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[i习作temp] issue126G-89-互助社-8.24日同主题写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-24 10:30:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
136"The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."
Issue136  第1篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     564 words
The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.
"life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get." as Forrest Gump said, there are always ultimate unknowns in one's life, but once you choose one chocolate, you have to accept it. I cannot agree with it anymore: the color of next chocolate has little to do with your opinion, but you have a great lot of choices on what attitudes you will place on your choice.

Admittedly, many choices have been already made before one was born. For instance, the chocolate named birthplace, parents, and race had been already got before your arriving at the world. Imagine a child born in the South Africa slum and one born with a silver spoon in the Back Bay in Boston, it very likely that the first baby will face poor living condition and rare chance to get education while the latter one may never know what is hunger or coldness, and some well-designed private education may available always. Thus, these two children may see totally different scenes on their way to grown up.  Besides the birthplace and parents, you also have no choice on your race, which can affect your life greatly especially during the time when discrimination is pervasive.  Millions of Jews were killed during the Holocaust under Nazi Regime, and numerous black people were treated as slaves before the Civil War in America. For them, their arriving at the world means homeless, escape, insignificance social state, which are decided by the social environment.

However, you can choose how to face these given facts. When you doing such kind of multiply choice, the answer named "something else" is always available as there are infinite attitudes you can choose to lead your life. Take the case of Jews during world war two again:  Anne Frank, who spent her adolescence in German-occupied Amsterdam and her last months of life in captivity. Among choices named hopelessness ,disappoint,pessimism and recreance, she choose "something else"---optimistic. She recorded what she saw and what she thought about the war in her diary, which becomes a critical piece of history today and encourages mullions of people to persist on their struggling way to win freedom. Like the other Jews at that time, she cannot choose to have a free life because of her race, she must hide here and there to win a little more chance to survive, but she made a distinct choice during her hard life, that is to face the tough life with optimist attitudes, unlike so many adults at that time. The choice made she becomes the voice of that generation and one of the best-known figures of the twentieth century. Nowadays, many people complains about hard lives they are having, just like children cries for the unpleasant color of chocolate they have got, but only a few can see the bright color our choice has like Anne, that is to face tragedy with calm and smile, then you will find your chocolate is as sweet as others'.

Moreover, the modern people always have too many choices to make out the best answer.  At the beginning of movie "trains potting", a solo made by the actor, "choosing life, choosing job, choosing occupation, choosing family, choosing damned big TV, choosing washing machine…choosing your future, choosing life.  I choose not to choose".  This statement reveals that we lost ourselves in the bombarded information, rapidly changed technology and neglects the simple original pleasant in our life.

In sum, the absence of choice is a circumstance about family background and social environment, but you have a lot of choices on the attitudes to place on what life presents in front of you. Be optimistic and grab the most important things in your life, you will taste the sweetness whatever color is your next chocolate.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


Golden Apple

发表于 2005-8-25 12:55:42 |只看该作者
Mencius said,"When heaven is about to confer a great office on any man,it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil.It exposes his body to hunger………….By all these methods, it stimulates his mind, consolidates his character, and increases his efficiency".

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-26 17:04:20 |只看该作者
136"The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."
Issue136  第1篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     564 words
The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare.
"life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get." as Forrest Gump(这是他老妈说的,哈哈) said, there are always ultimate unknowns in one's life, but once you choose one chocolate, you have to accept it. I cannot agree with it anymore: the color of next chocolate has little to do with your opinion, but you have a great lot of choices on what attitudes you will place on your choice.(开头很新颖阿)

Admittedly, many choices have been already made before one was born. For instance, the chocolate named birthplace, parents, and race had been already got before your arriving at the world. Imagine a child born in the South Africa slum and one born with a silver spoon in the Back Bay in Boston, it very likely that the first baby will face poor living condition and rare chance to get education while the latter one may never know what is hunger or coldness, and some well-designed private education may available always. Thus, these two children may see totally different scenes on their way to grown up.  Besides the birthplace and parents, you also have no choice on your race, which can affect your life greatly especially during the time when discrimination is pervasive.  Millions of Jews were killed during the Holocaust under Nazi Regime, and numerous black people were treated as slaves before the Civil War in America. For them, their arriving at the world means homeless, escape, insignificance social state, which are decided by the social environment. (very good) :victory:

However, you can choose how to face these given facts. When you doing such kind of multiply(multiple) choices, the answer named "something else" is always available as there are infinite attitudes you can choose to lead your life. Take the case of Jews during world war two(二战要不要大写阿?不清楚) again:  Anne Frank, who spent her adolescence in German-occupied Amsterdam and her last months of life in captivity. Among choices named hopelessness ,disappointment,pessimism and recreance, she chose "something else"---optimism. She recorded what she saw and what she thought about the war in her diary, which becomes a critical piece of history today and encourages millions of people to persist on their struggling way to win(toward?) freedom. Like the other Jews at that time, she cannot choose to have a free life because of her race, she must hide here and there to win a little more chance to survive, but she made a distinct choice during her hard life, that is to face the tough life with optimistic attitude, unlike so many adults at that time.(这个句子太长了中间都是逗号,最好分开一下) The choice made she become the voice of that generation and one of the best-known figures of the twentieth century. Nowadays, many people complains about hard lives they are having, just like children cries for the unpleasant color of chocolate they have got, but only a few can see the bright color our choice has like Anne, that is to face tragedy with calm and smile, then you will find your chocolate is as sweet as others'.

Moreover, the modern people always have too many choices to make out the best answer.  At the beginning of movie "trains potting", a solo made by the actor, "choosing life, choosing job, choosing occupation, choosing family, choosing damned big TV, choosing washing machine…choosing your future, choosing life.  I choose not to choose".  This statement reveals that we lost ourselves in the bombarded information, rapidly changed technology and neglects the simple original pleasant in our life. (前面的例子很好,但是后面几句感觉有点跑题了,我觉得应该接着说下去现在社会有很多选择,而不是技术改变了生活)

In sum, the absence of choice is a circumstance about family background and social environment, but you have a lot of choices on the attitudes to place on what life presents in front of you. Be optimistic and grab the most important things in your life, you will taste the sweetness whatever color is your next chocolate.

写的很好啊,思路清晰语言也不错了。唯一就是倒数第二段感觉没有点题,改一下最后几句话就更好了。pfpf~~~  :victory:

[ Last edited by tuesday420 on 2005-8-26 at 17:05 ]

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