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[活动] missr作文贴8.31 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-8-31 19:59:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Younger school children 5~10 should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.

As the general compulsory courses of younger school children, the meaning of math, science, history and language has always been accepted and appreciated by public. However, another sort of courses, give art and music for representative, which can improve creative ability and understanding of sentiment of younger children, also play an significant role in their path of development. Therefore, it is essential and helpful to instruct younger children to study art and music.
For one thing, art and music has a postive effect on younger children in the field of creating. Think about those excellent artists, musicians and their masterpieces, all these success without persistent imagation and creation. So if a parent wonder his or her baby become such a kind of person, the best way must be lead the young child to the world of art and music as early as possible. Children from five to ten has plenty of spare time so that they can easily form an interest, be addicted with and concentrate themselves on that specific thing. Creative ability not only strengthen their learning skill of math, science, language and other kinds of main subjects, but also benefit them everywhere in daily life. Just like an old saying, “teach others how to fish is better than give others fish”.
In addition, if a younger child focus on academic education such as math and science entirely at his or her early age, he or she will fail to grow up with sentiment, and even be crude and indifferent with others. What the world really need is not the one who possess an extremely high intellectual quality, but the one who spread love and peace. Early education influnce all the life of a person, thus to aviod cultivate child to become a coolblood animal, requirement of studying art and music for younger children is basic and crucial. Researches have shown that, people with good comprehension of art and music are more respectful and loyal, and even live longer, which owing to the good mood and spirit art and music bring.
Concluding the statement above, since art and music provide advantages both extrinsic and intrinsic, precisely speaking, the creative and esthetic
capability, children should definitely strat study art and music from early stage.


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Rank: 1

发表于 2010-9-3 00:11:34 |只看该作者
9月2日交09.06.12NA   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities.、

People who hold the opinion that students need not and should not take part-time job in university believed working before graduation is useless and even harmful to students. But actually, they failed to take the benefit from doing part-time job into consideration. It provided a lot of valuable experience and practical opportunities to college students who will soon step into the truly complicate world. Contrary to the first viewpiont, modern society allowed and encourage students to spend their spare time on earning money by themselves.
For one thing, there is an instinct limitation in school’s study system that students are not able to contact to real working condition. They can only listen to professors, take notes from lectures, and discuss with classmates, like “flowers in greenhouse”. However, participating part-time job just compenseate that flaw, by putting the skills and knowledge from books in practice. In long term, part-time job experience strengthen their competing ability when being interviewed by employers. It is most likely that companys prefer workers whom with rich experience to whom possess only theorical or oral capabitity. For instance, two students from marketing subject are sent to sell cars to consume by a company, one is top student who always ranks first in collage but never do any part-time job before, the other is opposite, he has done various part-time job in university. Result is that the later student receives much more favor and sell a larger numble of cars than the other. Because he is good at communicating with others especial potential buyers due to precious part-time jobs.
In addition, university students have plenty of luxury time after class, if they waste time on playing computer games or other kinds of entertainment, why not finding a part-time job to gain some extra money. Especially to student whose family is hardly to afford his tuition, insurance and daily life expense, salary from part-time job is a significant relife to his parents. Every responible student should take account of their family, the meaning of a part-time job is not only for saving money but also proving his mature. Furthermore, during part-time job, students get tough of diffierent kinds of people. The cycle of their friends will expand, if fortunately, they may meet excellent manages or bosses from big company which they may apply for one day.
In conclusion, not to mention the pay from part-time job, it do good to description of resume as well. Therefore, since everyone must work regularly, part-time job is a necessary preparion for future career of university students.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-9-5 00:39:06 |只看该作者
9月4日交) K/ z  M$ z' `2 g
09.08.01NA  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you do not make sure other people (especially influential people or your employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments, you will never get successful in life

While some people believed that even without acknowledge and praise from others, one can get a successful life as well. On the contrary, I strongly disagree with that viewpoint for the following reasons.
For one thing, despite success belong to people who possess noble characterist and rich knowledge, it can not leave out of some very proper opportunities in right time. How do these happened? Obviously, when someone saw your attempt and experience, then in further step build apprication and belife in you. Think about there are numerous talent or hard-working employees competing in a specific postion, what makes the final winner get favor of boss? It must be the one who present most valuable quality that fit the postion and move the boss, not the smartest, not the diligentest. In this case, the conclusion is that boss is merely able to discover what reflect in surface, but the inside, is unknown to everyone except the people himself. Which also suggest the significance and importance of proving your strengths and accomplishments to others.
In addition, not to mention the factor that others may ignore your truly ability and spirit, taking another major feedback into account. That is the lost of confidence, more serious for people if they can not form courage and motivation to show their past achievements and recent efforts to neighbors. Precisely speaking, they hesitate to, or in worse sitution, are afraid of expressing themselves. Consequently, that kind of person will fail to build self-confidence, at the same time, their friends and colleagues may also form wrong perspective of them. Really a huge pity, isn’t it? So to avoid this disunderstanding, the simplest and most direct way is impressing others by tell them all the merits and accomplishments.
To sum the statement above up, in order to reach the final goal, it is necessary to let others especially the lover or employer take insight to one’s intelligence and tough try. Otherwise, that individual will be underestimated and miss promotion or even good jobs.

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