VO: please come closer to the window.
VO: u r teaching in your univ ? you teach and reasearch the same time?
Me:yes, i am a teacher in my univ and i do reaseach in my orientation...
VO:full time or part time?
ME:full time since .......
Vo:how much you earn ?
Me:3000 per year, oh per year(一年3000,那该饿死了哈哈哈~!)
Vo:ru married?
VO:her name??
Me:XXXX 然后把汉语拼音写到我的表格上面。
Vo:which univ?
Me:purdue, to pursue my phd in .....
Vo:why this univ?
Me: *** is from the univ VP, i know it very well...very strong in my major......
Vo:do you have scolarship?
ME:yes, full fanicial aid from the department..
Vo: what is your plan ?
Me: I will come back to my department as a prof.....i talked with my dean and ....
Vo:what will u do if u can not get the position?
Me:i am confident in the position after talking with my dean.....
Vo:ok I mean if you can not..
Me: i c ,there r many other universties like mine, and i was invited by other universties in my last meeting......
VO:i c~
撕票~~get your visa afternoon...
Me: Thank you ~~