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2024年上海交通大学溥渊国际青年科学家论坛|诚邀您参加 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2024-11-7 15:59:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

About the Symposium

GIFT InternationalSymposium on Future Technologies, hosted by Global Institute of FutureTechnology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, will be held on December 14-15,2024. The symposium provides an academic platform for young scholars aroundthe world to exchange ideas on their latest research, to interact andcollaborate, and to find inspirations in the rapidly-evolving technologicalfields. Seminars in the symposium focus on interdisciplinary and emergingresearch areas of the future, including (but not limited to) sustainableenergy, health science and technology, smart manufacturing, artificialintelligence, etc. Outstanding young scholars (senior Ph.D. students and above)participating in this symposium are encouraged to pursue collaborations withour faculty members or join us to start your new career in this exciting place.

Symposium date: Dec 14-15,2024 (UTC/GMT +8)

Symposium Topics

Health Science andTechnology

This session covers theinterdisciplinary research topics relating to health and engineering, includingbut not limited to:

·     Biomedicalimage computing, clinical and pre-clinical imaging instrumentation, appliedartificial intelligence for biomedical imaging, etc.

·     Metaversefor intelligent healthcare, virtual clinical trials and digital twin scans,metaversed medical intervention, etc.

·     Psychologicaland brain sciences and brain computer interface technology for studyingbehavior, cognition, learning, memory, etc.

·     Life-cyclehealth management, LLM-based virtual assistants for health management, etc.

·     Drugdiscovery, synthetic and computational biology, etc.

Sustainable Energy

This symposium sessionbroadly covers all areas related to energy harvesting, storage, transmission, andmanagement including but not limited to:

·     Intelligentmanufacturing, adaptive process control, and characterizations of advancedbattery systems including solid-state batteries, Li/Na-ion batteries, etc.

·     Renewableenergy generation, conversion, inter-operation, and system-wise management

·     Perovskitesolar cell synthesis, manufacturing, and performance evaluation

·     Multi-physicsreliability analysis and management of hybrid energy systems

·     Low-carbonand energy-efficient agricultural facilities, precise operation and intelligentproduction in plant factories, electrification and automation of agriculturalequipment

·     Autonomousvehicle, environmental perception, high-precision localization, vehicleplanning, and control

·     AI-boostedengineering including intelligent manufacturing, intelligent logistics,intelligent retail

Participate in theSymposium

If you are interested,please fill up the information form at: https://wj.sjtu.edu.cn/q/u74LCsxa or scan the following QRcode by Nov 29.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Nov29, 2024

Invitation Notification: Dec3, 2024

Confirmation Deadline: Dec6, 2024

Final Agenda: Dec 9, 2024

Symposium Dates: Dec14-15, 2024

About Global Institute of Future Technology

Global Institute of Future Technology (GIFT) at Shanghai Jiao TongUniversity (SJTU) is one of the first 12 institutes of Future Technologyestablished by the Ministry of Education (MoE) of China. GIFT pioneers acomprehensive reform to create an innovative education system that breaks downthe boundaries of learning, disciplines, and universities. The goal is todevelop a unique academia-industry collaborative education system to cultivatefuture academic and industrial leaders with strategic and global vision.

GIFThas established two novel interdisciplinary undergraduate majors, namely “SustainableEnergy” and “Health Science andTechnology,” which are the first of its kindapproved by MoE in China. The curricula set up a student-centered andexcellence-oriented talent cultivation system integrating undergraduate,master, and PhD studies. Diverse educational initiatives include academic mentorshipfor undergraduates to provide all-around guidance; personalized study plan tobuild an interdisciplinary background; innovative evaluation criteria tostimulate all-around development; in-depth integration among industries,universities, and research institutes to hone the cutting-edge innovationability; and multi-modal international cooperation to foster future globalleaders.

Basedon SJTU's strengths in multiple disciplines such as science, engineering,biology, medicine, and management, GIFT has established several researchcenters focusing on future batteries, future photovoltaics, extrememanufacturing, intelligent vehicles, brain health, sports health, and humandigital twins, etc., to embrace future industrial revolution through extensivecross-disciplinary research.

Withextensive support from domestic and international leading companies, GIFTactively explores new mechanisms for the technology transfer of scientificdiscovery, and nurtures leading talents that foster new productive forces foreconomic and social development.

Locatedin the central area of Minhang Campus, GIFT’s current working space atthe East Wing of Yue-Kong Pao Library boasts a picturesque view of Siyuan Lake.GIFT's new building, to be completed in 2026 for 60,000 square meters and atwin building adjacent with CATL (Shanghai) Research Institute, will become alandmark in the ‘Grand Neo Bay’Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community in Shanghai.

JoinGIFT, become GIFTed talents! We welcome brilliant scholars around the world toco-create the future.

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