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[活动] 12月份作文小组10月5日作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2008-10-5 17:05:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
185. You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice.
不要被"enough"所迷惑了,这是一个很含混(highly ambiguous)的词。可以采取it depends的策略,要看钱的数量是多少。
·          10万:买不了什么好房子,所以去做生意
·          20万:用5万付首期(the first installment),用剩下的做生意
·          50万:买一栋30万的房子,剩下的钱做生意
·          100万:买一栋50万的房子,剩下的钱用来慢慢享受
·          买房子:可以用来孝敬父母;可以让全家享受;而且会增值;很少的风险。
·          做生意:可以锻炼能力;运营得好的话可以赚很多钱,能买更好的房子;但是风险很大。
I will choose to purchase a house other than a business if I own enough money. There might be one or two disadvantages to make an investment in real estate; however, I believe that there are far more advantages. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

First of all, perhaps one disadvantage to buy a house is that it will cost a buyer a large mount of money once time only. (贷款,房价,物业管理费等等)
Another drawback involves the possibility that dealing with the house will cause a number of problems, such as complicated procedures, arrearage and even some civil disputes.

Even though these disadvantages exist, the advantages far outweigh them. First and foremost, a big new house will certainly improve the living condition of my family, whose house is now too small to hold all the five members.

Next, it is advisable for one to invest in real estate according to today’s steadily advancing housing market. Cost comes back quickly.

Beyond that, scarcely does a house have as many great risks as a business.

Taking into account of all these factors, I strongly back up the viewpoint that purchasing a house is a more sagacious choice than purchasing a business. Not only will it be a great benefit to a family, but also be a good start of a business.

184. Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
可以采取it depends的策略,要看学什么科目。
·          有的科目,自己有足够的自学能力,就单独学,可以进一步提高自己的学习能力;
·          而有些刚刚入门的科目,往往需要别人的帮助,所以喜欢跟同学们一起学习。
·          自己学习:安静;有效率;制定计划更容易;提高自学能力;本质上,学习靠自己;但是有时自己可能解决不了问题;也可能使自己变得孤立……
·          与大家一起学:可以向更优秀的学生求助;帮助别人解答问题也会使自己对问题的了解更深刻;与同学们保持良好的关系;但是也可能因为某些人浪费时间,缺乏效率……


Every student has his or her own studying method. Some students choose to learn with their classmates or friends, whereas others would prefer the opposite way-to learn all by themselves. This essay will discuss the issue of self-study and group-study.

Comparing with learning with a group of people, most students are more likely to learn on their own. This is probably because, first, they need a quiet environment which could make their study more effective and better.

Second, making a schedule alone seems much more readily than planning the same one with mass of students.

Radically speaking, study itself is every student’s own business, thus, studying alone would certainly improve their self-study ability.

However, there must be some difficult problems students will encounter during their studying course and cannot solve independently. This makes group-study a necessity.
Not only that, when helping others handle with their problems, one could comprehend the relevant knowledge more profoundly and completely.

What is more, group-study can also help students establish a healthy and positive relationship with their classmates. By discussing problems, learning from and helping each other, students in a group learn what team cooperation is.

183. Films can tell us a lot about the country where they were made. What have you learned about a country from watching its movies? Use specific examples and details to support your response.
·          经济、科技
·          风俗、习惯
·          历史、文化
·          价值观念
·          ……


Movies always play an extremely vital role in a country. From watching movies, one can learn numerous things about a country where the movies were made. In this essay, I will share some of my perception about the United States which I gained from American movies.

First of all, by watching some historical movies, I have learned a lot about the history of the United States. Gone With The Wind, Dance With Wolves. Flags Of Our Fathers.

Next, it is just the typical American movies that lead me to understand the characteristics of the American public. Forrest Gump

What is more, also the most important, I witness the development of the breathtaking imaginative and high technology personally by never missing any Walt Disney Cartoon movie these years.

Needless to say, movies have brought us too many pleasant surprises since they were born. With the rapid development of science and technology, movies not only show people their new potential continually, but also make people from different countries know each other very well. In a word, movies, indeed, have taught us a lot even before we realized it.

182. Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
·          好处:不寂寞;每个人都有爱心;闲暇时间有心理寄托(spiritual/psychological sustenance)
·          缺点:人会变得孤僻;脏;宠物可能传染病毒


Nowadays, a great many people hold the opinion that pets are the best friends of human beings. They set a close relationship with their pets and even some of them regard their birds, cats or other animals as their family members. But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore the most conspicuous ones here.

First and foremost, animals are far different from human beings, most of which scarcely have as much abundant emotion as humans. Owing to this unique human emotion, owners always spend much of their money and love on their animal friends. Once their adorable little pets escape from their cages or kennels, they will certainly be hurt deeply. (例如邻居盲人奶奶)

Furthermore, not all the people have the common sense and correct attitude towards animals. Many people, especially parents in a family, prefer to treat their pets as their son or daughter. (养猩猩的方式)

Beyond that, in fact, many people choose an animal as their friend just because they have a bad relationship with their families, friends or colleague. I have heard about such a saying from one of my acquaintance: “I cannot trust anyone in the world except my dog Charlie because he is pure-hearted and honest always.” Pets have become one of the psychological sustenance of people nowadays. When people have some problems with their friends, they turn to animals for help other than solve the problems together. How strange it is that people show their love to animals but display a terrible indifference to others of their kind.

Consequently, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that the close relationship between pets and their owners is not as good as many people always think about.   

180. Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
·          电影能够满足人们的幻想
·          电影能使满足人们的好奇(了解其他国家的很多事情[183])
·          电影是最经济的娱乐手段(金钱上、精力上[127])


It goes without saying that movies have become one of the most popular recreations in the world. Why it is so popular? There are numerous factors which contribute to the popularity of movies, and I will explore the most conspicuous ones here.   

First and foremost, movies are able to satisfy people by turning their illusion or fancy that cannot be achieved in real life into the visual image.

Next, movies play an extremely vital role in the communication between different countries. From watching its movies, one can learn numerous things about a country where the movies were made.

What is more, economically speaking, it charges comparatively less money for people to watch a film than to attend other entertainments, such as to go to amusement parks, to play bowing and to have dinner with friends.

Consequently, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that movies are of necessity popularized in the world, due to its recreational, fashionable and economic nature.

[ 本帖最后由 marie8524 于 2008-10-5 17:07 编辑 ]

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Rank: 1

发表于 2008-10-5 17:08:44 |只看该作者


181. In your country, is there more need for land to be left in its natural condition or is there more need for land to be developed for housing and industry? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
·          中国解决住房的需求(要地,也要资本)
·          发展工业能够解决资本问题
·          发展工业,也能解决失业问题,进一步繁荣经济
According to its vast territory and high-density population, China, my homeland needs more land to be developed for housing and industry than that to be left in natural condition. This essay will discuss this viewpoint specifically and reasonably.

First and foremost, it is the Chinese population-approximately 1.3 billion people-accounting for twenty-one percent of the world population that makes housing necessary and vital which requires a considerable size of land. China has the most population in the world. Everyone knows it. To house such an immeasurable number of people, Chinese government makes great efforts to develop real estate. Apartment houses are erected everywhere, investments are made ceaselessly and largely, and every inch of the land seems to be likely to build a house. However, the demands cannot yet be satisfied. In the late of the last century, the majority of the population centered in Beijing and other metropolises in the southeast coastline, but nowadays, conversely, this coverage has expanded towards the hinterland of China, such as the northeast and the southwest. Take my home town Changchun as an example, before this century, it was just a medium-sized city in the northeast area, but today, it is more than twice and contains many new communities and large mall centers established in the outermost suburbs.     

Next, the industrial development needs land sources. As a developing country, of which the economy comparatively lags behind that of the high developed countries, China needs to build more large-scaled factories to accelerate the industrial development. Architectonically speaking, the practical functions of a factory determine its size. One is that the mechanized industrial production demands large interiors in which manufacturing could be carried on. Another is that the administration of giant industrial and commercial concerns required office buildings of unprecedented size, containing suites of offices easily accessible to employees and customers. Besides, from the social point of view, people need jobs. A new factory, unquestionably, will draw a huge quantity of populations to find jobs, which promise to provide a good housing condition as prerequisite. Communities of employees will further enlarge the factory. After certain amounts of shops, schools and banks are built, the factory will eventually become a district of a city. This is the process how my hometown Automotive Industries Development Area, the most important district in Changchun has formed.

Consequently, taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that it would be better for China to develop its land for housing and industry based on social and economic reasons. If both of the two problems were well solved, as far as I am concerned, land would find its value.  

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