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[i习作temp] issue144 艺术高频题 必回拍 (8月下旬组) [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-2 11:59:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."
*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

The author asserts above that the artist, not the critic give society something of lasting value. I strongly agree with his statement. Admittedly, critics to some extent help artists create more and better arts, however, the most what critics brought are not relevant to ,or even counterproductive to achieving arts with lasting value.

Serving as a filter, critics make suggestions which art is worth our time and attention. Some works may contain unhealthy factors, such as violence and pornography. Critics to some extent prevent people ,especially children contacting with these factors. Moreover, critics always provide valuable advice to artists in order to better their future creating. Some critics, who are also artists, can share experience with others too.

Admittedly the criticism show the attitude of some people to arts of artists and also can points out some shortcoming artists have, however, it is deleterious for artists to accept all attitudes from critics without any selection, because paying the most attention on others will make artists loose their own character. Any people would agree that true art is a creation of artist’s spirit. If arts are shared with feedback from all criticisms, it would be a craft, not to be an art.

The main duty of critics is to evaluate arts, however in the long rive of history critics repeatedly failed us. Consider, for example, Voltaire’s rejection for Shakespeare, whose works are seen classic today, as barbaric. Or, consider the complete dismissal of Beethoven’ music by critics of his time. Another example is Van Gogh, the greatest postimpressionist. Only one painting was sold out before his miserable death at the age of 37. however the negligence of critics of his age do not damage the value of his arts. His sunflower painting, as the most representative works of postimpressionism, has proved the lasting value involved in his originative contribution. The art’s critic judgment is limited by the narrow confines of old and established parameters for evaluation and sometimes misguided by ego. Thus its value is questionable in any event.

Even without any interpretation, the beauty of arts can also be appreciated by our hearts, spirits  and souls that is the real value of arts. True appreciation of arts occurs at the moment we encounter art. Strong impression in our hearts brought by art does not need any interpretation and can not be explained by any words. Taking Mona Lisa smile as an example. Does so-called criticism can interpret how people appreciate this painting? The answer is no. The appreciation and understand to this classic painting is just happened when people encounter art face-to-face which can not be changed by criticism.

To sum up, the artist creates the arts and contributes something of lasting value to the whole society with the help of critics to some extent.

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issue144 艺术高频题 必回拍 (8月下旬组)
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