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系列素材:上海之二 [复制链接]

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Taurus金牛座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-5-21 11:43:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Shanghai - Insider Tips

Business etiquette

• Language is the biggest challenge for most foreign visitors to Shanghai—most locals know just a handful of English words. Bring a phrasebook with you (and point to the relevant words and Chinese characters), and ask staff at your hotel to write down addresses for cab drivers.

• China's business culture sets far more store on personal connections than it does on laws and regulations. “Make friends, then business” is a favourite motto. Guanxi (connections) are vital.

• In business negotiations, expect the representatives of a Chinese firm to enter the room in order of seniority. The normal greeting involves shaking hands with everyone in the group.

• Public interactions between men and women are very reserved. After an initial handshake, avoid body contact and be courteous, but restrained.

• A largely successful Communist campaign has been to give women equal status to men. Foreign women are (mostly) accepted on equal terms in the work place and should feel quite safe walking around the city.

• Business cards are swapped at breakneck speed. On receiving one, use both hands and read it immediately. Be sure to offer yours in return. Cards with your name and job title printed in Chinese on the reverse are useful. Ask a kind Chinese person to select a good name for you. Mainland characters are different from those used in Hong Kong and Taiwan, so be specific if you have them printed in your local Chinatown.

• Do not underestimate the concept of losing face. Arriving late, causing embarrassment, confrontational behaviour, or calling attention to a mistake can all cause loss of face. This is potentially disastrous for a business relationship.

• If a Chinese person has misunderstood you, or cannot (or does not) want to answer a question, they may laugh to cover their embarassment. Try not to get agitated. Chances are you'll get an answer later.

• “It is not convenient” is a polite way of saying that something is impossible or very difficult. Better not to force the issue. Ask later, after the person has spoken with a superior.

• Don't be unnerved by long silences—these are an important part of Chinese communication. But note that silence can also be used to unnerve a negotiating opponent.

• Personal space is not highly regarded in China: expect people to get quite close to you, and even barge into you.

• “Dressdown Fridays”, or casual office wear, have not caught on in China. A suit and tie is the norm.

• The Chinese are fiercely proud of their culture, and sensitivities can be easy to ignite. Don't bring up Taiwan, Tibet or human rights and tread carefully when discussing China's burgeoning Westernisation.

Business hours

Business hours in Shanghai are very much those you would find in the West. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5/6pm (some close for an hour at lunchtime). Some offices also maintain limited Saturday hours. Banks follow similar hours.

Department stores typically open every day, 10am-10pm. Chinese restaurants tend to open and close early (11.30am-2pm and 5-9.30pm), international restaurants stay open later. Note that dinner in China is usually eaten early, from 5.30pm.

Crime and safety

Shanghai is remarkably safe, and even women travellers are able to walk around alone without fear of interference. Male business travellers should be alert when venturing out after dark: the prostitutes who patrol the environs of many business hotels can be persistent.
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