TOPIC:ISSUE147 - "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choosebetween them."
Thetradition and modernization are convertible and reliable mutually though thereare lots of examples of the incompatible conflict between tradition andmodernization. Therefore, it is inexpedient to separate them but to integratethem and then acquire benefits from them-- we should take the quintessence fromtradition and apply it to modernization to make our life more benefited.
Admittedly,tradition and modernization are incompatible in terms of some ways. Theconflict between tradition and modernization can be seen everywhere. The risingof a new technology always means a fall of a traditional technology. Thetrains, airplanes and vehicles that comfort us in moving to other countries,cities and continents, have replaced the traditional vehicle like the horse andcarriage which is so inconvenient and incogitable for us nowadays. A newmedicine with higher effective and lower level of byproduct will replace thetraditional one in the same way.
However,tradition and modernization are convertible mutually for the reason that humanhistory is a continuous progress. Tradition and modernization are relative toeach other. Every modern artifact in some period of time must be a traditionalone in the future. The steam engine invented by Walt is a significant moderninventor in the era of his life while this technology is traditional and abasic of other modern industry nowadays. Further more, tradition andmodernization are compatible and even embracing each other in some ways. Themodern English language, in spite of its many words that are unique to themodern culture, is deprived from the traditional linguistics, and ultimatelyfrom the ancient Greek and Latin language. Were we to insist on rejecting thetraditional language, we would have essentially no words to say.
Finally,the maximizing use of the relevance between modernization and tradition is totake the quintessence from tradition and apply it to modernization to make ourlife more benefited. Byproducts and advantage are always come together. Thebyproducts of tradition is obsolete while the advantage of modernization iscreative, meanwhile, the byproduct of modernization is its lack of experienceand accumulating in history while it is exactly the advantage of tradition. Forinstance, in clinical medical, a new treatment is always based on a traditionalone.
To sumup, tradition and modernization are incompatible in some ways while they arecompatible and convertible in some other ways. We should take the quintessencefrom tradition to consolidate and create more modernization to benefitourselves.