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[i习作temp] issue 43 GA-ROW by abi-gail [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-7-29 23:22:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE43 - "To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

There seems to be a consensus that certain ethical and  moral standards are  crucial for being an effective leader. From my  perspective, I am generally in agreement with this assertion(in some aspects). Nevertheless, these two aspects are not the only criterion of arbitrating  a  leader, and sometimes, not acting as the most important ones. Thus, highest ethical or moral standards may not be necessary.

Admittedly, being an unique invention of human  society,  ethical and moral standards are very essential to us, for they are the ultimate regulation of human beings. An effective leader should especially value these standards in that he/she is the one that runs our society, induces the direction, and often plays as the soul of a group. His ethical and moral standards may directly influence that of his citizens. Typically,  when an honest and loving mayor is at office, the policies the government released would often be more considerate, rather than radical. Still, we may deduce that people are tend to follow those with highest ethical and moral standards, which is very important for a leader to perform his policy. Without  ethical  and moral standards, a leader wouldn't  be  judged as trustworthy, and the fundamental criterion of a society are very likely to collapse.

Nevertheless,  there are many other things we should estimate other than ethical  and moral standards, such as political tacks, and societal insight. It is naive to reckon that only with good temperament and profound morality, people will listen to you. Being a leader, your are very often challenged by your peers, or even subordinates, not to mention those working as diplomats. They have to "dance with wolves". The highest ethical  and moral standards may gain you respect, but if one is totally not apt in politics, it would be a joke for him and his government  to have him as the representative.  After  all, there are many people who bear high ethical and moral standards, but not all of  them are leaders. Hence, being a real effective leader, one should have societal  insight, which I define as historical, present and future perspective.  As I have mentioned, leaders are the propelling power that thrusts the wheel of  a society. Judgments that contradict to the trend of history, though the leader bear a good sense of ethics and morality,  may doom  the nation. We see very clearly  in the example of the Song Dynasty of China, even though most of the politicians are selected from the scholars with high level of morality,  the country is so weak that it can only resort to retreatment and attribution when faced with invasion.  On account of these, ethical and moral standards are not  the only elements that determine an excellent leader.

Furthermore, there seems to be a trend to deem that high ethical and moral standards overweigh all the other criterion. I contend, quite bluntly, this is not an action out of love, but manipulation. As I see it, ethical and moral standards are indeed  undoubtedly important, but it depends, while situations are different. Although our morality restrictly bans wars, but when the aggressors are  rapping on your door, burning your house, would you stay in your cabinet and hold your bible of morality, or grab a weapon and fight for your land? Maybe we don't have hot wars everyday, but we do have cold wars from time to time. Sometimes we need to alter and change our stiff rule, sometimes we need to be flexible in politics, and sometimes we have to suspend our moral beliefs. Say, what is really an effective leader. I believe the  answer should be one that brings real happiness to his people, rather than one bears  highest ethical and moral standards.

In sum, a certain extent of ethical and moral standards is essential to an effective leader, without which he can not successfully regulate a  society and wouldn't be reliable to his people. Yet,  these standards are not the only prerequisites of  being a leader. We should  value other aspects as well.
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Rank: 4



发表于 2009-8-3 17:04:06 |只看该作者
There seems to be a consensus that certain ethical and  moral standards are  crucial for being an effective leader. From my  perspective, I am generally in agreement with this assertion(in some aspects). Nevertheless, these two aspects are not the only criterion of arbitrating  a  leader, and sometimes, not acting as the most important ones. Thus, highest ethical or moral standards may not be necessary.

Admittedly, being an unique invention of human  society,  ethical and moral standards are very essential to us, for they are the ultimate regulation of human beings. An effective leader should especially value these standards in that he/she is the one that runs our society, induces the direction, and often plays as the soul of a group. His ethical and moral standards may directly influence that of his citizens. Typically,  when an honest and loving mayor is at office, the policies the government released would often be more considerate, rather than radical. Still, we may deduce that people are tend to follow those with highest ethical and moral standards, which is very important for a leader to perform his policy. Without  ethical  and moral standards, a leader wouldn't  be  judged as trustworthy, and the fundamental criterion of a society are very likely to collapse.

Nevertheless,  there are many other things we should estimate other than ethical  and moral standards, such as political tacks, and societal insight. It is naive to reckon that only with good temperament and profound morality, people will listen to you. Being a leader, your are very often challenged by your peers, or even subordinates, not to mention those working as diplomats. They have to "dance with wolves". The highest ethical  and moral standards may gain you respect, but if one is totally not apt in politics, it would be a joke for him and his government  to have him as the representative.  After  all, there are many people who bear high ethical and moral standards, but not all of  them are leaders. Hence, being a real effective leader, one should have societal  insight, which I define as historical, present and future perspective.  As I have mentioned, leaders are the propelling power that thrusts the wheel of  a society. Judgments that contradict to the trend of history, though the leader bear a good sense of ethics and morality,  may doom  the nation. We see very clearly  in the example of the Song Dynasty of China, even though most of the politicians are selected from the scholars with high level of morality,  the country is so weak that it can only resort to retreatment and attribution when faced with invasion.  On account of these, ethical and moral standards are not  the only elements that determine an excellent leader.(宋代的leader不算是道德很高吧?? 南宋的政府都是些恃强欺弱的腐官……代表例子秦桧。 例子除了要证明high morality along can not qualify effective leadership,还要证明那些effective leader have societal insights)

Furthermore, there seems to be a trend to deem that high ethical and moral standards overweigh all the other criterion. I contend, quite bluntly, this is not an action out of love, but manipulation. As I see it, ethical and moral standards are indeed  undoubtedly important, but it depends, while situations are different. Although our morality restrictly bans wars, but when the aggressors are  rapping on your door, burning your house, would you stay in your cabinet and hold your bible of morality, or grab a weapon and fight for your land? Maybe we don't have hot wars everyday, but we do have cold wars from time to time. Sometimes we need to alter and change our stiff rule, sometimes we need to be flexible in politics, and sometimes we have to suspend our moral beliefs. Say, what is really an effective leader. I believe the  answer should be one that brings real happiness to his people, rather than one bears  highest ethical and moral standards.(还是例子的问题。个人观点是:justified war actually reflects high morality(e.g. 南北战争和独立战争))

In sum, a certain extent of ethical and moral standards is essential to an effective leader, without which he can not successfully regulate a  society and wouldn't be reliable to his people. Yet,  these standards are not the only prerequisites of  being a leader. We should  value other aspects as well.

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