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[i习作temp] 0910GNorth America Flying] issue153 by 依清影 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-16 00:05:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 依清影 于 2009-7-16 16:10 编辑

Issue153 students should bring certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

Whether in a university or college, score is the main lever to evaluate a student in China. Under such circumstances, the students are busy assimilating what they are taught, while the ability of questioning is withering away. Unfortunately, skepticism is the very thing that is needed in their study.

What differentiate man from machine is that man can think. Nowadays, our civilization has been highly developed with the productivity tremendously improved. Undeniably, skepticism gives an impetus to the progress of the society. Since the society could never stay where it is, skepticism will still spearhead the tide of evolution. Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, who have recognized and named oxygen and hydrogen, questioned the phlogiston theory, which was very popular at that time. By conducting experiments that showed that respiration was essentially a slow combustion of organic material using inhaled oxygen, he disproved the phlogiston theory. As for students, the main force of future, destined to take the responsibility of changing the world, skepticism is of vital importance.

However, to question, we need rationality. To question is not merely finding faults with the knowledge taught by the teachers, but to study and research, think about it, and finally assert your own opinion. In fact, we need some general knowledge before we raise a question. One who does not know anything in a field has no right to question about something. At school, we accumulate knowledge in various subjects, only when we have a base of a discipline can we build a skyscraper of it. In that way, we are ready to raise a question about it.

On the other hand, not everything taught worth and needs questioning. For example, the mere fact such as one plus one equals two, or the attributes of matter like the color of the sky. They are out there, and we learned that by observation or empirical evidences. What we need to do is finding out how it can be there. Actually, in physical science it is the controversial explanation about the same phenomenon that drives the discipline forward. In addition, there is no need questioning about the customs and decorum in a particular region. Respect it, and do as you are told to are the best ways to orient yourself there when you are going to a new place.

Moreover, we should take the initiative to learn from the teacher, especially in some special cases. Take in physical education for instance, the experienced teacher can help you manage the skills of running faster, jumping higher, and the most critical, staying away from hurt. If you are too self-righteous, and not willing to take the suggestions, you are unlikely to be prominent in that field. Likewise, when you are doing some experiment, you should operate on the equipment carefully and prudently as the teacher instructed, otherwise, you may damage them and fails the whole experiment.

In sum, students should have the spirit of skepticism while they should know clearly what skepticism is and raise questions in a right way. We must learn the basic knowledge, assimilate it, and deliberate on it, thus we can bring about a valuable question. Blindly questioning just entangles you in a corner, or shows the ignorance of yourself.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-7-16 20:27:46 |只看该作者
Whether in a university or college, score is the main [url=]lever[/url][微软用户1] to evaluate a student in China. (典型的中国现状) Under such circumstances, the students are busy assimilating(很传神) what they are taught, while the ability of questioning is [url=]withering away[/url][微软用户2] . Unfortunately, skepticism is the very thing that is needed in their study.
What differentiate man from machine is [url=]that man can think[/url][微软用户3] . Nowadays, our civilization has been highly developed with the [url=]productivity[/url][微软用户4] tremendously improved. Undeniably (比我那there is no denying the fact that省事多了,其实我是想凑字数,呵呵,一般人我不告诉), skepticism gives an impetus to the progress of the society. Since the society could never stay where it is, skepticism will still spearhead the tide of evolution. Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, who have recognized and named oxygen and hydrogen, questioned the phlogiston theory, which was very popular at that time. By conducting experiments that showed that respiration was essentially a slow [url=]combustion[/url][微软用户5] of organic material [url=]using inhaled oxygen[/url][微软用户6] , he disproved the phlogiston theory. As for students, the main force of future, destined to take the responsibility of changing the world, skepticism is of vital importance.
However, to question, we need rationality. To question is not merely finding faults with the knowledge taught by the teachers, but to study and research, think about it, and finally assert your own opinion. In fact, we need some general knowledge before we raise a question. One who does not know anything in a field, has no right to question about something. At school, we accumulate knowledge in various subjects, only when we [url=]have a base[/url][微软用户7] of a discipline can we build a skyscraper of it. In that way, we are ready to raise a question about it.
On the other hand, not everything taught worth and needs questioning. For example, the mere fact such as one plus one equals two, or the attributes of matter like the color of the sky. They are out there, and we learned that by observation or empirical evidences. What we need to do is finding out how it can be there. Actually, in physical science it is the controversial explanation about the same phenomenon that drives the discipline forward. In addition, there is no need questioning about the customs and decorum in a particular region. Respect it, and do as you are told to are the best ways to orient yourself there when you are going to a new place.
Moreover, we should take the initiative to learn from the teacher, especially in some special cases. Take [url=]in physical education[/url][微软用户8] for instance, the experienced teacher can help you [url=]manage[/url][微软用户9] the skills of running faster, jumping higher, and the most [url=]critical[/url][微软用户10] , (听起来别扭) staying away from hurt. If you are too self-righteous, and not willing to take the suggestions, you are unlikely to be prominent in that field. Likewise, when you are doing some experiment, you should operate on the equipment carefully and prudently as the teacher instructed, otherwise, you may damage them and [url=]fails[/url][微软用户11] the whole experiment.
In sum, students should have the spirit of skepticism while they should know clearly what skepticism is and raise questions [url=]in a right way[/url][微软用户12] . We must learn the basic knowledge, assimilate it, and deliberate on it, thus we can bring about a valuable question. Blindly questioning just entangles you in a (+narrow) corner, or shows the ignorance of yourself.

Comments: 这篇文章中,我也有提到乱提问题是没有必要是浪费时间,大家都想到了这点,共鸣,呵呵。文章中用词比较华丽,想必红宝背了第N 遍了吧?

Revised by monkeybiao

[微软用户1]Criteria or standard sounds better?

[微软用户2]Degenerating 我建议用这个

[微软用户3]Independent think



[微软用户6]By inhaling oxygen

[微软用户7]Ram a base well

[微软用户8]PE CLASS




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0910GNorth America Flying] issue153 by 依清影
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