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[i习作temp] Issue 183 帮忙看看 谢谢先! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2004-12-10 17:31:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 183 the impact of acquiring more knowledge
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.
This statement mainly concerns whether our life becomes simpler by large sum of knowledge. The speaker thinks it does not make things more comprehensible. But after thorough consideration, I personally think, the more knowledge we get, the easier and comprehensible our life would be.
Admitted that large sum of information can always make our life messed up. And equally, when we find ourselves amid different knowledge, we will not know where to go. That is because when faced many options, we find it difficult to make a wise decision, for it is in the nature of human to make every thing optimal, and that is why we made huge progresses from the beginning of our history. Also, after we get more and more knowledge, we can find things around us possessing more than it used to, for we can detect or explain them in different ways, which seemingly adds new problems and makes things more complex.
But, if we had stopped at such stages as only getting as much information as possible or more ways in examining the world, we would make no progress in science and other subjects. So, it is too superficial to get the conclusion that knowledge makes things less comprehensible without understanding the true progress how we learn and discover the world. We get more information about the subject we are examining by using new means, after that we compile all the information and try our best to achieve the true nature that is hidden under these phenomena. And finally we can find these basic principles are really simple. For example, the process of how we study the universe offers us vivid images of the way we learn. First, as the newly found measures are put into use, we learn more about the universe, after careful collecting calculation of these facts, we understand the true start of the universe and the general life process of a star, which makes the nature more and more comprehensible. And with more and more knowledge, we still find many subjects really connected to each other, which makes us easier to understand the truth of nature.
In our practical life, that knowledge makes our life simpler is undeniable. Just take a look at the house of an ordinary man, new electrical appliances make everyday much easier. No more time in reading newspaper, he can learn news when having breakfast with a radio receiver on the table; no more time in washing cloth, he can greatly enjoy the leisure time when a washing machine is busy helping him. And when we ask why we can make our life less complex, the only answer should be the contribution of the knowledge. Though once less seemingly less comprehensive, such as knowledge in the field of electronics and the like, they help us a lot and can be used in so many aspects of our life.
In sum, we can get the idea that life is becoming less and less complex with the help of knowledge. Normally, things become complex when we find they can show themselves in so many ways, but after careful thinking, we can find that all these phenomena should be connected to only a few general rules. And knowledge, with its almighty power, really helps our life as well as things around us much simpler.

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Capricorn摩羯座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-12-10 23:19:46 |只看该作者
Life is full of drama.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2004-12-11 08:14:57 |只看该作者
Issue 183 the impact of acquiring more knowledge
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.
This statement mainly concerns whether our life becomes simpler by large sum of knowledge. The speaker thinks it does not make things more comprehensible.(前两句是不是可以变成一句话) But after thorough consideration, I personally think, the more knowledge we get, the easier and comprehensible our life would be.

Admitted that large sum of information can always make our life messed up. And equally, when we find ourselves amid different knowledge, we will not know where to go. That is because when faced many options, we find it difficult to make a wise decision, for it is in the nature of human to make every thing optimal, and that is why we made huge progresses from the beginning of our history. Also, after we get more and more knowledge, we can find things around us possessing more than it used to, for we can detect or explain them in different ways, which seemingly adds new problems and makes things more complex.(这段你是想说只是的增加带来选择的增多而使事情复杂吧,这个文章中和comprehensible相对应的complex好像是有偏差的,你强调的是解决问题方法增多的复杂,而不是问题本身的复杂)

But, if we had stopped at such stages as only getting as much information as possible or more ways in examining the world, we would make no progress in science and other subjects. So, it is too superficial to get the conclusion that knowledge makes things less comprehensible without understanding the true progress how we learn and discover the world. We get more information about the subject we are examining by using new means, after that we compile all the information and try our best to achieve the true nature that is hidden under these phenomena. And finally we can find these basic principles are really simple. For example, the process of how we study the universe offers us vivid images of the way we learn. First, as the newly found measures are put into use, we learn more about the universe, after careful collecting calculation of these facts, we understand the true start of the universe and the general life process of a star, which makes the nature more and more comprehensible. And with more and more knowledge, we still find many subjects really connected to each other, which makes us easier to understand the truth of nature.(挺好的啊,但是如果可以举一个很确切的例子可能会更好)

In our practical life, that knowledge makes our life simpler is undeniable. Just take a look at the house of an ordinary man, new electrical appliances make everyday much easier. No more time in reading newspaper, he can learn news when having breakfast with a radio receiver on the table; no more time in washing cloth, he can greatly enjoy the leisure time when a washing machine is busy helping him. And when we ask why we can make our life less complex, the only answer should be the contribution of the knowledge. Though once less seemingly less comprehensive, such as knowledge in the field of electronics and the like, they help us a lot and can be used in so many aspects of our life.(这段好像也有点偏题吧,这里你所强调的生活简单其实是生活舒适吧)

In sum, we can get the idea that life is becoming less and less complex with the help of knowledge. Normally, things become complex when we find they can show themselves in so many ways, but after careful thinking, we can find that all these phenomena should be connected to only a few general rules. And knowledge, with its almighty power, really helps our life as well as things around us much simpler


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