招生人:Chris de Zeeuw教授,
他是荷兰 Erasmus MC神经科学系主任,小脑基础研究领域的权威人之一,在神经学的一流杂志上发表了不少论文(Neuron, Nature Neuroscience等),如果感兴趣的话,可以具体到他lab网站上看看或者pubmed下他发表过的文章以及研究兴趣。
Project title: New Therapies For Cerebellar Autism。
Abstract: Autism comprises a heterogeneous group of neuro- developmental disorders characterized by variations in social interactions, communication, and the manifestation of ritualistic behaviors.
Requirement of candidate: The student should have a background and bachelor-master degrees in Biomedical Sciences, Molecular Biology and/or Neuro-Psychology. He/she should be interested in the mechanisms underlying cerebellar function and autism. The level in English reading, writing and speaking should be at the highest possible standard.
Bachelor & Master degree: Yes, both degrees are required, but they don’t need to be in the same field.
IELTS Grade: 7.0 (minimal 6.0 per subscore): Top 20% score or TOEFL: 100 (minimal 20 per subscore): Top 20% score
GMAT/GRE: Top 20% score
如果感兴趣或者对以上介绍有任何疑问的话, 可以直接与Prof. Dr. Chris De Zeeuw联系: c.dezeeuw@erasmusmc.nl