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[未归类] 【Clover】Issue outline by taotaole [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-2-4 23:34:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 taotaole 于 2010-2-4 23:37 编辑

75"The people who make important contributions to society are generally not those who develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others."(树立一个价值标准来论证)
I.intro: the criteria to judge one’s contribution is that if his ideas bring benefits to the whole society.
II.  Body:
1It is important to develop one’s new ideas before he transform his idea into practice and such practice can prosper at least one field in society. Eg: French-Charles Fourier- Utopian socialism--Brook Farm-unpractical—not contributed greatly to contemporary Capitalism society.

2The one who collects other’s talents and skill, then ameliorates the ideas can better adapt the ideas to utilized use, and may seem to be make more important contribution to society. Eg:

3those who are thought to be greater have to base on other individuals’ ideas to succeed through the conformity. Eg: Newton’s dictum: If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants./Marx-Communism based on Hegel’s dialectical method and historical orientation; the classical political economy of Adam Smith and David Ricardo; French socialist and sociological thought; German philosophical materialism, mainly by Ludwig Feuerbach etc(Wikipedia)

III.Conclusion: Both the people who develop their own new ideas and those who make use of others’ ideas can make contributions to society as long as their ideas can turn into practical use and benefit the society.

57"The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience."

I intro: the depth of knowledge is richer and broader gained from books than from direct experience.
II body: 1the knowledge in books is the condensed information and thoughts recorded from the predecessors’ direct experience, so it richer and broader than the knowledge gained from an individual’s direct experience.
2 one’s limit to experience most knowledge directly, but the books are available.

1) the subjective environment offers books contains broader range but no enough condition for direct experience.
2) one’s ability to read different books but barely to do everything.
3in the procedure of gaining knowledge, direct experience can subordinate the depth and extend the understanding richer and broader.

III conclusion: the trait of books, the environment and one’s objective factors cause the depth of knowledge gained from books richer and wider than from direct experience.

?*12"People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic."

I.Intro: people’s attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings.

II.Body: 1attitudes serve for one’s need and the immediate situation or surroundings determines the needs or interests one favors more than the internal characteristic does;
2attitudes reflect the way of thinking or behaviors over some issue, which depend more on the immediate stand than the internal characteristic
3the concrete attitudes are changing with the different immediate situations, though the abstract remote attitude on one subject may remain unchanged with the internal characteristic.
III.Conclusion: for most occasions, immediate situation decides attitude and influence the need and thought the attitude expresses more than internal characteristic.

9"Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use."

I intro: the criteria to judge the scholars’ ideas is about how their ideas can develop the world, not only gain wider audience.

IIbody:1 academic disciplines have become specialized recently but if the scholars can find a way to interpret those abstruse ideas in a popular and interesting way, their ideas can still reach a wide audience and possibly be made use of.eg:
Stephen Hawking- book: brief history of time/ the milk and cola economy
2Even though the ideas cannot reach a wide audience directly, it is of great use if the ideas successfully transform into practice, and benefit the daily life.
3the wider audience undoubtedly enlightens more people and raises the possibility of the ideas for its final use.

III conclusion: the specialized discipline can find its value in society by influencing and developing the world, if possible, with a wide reach on audience.

*6"The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth."

I intro: the claim is quite absolutely and put situation to the extreme so I don’t agree it.

II body: 1contemporary culture is made up by different powers and is contributed by complicated elements. The culture is the reflection of the social economical and political situation. Besides, culture is always a subjective concept, which everyone is free to hold his own ideas.
2 As the fact that there are so many determinants for the conditions of contemporary culture, the “most” effective way is hard to approach and the different aspects of present culture can be understood by various means.
Maybe the popular culture can be attained through the analysis of youth trends.

3the trends of youth in the culture may not certain to represent the mainstream of the culture, while to analyze the trends, we may understand the direction of the future culture.

IIIconclusion: the diverse contributes of contemporary culture makes it impossible to understand the complexity only with the aspect of youth trends.

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发表于 2010-2-5 22:35:26 |只看该作者
242"Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being."
Iintro: societies to save plant and animal species should achieve its final purpose within a scope. It is unwise to apply the saving measures to every species and the effort try on the protection should be well measured within the ability of the society.
IIbody:1the purpose for a society to protect plant and animal species is to keep the biodiversity of the nature and maintain the balance of nature to build a harmonious world. The final is to survive our human in the biosphere.
2the original biodiversity has its own rules for each species to survive and extinct in the natural environment. ( the Origin of Species by Darwin-survival of fittest ) but nowadays human activities invade and destruct the condition to keep the natural selected rules. And thus, the abnormal extinction of the species happens and the society has the responsibility to make up their mistake.
3societies should save species under the natural principle to maintain the balance. Take special effort to those endangered species caused by human to reach its original level but try proper degree to those doom to die out. In this way, the cost of protection in effort, time and financial well-being is spent different and effective.
IIIconclusion: before our action, we should figure out the purpose for us to do it and budget the cost we will pay on it effectively. It should be so in species protection. We shouldn’t impose the power of human to the nature upon the dignity of the nature itself.

47"Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills."

Iintro: the emphasis on the intellect is always in a considerable degree in the society. The emphasis on intellect is best held when it is in balance with the attention on feeling and instinct. The present situation may be worried in some aspect but the mainstream of the society and the dominance emphasis on intellect is not changed.
IIbody:1it has developed as a custom for the society to put special and main stress on intellect to develop the society. the Eg: the ancient Greek and Roman society,  the Victorian times,
2The emphasis remains today as the problems we face are so complex that only sufficient intellect skills can get them solved. It is because all fields of the society have reached certain level. The information times, data procedure, using the clear mind to select and make decisions. The objective demand forces us to pay attention on intellect.
3both the society and the individual are integrated as the combination of intellect and its contrast—the feeling and instinct. Too much emphasis on intellect and exclusion on feeling and instinct could also cause inevitable problems in a society. We should also notice the positive of emotions, which help people release the pressure and relax, though the indulgence of emotions is surely led handful. So the society has to find the best balance between the two.
4 the situations that more people are tired of learning and fail to understand sth doesn’t mean that the emphasis is not enough.
III.conclusion: the dominant position for intellect in society is necessary kept presently. And the emphasis should be well handle with the other parts.

239"Much of the information that people assume is 'factual' actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a 'fact' should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future."

1the information can be sorted as different categories through the source we get it. We should distinguish the reliability of the information before we decide to mistrust it.
2as for the information is collected with the subjective opinions and historic limitation, it is wise to accept the information dialectically rather than directly give up all. Any piece of information can be useful to us as long as we treat it in a correct way.  
3 the factual information hardly exists, which is a relative concept, because of the constantly development of the world. Even the widely-spread truth can turn out to be wrong since the depth of human exploration on each field.
4the claim is inspiring but we should dialectically understand it as any piece of information. It is better to judge the factual of information by oneself and take the reliable part to achieve one’s demand.
229"The best way to learn a new subject or skill is to study small segments or details in great depth rather than to start by trying to develop a sense of the whole."

1 To study small segments of a new subject is acceptable for new learners. The separate segment is concrete and easier to understand and thoroughly finished. Eg: learning chess from the chessmen, learning Marxism philosophy from the materialism with concept.
2 To start by developing a sense of the whole is impractical for most new learners, but can be done after each segment is clearly learned and the connection is well established.
3Another advantage to learn segment first is that the following  segments can be analogize through the previous learned, which makes the proceed more effortless if they are similar; or if they are different, they can be compared and contrasted to deepen the understanding and gain a more effective result.
4admittedly, too much details study on one part may lead the ignorant view to other part if not well conducted. So it is important to handle the degree of learning and operate the proper learning extension with the whole sense.

199"Truly innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals. When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone."

1the occasion in the claim is not absolutely. The reason that a group tends to diminish the individual’s creative idea has different possibilities. It may be primarily because the innovative idea has the need to satisfy the present use, so the uniqueness of the idea has to be made more conventional.
2 However, there are groups who come up with the creative ideas together. The group members can also encourage each other to produce great new ideas if with clear goal to work.
3the principle point is that how the groups are organized to judge the ideas and what the ideas are prepare for.
4the prevalence for more and more innovative ideas nowadays is to work with group.—Nobel Prize. The originality of the ideas is conducted through how to make use of the group power.

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发表于 2010-2-6 00:31:25 |只看该作者

162"One often hears about the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own lives. However, the conditions in which people find themselves have been largely established long before people become aware of them. Thus, the concept of personal responsibility is much more complicated and unrealistic than is often assumed."(查过资料明白了些)
1 the definition of personal responsibility has a complicate range. The extension of personal responsibility is far more than the concern of one’s life. The main cause is the fact that people are socially living with different relationships and different environment.
2the environment, which may have been established before we consciously notice, have decided part of one’s personal responsibility. As for this part responsibility, one cannot have his own say, and can only choose to accept. In the point of this, personal personality is beyond the “personal”, thus can be treated as unrealistic.
3As a socialized individual, one has to shoulder his responsibility of his life. He faces the choice of life and makes his decision through his own thinking, then responds any result for it, which is purely personal responsibility. At the same time, his life is intimately or remotely relevant with others’ lives. His developing life will allow the changing for the relevance. For most occasions, his personal responsibility is not separate again, which may influence other’s life and become impersonal. Those situations are complicated.
4 the socialization of one is evitable, so the concept personal responsibility is quite complicated since it always related with other’s life than the life of an individual only.

150"Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."

1The availability of television and worldwide computer connections has indeed allowed people to know more places they have never visited before. The images and text introductions can present a brief picture of those famous sites to the curious people. But this information is far more sufficient for anyone to get familiar with those places.
2examples of a metropolitan city, New York & lijiang. The totally different senses experience. The air, the atmosphere, the local people, the native food.
3The means of modern technology offer a wider vision and the attraction may increase to those are curious enough and fascinated with those places, and in contrast, they are likely to visit by themselves, thus reinforced the industry of tourism.

145"A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one's principles."
A crucial test of character is (whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one’s principles.)
(2)那么接下来就来看这两个问题,首先是内容。这项测试的内容就是我上面在题目中用括弧括进去的那部分。它考察的是人的一种应变能力,而为什么有可能会要应变呢?那么这里又可以问这样的一个问题:individual’s principles和social conventions的关系是怎么样的?两者是否是intrinsically矛盾的?这里还可以把changing也考虑进来,因为有可能是变化导致矛盾。
(4)还有一点,就是题目强调的是adaptability的重要性,而不是片面地强调在什么情况下需要改变,而在其他的情况下不用改变。(collect from GTER)

1social conventions may form one’s principles. The principles are most likely being set up from one’s thinking and the established convention, considering the fact that one has to find his own position in the society so he would at least partly fit the situation.
2 once the social convention changes, which is lenient or get closed with the ideal situation of the principle, one may easily adapt to the change without any sacrificing. Thus, in this situation, it cannot say as the claim as a crucial test for character.
3 in contrast, if the convention has changed greatly to the morally worse, even gone to the opposite end as the principle set, it will be a crucial test of one’s character to balance the sacrificing of principle to adapt and survive or keep one’s own purity consciously.
4however, if the changing convention represents the better tend of the social development, one should follow the convention and adjust his principles. In this case, the wise flexible adaptation is a more important test for character.

135"While most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems."

1The environmental problems mainly and directly result from the misuse of technology. But the final end is the insatiate desire of human. Businessmen are greed to earn money while the need for the product has no end. The technology is merely the means which worsen the two parts from the efficiency and availability it provides.
2technology is undoubtful an efficient and effective way to solve the environment problems. Examples/
3but thinking of the true reason to cause the problems, the other important factor to depend on is to maintain the consciousness to control the unreasonable desire and protect the environment without the misuse what they have. Besides, the reconstruction of the original ability of nature to circulate harmoniously is also important to solve the problems.

126"Society's external rewards are no measure of true success. True success can be measured only in relation to the goals one sets for oneself."

1success is a quite subjective concept. It is with the values system one holds and concerns with the way and criterion one judge his achievements. Such criterion can be divided as two parts---the self-worth from self-recognition and social value from the public judgment.
2the society’s external rewards are the social value the public give to define the true success.
3the measurement in relation to the goals one sets for oneself on success is the self-worth respective in the value system.
4the true success is best defined as the achievement of two sides of the judgments, which are the integrated parts for the whole value system.

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发表于 2010-2-9 11:44:58 |只看该作者
65"People have been so encouraged by society to focus on apparent differences that they fail to see meaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups."

1the encouragement to focus on apparent differences in society is necessary. The diversity of ideas and appreciation on unique individual characters and group focuses can make the entire society better developed as an organic wholeness. The differences lead the specialization on each field of the society in depth.
2the present situation is indeed putting more emphasis on differences. For example the different ideas can be appreciated in more occasions. The unique person attracts more attention.
3but the importance of noticing the meaningful similarities in groups cannot be neglected. Any communities are established upon the base of similar recognition of the ideas. It is the convention that too much need for one to adapt to the society causes the unconsciously overlooking on difference.
4the focus on the difference and similarity are both complete opponents for a society’s healthy development. We should handle the relationships in a proper level.

60"The media—and society in general—mistakenly expect an individual to speak for a particular group, whether or not that individual truly represents the views of the entire group."

1the psychological inertia to expect an individual spokesman of a group is a justifiable. The need to communicate and collect information leads the expectation. As the society develops, the branches of different groups probe to a deeper level of the various worlds and each gets separate and distanced with the other. The outsider cannot easily acquaint with the inner progress, so it is necessary to have a clear voice conveying the real situation to others. And such man is always favored.
2the example: the government spokesmen for introducing the detailed situation to the public and media.
3 it is better to have someone to speak for the group than let the outsider conjecture and then breed more complex and misunderstood assumption, which bring negative influence to the group.
4 if the expectation is too strong that it can blind the thinking of the audience. We should keep a critical mind on the speeches of the so-called representative. The spokesman is favored for his function to spread the voice and opinion of the group clearly. However, if he no longer acts as the representative and lead the fallacy understanding of us, we have to figure it out and consciously distinguish the truth and false, and give up the belief on the spokesman.

45"Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve."

1the types of governments can be categorized as democratic ones and autocratic ones. In the dictatorial government system, officials rule as their own willingness, regardless of what the people hope. However, in the democratic system, government officials have to follow the will of the people.
2even in the democratic system, there are two main types of democracies, the representative democracy and the direct democracy. The direct democracy is mostly practiced in a small community where each of its members participate into the government decisions and the government officials have to unquestioning carrying out the will of the majority people whom they serve.
3The representative democracy, the officials are elected to present people’s opinion but he is kind of free to rely on his own judgment to choose the specific way for people’s good. This kind of officials is more common in a wider community, whose population is large.
4the idealized government officials are those chosen representative who have their own judgment for the sake of their people’s benefits.

42"Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups."

1different students have their own way to learn things best; some may more effective on their own efforts without disturbance, while others may tend to group study. So learning can be a solitary activity as one favors.
2learning consists of academic knowledge and practical skills. Academic knowledge is mainly concerned with studying from books, but the practical skills tend to more collaboration activity among people.
3students of all ages working frequently in groups can gain a better benefit on practical skills. Because the senior’s experience can help the junior apply their academic knowledge into practical use; while the innovation of the junior will offer a new perspective for the practical application.

23"Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual information. As a result, people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives."

1the nowadays highly developed technology makes it possible for us to probe the detailed and veiled factual information we used to know little. We can get a clearer feature of one thing through those modern approaches. Those small pieces of information may help us reinforce the outline of an issue than before.
2at the same time, the information conveying with the impetus of technology covers all sorts, from the minute details to the overall perspectives. The selecting procedure in facing the convenience is held by oneself. He can find his interest in identifying those fragment as well as pay attention to the larger issues.
3but the chaos situation of the spurting information exposes too much in front us and constantly, we get lost in the details, hardly returning to the original overall perspectives of the issue. The situation may be worse if we perceive those bits of fragmented information only without contemplating upon its connection between other pieces and weighing the significance of it in the whole issue, which is the loss of the overall situation.

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发表于 2010-2-10 10:36:03 |只看该作者
19"If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens."

1a society’s prosperity is mainly presented as the overall success, which consists of the many individual’s well-being.
2 it is impossible to gain a large-scale success without the premise of the well-being of its individual citizens. Society is integrated by different kinds of people. The level of the overall depends on the lowest part rather than the highest part. So we have to pay enough attention on individual citizens, especially those below the average level.
3the profit of the society and the profit of the individual may constantly become contradicted upon certain issues, like the environment ones. In those occasions, the public interests have to put before individuals’. It is because the individual are preoccupied by the instant profit for his own good and consider nothing for the others. While the society has a longer vision to measure the gains and lost. Thus, the decision to put society before individual may keep the society thriving for good, not a moment.
4the balance should be handled carefully in different situations. But the fundamental position of individual’s well-being in the society is unshakable.

18"Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea."

1the experience to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others may help one get to know the idea deeper and find the true value of it. In the process of such crossing swords of the ideas, the every details and overall opinion can be developed stably, and one will provoke his thought to an excessive extension to reinforce the idea, weighing it with others and testing it in the doubts. As a result, one’s standing on the idea is surely bolstered and with the comparison and penetrating into the underneath, the value is unveiled to us.
2to confront the idea with other’s doubts and debate with their views can also draw a new reflect of the original idea upon one’s mind, which, may change the initial ideas if he finds the fallacy of it in a deeper and different aspect after the arguing. In such occasion, one will stop exploring the value of that idea and get away from the idea decisively.
3the following alternative result depends on how one originally stands. If he is in the truth side, any challenge and confusion will lead to the value as long as he is determinate for himself; however, if he is primarily wrong, any dispute upon his idea turns out to the struggle of his obstinacy, which the longer he concedes, the more difficult he sustains, and the more he goes astray from the value of his idea.

*177"The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes."(other available opinion?)

1 it is the fact that the academic experience changes the way we understand the world. As long as we are provided a new discipline with a systematic ideas, we gradually transform our thinking approaches, which is that, we tend to use the system we have well acquired to rebuild the world among us.
2 the studying of the discipline enriches our mind and makes us more mature to judge what we face. So the world remains same, while we are scrutinizing it in an aspect further, specific and renewed.
3 the alteration is varied among individuals, relying on how deeply they are influenced by the academic study. If they are strong self-established, preoccupied with the understanding of the world and divides the academic study clearly with the practical experience of life, they may see the same world as same eyes even after they have learned the disciplines.

154"Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."

1 it is a must for both parents and communities to be involved in the local schools, since education is established upon the two.  The parents have their children in schools, which is the initiative need for the existence for education. While the recognition and support from communities makes it possible to develop education, especially the public education.
2 but the depth of the involvement of communities and parents are different. Parents act as a subordinate element in the education of the children. They constantly get involved but each of the parents hardly has a significant influence on the overall situation. However, the society won’t involve in the schools now and then, but the education is built upon it and preceded for it, which has a crucial influence. The final goal for school is focus on the society, besides society raises money and supervises the process of the education machines.
3 it is unbelievable to leave education solely to a group of professional educators, not because of its importance, but complexity. The professional educator can apply their professional knowledge to offer the best education for the youth, but they are inadequate to handle the purpose and each chain of the education as best. As mentioned above, the activity of education is complex, involving different objects with different function and constantly are influenced by those elements.

79"Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."

1the situation depends on the traits of the society, especially the intellectual level of the general public.
2in a harmonious society, especially a democratic government, major policy decisions should be made by the majority of the general public rather than the minority politicians and experts. The major policy, which will have a cardinal influence to the society, the nation and the daily life of the general public, should be decided by the most related members, unless the government concerned enough with its people and are truly reliable. Besides, the general public should have the proficient intellect to judge what kind of decision does the most benefits. Their understanding on diverse field may surpass the suggestion the experts offer.
3if the government is democratic, but its people are not qualified to make an overall decent judgment, the decision should still leave for the government side.
4if the government is not democratic, the power of decision is held only by those governors, not because their advantages on a better decision making ability and judgment, but their position of dictator over the general public.

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