Memorial:Master of Engineering Management
Ottawa:Engineering Management
McMaster:Master of Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Carleton:Technology Innovation Management-M.A.Sc.(因为没工作经验)
Waterloo:Master of Management Science(嫌弃我的GPA)
Alberta:Engineering Management
U Ottawa:Engineering Management (MEng),Faculty of Engineering,两年,17500加元一年,
http://www.grad.uottawa.ca/Defau ... mmes&ProgId=591
Members of the program are engaged in research in many areas related to engineering management: production and operations management, robotics and manufacturing management, reliability and maintainability engineering, human resource management, industrial and technology marketing, technical project management and control, research and development and innovation management, operation research, forecasting.
50% of the core courses should come from engineering, and 50% from management.
McMaster:Master of Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation (M.E.E.I.),两年,27000加元一年
它是属于工程学院下的Walter G. Booth School of Engineering Practice,好像是2005年刚开办的 http://businessinnovation.ca/program.html
Whether you are engaged in original research, launching a business, or have been assigned a marketing opportunity from within your enterprise, the Xerox Centre for Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation offers an environment designed exclusively for real-time venture creation and education.
You'll learn a proven start-up methodology, work with business and technical experts, have access to funding sources, and walk away with a Master's degree in Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
What makes the Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation program unique is the combination of three key components that allow you to learn how to successfully develop a technology or science-based business. These elements are:Engineering Enterprise Project,Entrepreneurial & Innovation Skills Development Modules, Advanced Engineering Studies