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Before we can understand people in more depth, it is(可以不用吧) what they wear and how they behave that gives(give) us the first impression. This facial impression sometimes will be proved right while sometimes not. Other than the appearance and behavior, there are other ways to realize people's attitudes and interests, like reading their books or listening to their music.
(这句话有点confuse,speaker没有说其他方式不可以,可以说appearance and behaviors 更能表现或者更不能表现?比较着说会不会好一点。看完下文再说一句,这句话跟下文没啥联系)Since the society consists of various individuals, it is hard to tell the society's ideas and values simply by observing its people, although this is one of the most frequent ways we use to understand a society. (说这是最常用的方法,那么很多人会argue,如果不能反映,为什么最常被用?被用就因为有用吧?)
It is true that we can presumably guess a person's attitude and interest from observing his appearance and behavior. And this happens frequently when we meet a stranger for the first time. For example, a girl in lace skirt standing still while speaking in good manners is probably a ballet dancer(英国淑女很多都这样,不一定是ballet dancer……). A boy in large T-shirt and wearing earphones may be a fan of rap music. A man wearing nice suit with a suit case in hand is likely to be a white-collar. We make such guess all the time. The dresses and actions help us a lot when defining people from the first sight.(例子有待斟酌,可以细致一点,比如喜欢的衣服颜色、样式,行为谨慎不谨慎,仅供参考,不一定确切哈)
Since society consists of each individual(对比这个和开头,两个几乎相同的原因,推理出的结果却不一样,我理解你的意思,是说人在社会中,或者你可以换句话说since individuals live in the society), people's appearance and behavior more or less reflect the society's ideas and values a whole. The informal dresses of Americans are a symbol of America's comprehension. The formal suits British people wear describe the serious character of England. In fact, people's appearance and behavior not only reflect the society, but are influenced by the society as well. They are interacted by each other. People tend to wear and act as the ethos their society presents(额,不要太绝对,说sometimes吧,因为下面还有追求不同的), because they live in the society and are immerse in the value and culture of the society. In turn, these people strengthen(这个词又让我confuse了一下,咋加强的?) the society's ideas and values, especially when observed by foreigners.
However, there are certain problems if we simply tell a society from what the citizens are dressing and how they are behaving. As mentioned above, individuals are components of the society, but the attitudes and interests differ from one to the other(注意上段说到的被影响的问题,有点小矛盾). When observing various dressing styles and behavior patterns in a single society, we are likely to be confused of the society's ideas and values. For example, you may simultaneously observe two American people wearing and performing in two opposite ways, say one in a rap style and one in a gentleman style. Can you say that the American society is as serious as Britain? Of course not(难说……). Moreover, contemporary world seeks for diversity that(as a result?) people, especially the younger generations, would like to look and behave differently from the generals. The increasing diversity makes it even harder to distinguish a society's inner spirit from the appearance and behavior of its people.
To sum up, people's appearance and behavior tell us a lot about their attitudes and interests. But the level of understanding remains superficial. Although the society's ethos and the way people look, dress, and act are closely interacted with each other, in a diversified society like today, simply observing the dressing styles and behavioral patterns of the people is far from enough to generalize the society's inner spirits.
就第一点来说,从我们判断人的方面说不是很有说服力,是不是说一些truth呢?比如,一个人他就是喜欢pop music,所以他喜欢T-shirt,因为我们的判断很多时候是错的,你也说guess啦,是吧?而且看开头的意思是判断本身就是不一定正确的,对吧?
第二点我觉得理由比较充分,不过开始的例子不是特别好,因为informal dress 和suit现在全世界的人都在穿,很难说……
第三点也make sense啦。还是例子的问题,而且对英美的ideas and values概括的不是很好,要不说点熟悉的例子?
总的来说,观点是清楚的,语言也算流畅,(比我好多啦)例子是硬伤,不够有说服力。而且侧重dress,是不是说点act呢?我也在纠结这个问题啦,继续探讨继续探讨,嘿嘿。加油哦~ |
总评分: 声望 + 1