菩提子, Yes, you have been accepted into grad school at Tulane University, working with Dr. ***. You should be receiving your letters of acceptance any time now. They were mailed April 6, 2005.
Please let me know when you receive the letters. We look forward to having you join us in August. --***
Dear 菩提子:
Based upon the recommendation of the ME department, I am delighted to offer you a research assistantship which carries an annual stipend of $18,500.00 to begin the fall 2005 semester. You will receive $13,500 for the academic year and $5,000 will be paid over the summer semester. Your duties will be to assist *** on research activities. If you have any specific questions about your stipend or the details of your duties, *** will be happy to answer them.
值此之际,还要感谢一直支持与鼓励我的飞跃途中的好友!胡姐,你一直在生活上鼓励我,让我对生活充满阳光和信心;华永,高中时同窗好友,心有灵犀的朋友,对我绝对的信心让我感染,同时也祝愿你早日实现你的梦想,你一直是我比较崇拜的哥们,呵呵;学栋,很有创意和干劲的高才生,前途不可限量,你需要的只是时间;尾巴,漂亮聪明能干的重庆女孩,你的能力和智慧会让你今生收益无穷的,同时也祝愿你早日找到满意的落脚之处发挥才干;蓝色荆棘鸟,在我感情遭遇挫折的时候,一直安慰我,很感动也很感激,我对你说的你的出现会给我带来好运一直坚信不移;陈立,樊老师,在我准备面试的时候不厌其烦地给我讲解一些基础知识,陈立,你是我们班的骄傲,相信你一定创出自己的天地来;李雯,感谢你周末抽空把你的导师请出来给我讲解一些专业知识。还有Jia Zheng, Liu Li, Qin Qin, Xiao Liu 远在国外,以及重大论坛还有外服论坛的朋友,仍然帮助和鼓励我。在我最消极的时候他们比我自己都坚信我肯定能走出国门留洋学习,没有他们的不懈的鼓励与支持,我相信自己不会在工作两年之后再次能拿到录取通知书。