket, the tasks and works shouldered by the leaders of the company are increasingly complicate and  challenging. Those leaders have to take the responsibility to guide their members survive through competitions. Facing all the competitors, it is the sense of pragmatism that stimulant them to try their best to take advantage of all the feasible methods and channels to improve the qualities of both their products and services. By doing so, instead of being left behind, they could manager to make a continuous profits even in the changeable economic climate. On the other hand, if they place to much emphasis on the idealism, they would lose the abilities to solve practical problems, which may lead to the decay of the company. Therefore, I think what the basic caliber the effective business leader should maintain is the sense of pragmatism.

Similarity, in the education field, the sense of pragmatism is also fundamental. Despite of nowadays loudly cry for idealism education, which means education design for each individual due to their unique interests, the education system should remain the way it has been. This kind of idealism has potential problems which render it implausible to carry out. After all, the education is aim at all the students rather than a few ones, the sense of pragmatism will help to keep those students an even promising for the future, and ensure them to have the basic knowledge of many fields to at least sufficient enough for living a happy life. From this, we can see that  the starting point of education should be practical not idealistic. There in lies the magic of pragmatism.

On the other hand, when it comes to the field of science, things are different. I think those scientists who living without a  idealistic goal just seems like sailing without compass, which may soon lose their direction. The way leading to scientific success is not royal one, only those who courage enough to keep idealistic aim in mind can find way leading to the summits. Having retrospect of the history, we can see vivid examples: Mary Curie, the French-Polish chemistry, after ten years of diligent exploring, finally find the radioactive elements which later named radium and does great contribution to the world; Thomas Edison, famous American inventor, after experimenting thousands of materials, eventually devise the incandescence filament without which we may still use fires for illumination; and Paul Enlrich, after 605 failures reached the success of "Formula 606" bring brightness to people who suffering syphilis. Without the idealistic views, it is impossible for us to witness the fast developing science and technology.

Similarity, in the field of arts, only through the idealistic views of those virtuoso maestro could our modern society heritage so much masterpiece just like the refulgent stars in the galaxy. Van Gogh, in spite of the unacceptance of his contemporaries, and disregarded the misery and penury life he had, insist on his idealistic art opinion, is viewed by people nowadays as the precursor of  postimpressionism, and his worldwide known  painting <Sun Flower> teach people the sense of hope and wish. Emily Bronte, the author of <Wuthering Height>, created her only piece of work in the environment of strongly opposed voice and even her sister Charlotte the write of <Jane Eyre> could not accept her, it was her idealistic holding that finally cause attention of people, although her only 30 years of life could not witness the late honor. Sense of idealistic help the artists to create art with their emotion and hold something of last values. There in lies the magic of idealism.

However, in the realm of political, situation is more complex. The sense of pragmatism can enable the politics to find the common sense and reasonable ground to ensure a stable, democratic, reliable society. Without the sense, the society might lose its harmony and lead to disaster, consider the crisis in Afghanistan, is the lack of the pragmatic behavior. Meanwhile, any country want to be outstanding in the world category should possess the sense of idealism also, which help the country to insist on that, motivate the country towards success. Both of the two sense lead to a effective government and can benefits the society most.

To sum up, both the sense of idealism and pragmatism have great contribution in different field, we should possess both of them instead of neglect or overemphasis on just one. And  base on the different situation, after thorough investigation and analysis of the condition, we can know when to use the sense of pragmatism, and vise visa.

最后时间来不急了 最后几段很仓促 欢迎批评

[ 本帖最后由 luxuan871025 于 2008-3-29 09:40 编辑 ]

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发表于 2008-3-30 09:01:24 |只看该作者
:eek: 不会吧写了这么多字 :funk: :funk: :funk:
︱田︱田田| '',,',.

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Issue99 九天后考 求拍~~~~~~~


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