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[i习作temp] issue54 第一篇issue,欢迎狂批 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-7-22 00:28:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 54 “ History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.”

The speaker asserts that knowing history can do little favor to make important decisions today. It might be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that the people around and the conditions even the world itself is always changing. There must be so many differences between today and former conditions that may influence all aspects of factors on which the decisions are made. However, as I see it, the speaker’s assertion is troubling when it comes to the direction of scientific, art and politics.
History seems clearly to be the slab stones for the following investigating when it comes to science. The scientists get used to making records, which can be seen as some kind of a “history”, while doing researches. These records register the conditions, methods, materials and results of the experiments. No matter the result is meet the expectation of the experiment or not, by comparing and investigating the information they have recorded, scientists are more facile to get the correct direction of their research. One apt illustration of this point involves the inventing of bulbs. Before the famous inventor Thoumas Edison found the very material to make the bulbs, he has failed for hundreds of times. Instead of throwing the failure experience away, he found the causes of failures and then put a new experiment project forward. He once said that he get to the ultimately succeed owing to the analysis of the history of these failures
History also gives a reasonable explanation to today’s art. The work of art, sometimes a colligation of all aspects of our society, needs people to comprehend it in the circumstance of epic. A painting which describes the event of the revolution of Paris, may unsuccessfully incurs the resonance from the people who do not know this history event well enough as they do not know how the painter has caught the essential part of the event. On the other hand, as human being’s nature, one could hardly enjoy an object that he/she has known to a certain degree. So are they when they face to art. It is only by knowing the developing history of an art faction can one deeply comprehends the meaning and style of its works.
History is also a referenced book for the politicians. Instable the society’s conditions are, the whole developing trend of a country is always keeping on for a long period. The government can enact the blueprint by analyzing the situation and developing trend of the area. Though some unforeseen problems may influence the exerting results, the area may always develop in the accurate direction. Moreover, when a country or area meets some troublesome questions, the history can offer the politicians a thought or method to solve it. He/She could combine these thoughts and method with the local’s situation to make some decisions which may turn over the nowadays’ advantaged complexion.
Without knowing the past, we may have to face to a blank when begin with some complicated researches, we may never succeed in enhance our capability to appreciate a piece of work, we may be too rattled to get over it when we meet some problems in daily life. After all, history is extremely valuable for us if only we study it combine with our life at present.

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