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[i习作temp] Issue 157 拍砖必回!!!请留下连接!! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-3-19 15:44:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.
Since human beings are animals that own plenty of emotion, it is impossible for them to observe one thing in an absolutely objective view. More or less, he/she adds his/her personal feeling into observation. And just as the statement says that all observation is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.

To begin with, some people may argue that in scientific field, facts are stubborn and they usually do not change easily followed people's desire. But how were these theories and axioms found? Not for our ancestors had the desire to reveal the underlying theories or axiom in normal life, can we have access to know them? A good case in point is the founding of the law of universal gravitation. As we know, it was found when Newton sat under an apple tree, suddenly an apple dropped on his head, which caused him to think about the reason of this phenomenon and then he found the famous law of gravity. In fact, many people met this condition before Newton, or more accurately, many people saw apples dropped to the earth rather than dropped to the sky. However, because Newton is the very person who studied physics, anything he met would make him linked to his research. Under this circumstance, after carefully thinking and reasoning, he found this law. Similarly, other laws or theory were found because people have the desire to reveal it and when they met the fittest environment, such laws were found.

Secondly, subjective observation is obviously apparent in humanities and social sciences. Granted scientific knowledge has laws that everyone should obey, considering there are no unifying criteria for art works and other social sciences, objective observation in these fields is totally impossible. Take criticism of art works for example. On the one hand, critics more often than not work for special group, hence their criticism usually expresses the like or dislike of his group. As far as those authors that although write very well, if he/she himself/herself opposes the mind of one critics' association, he/she will not receive good evaluation from those critics. In addition, for players, their appearances more or less affect evaluation of critics. We often met this circumstance that facing two players with the same level; the one who is more beautiful will win. Therefore, calling people in the two fields observe objectively is only a good will that will never be accomplished.

Last but not least, overemphasizing subjection when one observes things is also not good. There is an old saying in China goes that (I paragraph)" overpassing is worse than not reaching", which means that doing anything has a degree and if you exceed the degree, the result may be worse than you have not reach the degree. In this sense, although we admit that we cannot observe absolutely objectively, overstating subjection we will know nothing. Neglecting objection we can treat things at will, then there will be nothing in the world but our mind, which is not the fact.

In conclusion, while I support what the statement says, I at the same time insist that overemphasizing subjection is bad.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-3-19 16:15:50 |只看该作者
Get busy living...or get busy dying
-(The Shawshank Redemption)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-3-19 18:00:59 |只看该作者
There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective; it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.
Since human beings are animals that own plenty of emotion,with就可以了 it is impossible for them to observe one thing in an absolutely objective view.【觉得因果关系不是太好,有情绪就不客观,没有点到关键,可能立场、方法、背景身份等】 More or less, he/she adds his/her personal feeling into observation.【more or less he or she may impose his or her values into the observation】 And just as the statement says that all observation is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.【fully赞同观点】

To begin with, some people may argue that in scientific field, facts are stubborn and they usually do not change easily followed people's desire. But how were these theories and axioms found? Not for our ancestors had the desire to reveal the underlying theories or axiom in normal life, can we have access to know them? 【看不懂】A good case in point 【 a good case in this point】is the founding of the law of universal gravitation. As we know, it was found when Newton sat under an apple tree, suddenly an apple dropped on his head, which caused him to think about the reason of this phenomenon and then he found the famous law of gravity. In fact, many people met this condition before Newton, or more accurately, many people saw apples dropped to the earth rather than dropped to the sky. However, because Newton is the very person who studied physics, anything he met would make him linked to his research. Under this circumstance, after carefully thinking and reasoning, he found this law. Similarly, other laws or theory were found because people have the desire to reveal it and when they met the fittest environment, such laws were found.题目的意思是观察是主观的,但是本段好像没说点子上,你说的是desire

Secondly, subjective observation is obviously apparent in humanities and social sciences. Granted scientific knowledge【是伟大的科学知识??】 has laws that everyone should obey, considering there are no unifying criteria for art works and other social sciences, objective observation in these fields is totally impossible. Take criticism of art works for example. On the one hand, critics more often than not work for special group, hence their criticism usually expresses the like or dislike of his group. As far as those authors that although write very well, if he/she himself/herself opposes the mind of one critics' association, he/she will not receive good evaluation from those critics. In addition, for players, their appearances more or less affect evaluation of critics. We often met this circumstance that facing two players with the same level; the one who is more beautiful will win.【第一个例子还好,评论家的评判是带有立场的,但是这里的美丑没说服力,不好看的成功多着呢!】 Therefore, calling people in the two fields observe objectively is only a good will that will never be accomplished.【it is unrealistic to ask people fron different group to observe objectively 】

Last but not least, overemphasizing subjection when one observes things is also not good. 文章的tp是观察是主观的,他的理由是通常受观察者的期望和欲望引导。你也是同意这点的,但是你写的份论点与无关系,你只是说这样是不好的。There is an old saying in China goes that (I paragraph)" overpassing is worse than not reaching", which means that doing anything has a degree and if you exceed the degree, the result may be worse than you have not reach the degree. In this sense, although we admit that we cannot observe absolutely objectively, overstating subjection we will know nothing. Neglecting objection we can treat things at will, then there will be nothing in the world but our mind, which is not the fact.

In conclusion, while I support what the statement says, I at the same time insist that overemphasizing subjection is bad.【结尾与开头没有好好对应,而且有点短了吧??呵呵】insist that overemphasizing subjection is 开头没讲吧?bad
Get busy living...or get busy dying
-(The Shawshank Redemption)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-3-21 11:42:44 |只看该作者
我是觉得写完前两个body 觉得有些太偏激了
就来了个b3 最后忘了在开头加上这部分观点了
不过 desire 不是主管的一部分?

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Issue 157 拍砖必回!!!请留下连接!!
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