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[i习作temp] ISSUE41有拍必回8月13号机考 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-10 19:28:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
WORDS: 552
TIME: 00:45:00
DATE: 2009-8-10 15:23:14

Why those nonmainstream areas of inquiry still exist and even impact on our daily life even though the contemporary science and technology has been improving at such a unprecedented speed? Someone claim that their existence would satisfy human needs that are not addressed by mainstream. I agree that the detrimental consequence of activities of those areas should be realized, while this explanation is reasonable to some extent concerning the daily life of myself.

It's true that the governor should control the popularity of these areas of inquiry. After all, the most "studies" in astrology, fortune-telling and psychic and paranormal could not explain the phenomena at all, or at least somehow make little sense. These fields mostly employ actually vague expression which seems to be precise without thorough consideration to explain that predict, which makes little different actually while the participants might regard the result as oral or enlightening in their life and give up judging and deciding according to the objective conditions.

For example, it’s unconvincing that which month I was born in would determine my fortune, even though the description for the characters who share the same birthday with me portrays correctly part of the truth of my personality. However, the part that is correctly described in those prediction might lead the individuals to believe in the force of the astrology thus believe that everything the astrologers suggest should be right, despite that it's somehow impossible that one twelfth of the people share the same future. Thus, too addicted to the areas of inquiry would result in self-deceiving and lacking in enthusiasm to struggle on one's on to change the situation.

However, it's hard to predict whether the field we regard as nonmainstream areas would be proved to be correct, or make sense when they're applied to other fields. After all, there are so many phenomena that could not be explained by mainstream science now, and the still some fields of inquiry could not be proved convincingly by mainstream fields to make no sense at all. For example, the existence of ghost is still not proved to be illusion until now. On the other hand, it's difficult for human to make sure whether the ideas and principles of the science is the truth, for all the theories are mostly assumption which could explain part of phenomena. Origin of science itself, that began to differ from religion by denying the principle that human is the centre of the world, had been regarded as nonmainstream at Medieval; thus it might be unjust for us to assume that the mainstream fields of today be the only way to reveal the truth. What we believe today might be proved absurd later, which has been practiced that the belief of the past which was thought to be correct is ridiculous somehow. Thus some of the nonmainstream areas might be proved to be right someday, and there's no need to forbid them.

What's more, mostly people might not be serious when taking part into those activities; or at least people my country are just to seek for comfort or to satisfy their curiosity and even to while their time when they turn to areas of inquiry. After all, no one is born scientist, not anyone at any time needs to advocate viewing the world objectively, for humans are always anxious about their own fortune which is hard to predict for, or maybe would never be answered by, mainstream science. Sometimes participants in these fields just are just in need of an explanation to relive their anxiety despite the question whether the answer makes sense. And fictions concerning those areas of inquiry might just play a role of entertainment instead of attempts to pursue truth. In short, the existence of these fields is not to oppose science, but fulfill the spiritual life.

In conclusion, the existence of nonmainstream areas of inquiry should call the attention of the government, and action should be taken when these activities impact the regulation of society. However, people still need them when to keep peace in mental now that the mainstream science is not omnipotent.

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