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[i习作temp] issue203 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-19 11:30:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue203: 610 words  45 minutes
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.

The issue about whether to examine the character of the heroes or heroines of a society is the best way to understand the character of a society is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts so, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as by examining heroes or heroines of a society we can understand character of a society. However, in some extreme cases we cannot truly understand the character of the society through analyzing heroes or heroines and other ways may be better in current era. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason I agree with the speaker is that heroes or heroines are often typified the excellent attributes and personalities of a society, and therefore, by studying the characters of such heroes or heroines we can easily understand the characters of society. For supporting examples, one only needs to look to heroes or heroines in western countries and eastern countries. In western countries, such as America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation. In short, without doubt, generally speaking we can learn the characters of a society by study the character of its heroes or heroines.

However, in spite the merits of studying heroes or heroines when studying characters of a society, we cannot solely rely on it. In some extreme cases, we cannot identify the characters of a society by studying its heroes or heroines. In repressive societies or even autocratic societies, where characters of the nation are distorted or even destroyed, for example, we cannot identify characters of the society by studying its heroes or heroines. Hitler during the World War Two serves as an apt example to illustrate the point. Although Hitler was worshiped by millions of Germans, advocated purification of race and by this pretext he decimated numerous innocent Jews and waged war against other countries, his attitudes and characters fails to represent that of the whole Germany. Understandably, studying characters of heroes or heroines of a society may not always be an effective way to study characters of a society.

In the final analyses, besides studying heroes or heroines, other means such as studying history may be an effective way. For the reason of increasing globalization and modernization, differences among characters of different countries are continuously diminishing. As a matter of fact, there are universal heroes or heroines all around the world. For example, imaginary heroes, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman, who are characterized as helping the weak and the poor, and penalizing those bullies, enjoy worldwide popularity. Therefore, in contemporary society, studying of history may be another effective way to study characters of a society. For example, from works and thoughts of Confucius, western people can better understand characters of Chinese, such as reverence toward teachers and senior people. Consequently, studying of history plays an important role currently.

To sum up, due to the above analyses and discussions, a safe conclusion that both studying heroes or heroines and studying of history are effective ways to study characters of a society.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-19 at 13:12 ]
Major: cognitive radio, wireless communication

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-19 18:16:02 |只看该作者


https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... ighlight=%2Belijah3

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-19 18:55:15 |只看该作者

Issue203: 610 words  45 minutes
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.

The issue about whether to examine the character of the heroes or heroines of a society is the best way to understand the character of a society is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts so, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as by examining heroes or heroines of a society we can understand character of a society. However, in some extreme cases (不能说是一些极端情况吧!) we cannot truly understand the character of the society through analyzing heroes or heroines and other ways may be better in current era. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason I agree with the speaker is that heroes or heroines are often typified the excellent attributes and personalities of a society, and therefore, by studying the characters of such heroes or heroines we can easily understand the characters of (a) society. For supporting examples, one only needs to look to heroes or heroines in western countries and eastern countries. In western countries, such as America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation. In short, without doubt (undoubtedly), generally speaking (与前面的without doubt选取其一, 放在一起显得啰嗦) we can learn the characters of a society by study (studying) the character of its heroes or heroines.

However, in spite (of) the merits of studying heroes or heroines when studying characters of a society, we cannot solely rely on it. In some extreme cases, we cannot identify the characters of a society by studying its heroes or heroines. In repressive societies or even autocratic societies, where characters of the nation are distorted or even destroyed, for example, we cannot identify characters of the society by studying its heroes or heroines. Hitler during the World War Two serves as an apt example to illustrate the point. Although Hitler was worshiped by millions of Germans, advocated purification of race and by this pretext he decimated numerous innocent Jews and waged war against other countries, his attitudes and characters fails to represent that of the whole Germany. Understandably, studying characters of heroes or heroines of a society may not always be an effective way to study characters of a society.

In the final analyses, besides studying heroes or heroines, other means such as studying history may be an effective way. For the reason of increasing globalization and modernization (直接表达成With the increasingly rapid progress of globalization and modernization), differences among characters of different countries are continuously diminishing. As a matter of fact, there are universal heroes or heroines all around the world. For example, imaginary heroes, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman, who are characterized as helping the weak and the poor, and penalizing those bullies, enjoy worldwide popularity. Therefore, in contemporary society, studying of history may be another effective way to study characters of a society. For example, from works and thoughts of Confucius, western people can better understand characters of Chinese, such as reverence toward teachers and senior people. Consequently, studying of history plays an important role currently. (为什么历史上的人物就在世界范围内不具有相似性呢?孔子与希腊的亚里斯多德同为思想家与教育家,他们其实在很多方面具有共性啊!举历史上的事件不是更具有说服力吗?)

To sum up, due to the above analyses and discussions, a safe conclusion (为什么要用safe呢?个人觉得用decisive, trenchant or definite可能好一些) that both studying heroes or heroines and studying of history are effective ways to study characters of a society.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-19 22:24:46 |只看该作者
Issue203: 610 words  45 minutes
The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.

The issue about whether to examine the character of the heroes or heroines of a society is the best way to understand the character of a society is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts so, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as by examining heroes or heroines of a society we can understand character of a society. However, in some extreme cases we cannot truly understand the character of the society through analyzing heroes or heroines and other ways may be better in current era. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason I agree with the speaker is that heroes or heroines are often typified 这个单词感觉不太常见,改成reflect或者represent,你不会觉得太俗气吧the excellent attributes and personalities of a society, and therefore, by studying the characters of such heroes or heroines we can easily understand the characters of societyunderstand the chararcters which the society admires. For supporting examples, one only needs to look to heroes or heroines in western countries and eastern countries. 这句话感觉缺少了半句,我觉得后面应该在加上这么做的目的。In western countries, such as America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation. In short, without doubt, generally speaking we can learn the characters of a society by study the character of its heroes or heroines.例子举的十分精辟,精彩!

However, in spite the merits of studying heroes or heroines when studying characters of a society, we cannot solely rely on it. In some extreme cases, we cannot identify the characters of a society by studying its heroes or heroines. In repressive societies or even autocratic societies, where characters of the nation are distorted or even destroyed, for example, we cannot identify characters of the society by studying its heroes or heroines.从for example 开始的这句话,感觉有点多余。 Hitler during the World War Two serves as an apt example to illustrate the point. Although Hitler was worshiped by millions of Germans, advocated purification of race and by this pretext he decimated numerous innocent Jews and waged war against other countries, his attitudes and characters fails to represent that of the whole Germany. Understandably, studying characters of heroes or heroines of a society may not always be an effective way to study characters of a society.

In the final analyses, besides studying heroes or heroines, other means such as studying history may be an effective way. For the reason of increasing globalization and modernization, differences among characters of different countries are continuously diminishing. As a matter of fact, there are universal heroes or heroines all around the world. For example, imaginary heroes, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman, who are characterized as helping the weak and the poor, and penalizing those bullies, enjoy worldwide popularity. 这个例子好像和通过历史来学习社会特点这个方法没有什么联系吧,放在这里是否妥当?Therefore, in contemporary society, studying of history may be another effective way to study characters of a society. For example, from works and thoughts of Confucius, western people can better understand characters of Chinese, such as reverence toward teachers and senior people. Consequently, studying of history plays an important role currently. 这段开头提到可以通过历史来学习社会特点,中间突然说有许多全世界认可的英雄,然后又回到可以通过历史来学习社会,所以感觉这段的结构是否可以调整一下?

To sum up, due to the above analyses and discussions, a safe conclusion that both studying heroes or heroines and studying of history are effective ways to study characters of a society.

文章题目中说,考察英雄是the best way to 了解社会,楼主既然同意作者的观点,但是好像没有突出这种方法是如何“最好的”,在这点上有待讨论,其他也提不出什么好意见了。
8.1 上海财大

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-19 22:47:16 |只看该作者
The issue about whether to examine the character of the heroes or heroines of a society is the best way to understand the character of a society is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts so, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as by examining heroes or heroines of a society we can understand character of a society. However, in some extreme cases we cannot truly understand the character of the society through analyzing heroes or heroines and other ways may be better in current era.感觉你的观点有些模糊,我觉得应该直接说明同意还是不同意 Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason I agree with the speaker is that heroes or heroines are often typified the excellent attributes and personalities of a society, and therefore, by studying the characters of such heroes or heroines we can easily understand the characters of society. For supporting examples, one only needs to look to heroes or heroines in western countries and eastern countries. In western countries, such as America, heroes or heroines are characterized as potent individuals who can save groups of people, the nation or even the whole world in crises. It is the reflection of the individualism in western countries. Such heroes include President Washington, who overcame unprecedented obstacles and hardship to unite the continental army and latter established the United States, and President Lincoln, who freed the American blacks in the south and reunited the nation during the Civil War. On the other hand, in eastern countries, such as China where collectivism is highly valued, heroes or heroines are characterized as of high sense of self-sacrifice for the interests of the group or the whole nation. In short, without doubt, generally speaking we can learn the characters of a society by study the character of its heroes or heroines.建议把让步的部分放到后面来写

However, in spite the merits of studying heroes or heroines when studying characters of a society, we cannot solely rely on it. In some extreme建议去掉extreme cases, we cannot identify the characters of a society by studying its heroes or heroines. In repressive societies or even autocratic societies, where characters of the nation are distorted or even destroyed在当时的看来社会的character就是这样,只是用当代的眼光看是distorted, for example, we cannot identify characters of the society by studying its heroes or heroines. Hitler during the World War Two serves as an apt example to illustrate the point. Although Hitler was worshiped by millions of Germans, advocated purification of race and by this pretext he decimated numerous innocent Jews and waged war against other countries, his attitudes and characters fails to represent that of the whole Germany. Understandably, studying characters of heroes or heroines of a society may not always be an effective way to study characters of a society.不知道这个希特勒的例子是否贴切,从某种意义上来说他应该不是英雄

In the final analyses, besides studying heroes or heroines, other means such as studying history may be an effective way. For the reason of increasing globalization and modernization, differences among characters of different countries are continuously diminishing. As a matter of fact, there are universal heroes or heroines all around the world. For example, imaginary heroes, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman, who are characterized as helping the weak and the poor, and penalizing those bullies, enjoy worldwide popularity. Therefore, in contemporary society, studying of history may be another effective way to study characters of a society. For example, from works and thoughts of Confucius, western people can better understand characters of Chinese, such as reverence toward teachers and senior people. Consequently, studying of history plays an important role currently. 从历史的角度来分析蛮好的

To sum up, due to the above analyses and discussions, a safe conclusion that both studying heroes or heroines and studying of history are effective ways to study characters of a society.
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