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[i习作temp] issue41 (sally) 整整写了一天,求牛人指出我的问题所在。 [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-1-31 16:13:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue41 "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."

1.        非主流研究提供给人们的是谬误信息
2.        相信这些谬误信息会给人的生活造成不利影响
3.        但是,非主流的研究还是有其存在的理由的。

In a society that develops as fast as ours, people are enjoying the advantages of modern science and technology as well as tension aroused by fierce competition. Both nonmainstream inquiry and mainstream scientific research can serve as tools to satisfy people’s needs in certain fields. What differentiates them is the basis they provide information respectively and the influence they exert on people respectively. In my opinion, though such nonmainstream inquiry still deserves some merit to survive, its territory is being nibbled day by day in the development of scientific research.

First, the information provided by the nonmainstream research is rather misleading than conforming. The basis of nonmainstream inquiry and the principles that nonmainstream inquiry observes, if there are any, seriously impair the credibility of the information and relative products such kind of research provides. Unlike scientific researchers who base their theories on logic and facts, the difficulty of seeking evidence and inability to set up logical connection between the evidences of nonmainstream inquiry makes researchers in the field more frequently turn to their personal experiences, unfounded assumptions and even pure imagination. And unlike scientific research, the researchers of nonmainstream inquirers also refuse to adopt knowledge from outside to enhance their research even when their assumptions have been proved wrong. What is more, the fatal flaws in the procession of nonmainstream inquiry forces researchers to publish their information or products by amphibolous or mysterious words rather than in a clear and comprehensible way. Take astrology for example, there has been no distinct progress since the era of Clandius Ptolemaeus. Inquirers in the field never tried to demonstrate the unfounded assumptions with modern science such as physics, psychology. No concrete evidence has been found to support the complicated assumptions of the astrologists’ theories. And the information provided to people is usually equivocal so that it can be later explained according to what actually happens. In all, relying on the information provided by the astrology or fortune-telling seldom provide real knowledge or help they need.

Second, following the information of astrology or fortune-telling may cause adverse influence on people’s life. As above mentioned, because of the falsehood of this kind of information, it cannot give accurate guidance to people in their daily life. People who believe in the information may be confused and act in an opposite way against the reality. For example, one who follows a fortune-teller’s investing advice may actually lose his money.

Admittedly, nonmainstream inquiry still deserves some merit because it can actually satisfy people’s needs in certain fields while mainstream scientific research cannot. The limits and the developing level of scientific research enable nonmainstream inquiry to survive out of its boundaries. Inquiry such as astrology and fortune-telling can appease people’s need for safety or their worry about the future or just or satiate their curiosity. However, that does not it can really provide people the safety or the information they provide is true.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that nonmainstream inquiry do deserve a place in our society, but that does not mean the part it plays is vital. Actually, with the development and widespread education of modern science, the importance of such kind of research would be weakened day by day.

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