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[i习作temp] ISSUE147 谢谢指教*^__^* [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-2 16:55:46 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 xiemeng2370 于 2010-2-7 00:29 编辑

Tradition and modernization reflect all respects of our daily life and our whole society, such as education, politics, culture, science and even health care. Therefore, we cannot simply and hastily conclude that they cannot compatible and we must choose between them in the whole conditions. However, it would be tempting to concede that there indeed exist some situations that they may confront and we have to choose one between them.

To begin with, the perfect combination of tradition and modernization lie in our daily life, such as our furniture, cloths and art works. The structure, purpose and profile of things in our daily life all developed on the basis of people's desire and in order to meet our needs. Thus, the things cannot obey this original, fundamental and traditional order, no matter how huge it may change. Just think about the process of sweat change. We may easily discover that the usage and the material of sweat-prevent cold and use wool- not change. Actually, the change is style, with the different conception about beauty from one period to another. This is similar to most of things in our daily life, exactly merge the traditional use and the modern style, and most importantly, make this combination compatible.  Moreover, the perfect combination not only lie in traditional use and modern style, but more important, the combination of tradition and modern may better our life, the medical treatment can also substantiate my standpoint. Nowadays, with the development of our medical technology, most of diseases could be overcame by the modern medical treatment, but the traditional medical treatment, especially traditional Chinese medicine still use and frequently merge with modern treatment in order to make patient heal quickly. In short, in many respect of our daily life, tradition and modernization are not only could compatible, but also can perfect compatible which could improve and better our life and society as a whole.

On the other perspective, such as education, the combination of tradition and modernization are also compatible. As we all known, lecture is our traditional measure of teaching, it is effective, transparent and sometimes witty. Nowadays, many schools also use some vivid, concrete and convenient digital technologies such as PPT, video to support teaching. Therefore, our students could study better due to the combination of these traditional and modern avenues. On the other hand, students also have a choice to study at home on online-classroom instead of traditional classroom. This modern method could solve many students’ problem about go to school, especially in remote and mountain areas. At the same time, a majority of students still prefer to attend class, communicate with teacher face by face and discuss with classmate immediately. Thus, this combination of traditional education and modern education could make more students have a chance to learn knowledge.

However, in other special conditions, tradition and modernization are indeed incompatible, such as culture. Many valued traditional cultures disappeared due to the impact of modern culture. For instance, we face a serious problem that our instant and popular culture is overemphasized and overweight than traditional culture, such as music, paint and literature. Nowadays, more and more people, especially children- our hope in the future, prefer to listen to pop music and read popular novel rather than listening classic music and reading classic literature, barely have children have read Shakespeare’s literature and many children even do not know who is Paganini Niccolo (one of the most achievement classical musician). The educational experts predict that if students still ignore the traditional culture and be impacted largely by modern culture, our rich and valued traditional culture may disappear someday. In this respect, traditional culture and modern culture seems incompatible- the modern culture lead to the traditional culture disappeared. However, if we could congenially commingle the two types of culture- thoroughly understanding modern culture and traditional culture. We would achieve erudite and past serving the present , thus, it cannot arbitrarily deny that the two cultures cannot coexist and indeed, this phenomenon will strongly better our mental and ethical spirit and even improve our society as a whole.

In conclusion, I agree with the speaker’s contention insofar as in some particular conditions, tradition and modernization seems incompatible. However, in other numberless of areas, they can compound well and this combination could better our life and society. Moreover, if we could find an avenue to combine tradition and modernization which cannot combine plausibly, our life and even society would improve a giant step.

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