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[i习作temp] Issue153 写的好少~大家帮我看看~谢过~ [复制链接]

发表于 2006-2-3 22:05:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-4 18:01:07 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that students should have a certain skeptical attitude toward whatever they study, that is to say, they should study in a positive way by questioning what they are taught instead of in a passive way by accepting the knowledge blindly. <概括题目的意思概括的不错>One does not have to go very far to see the truth of this statement.<这句怪怪的>

Admittedly,one who wants to express the skeptical attitude will confront a great amount of difficulty. In the past, it was said that what the teachers taught and the contents of the textbooks were regarded as totally correct, and it seemed that students had to embrace those ideas wholeheartedly. Those who disobeyed the teachers' ideas or showed skepticism to the textbooks were considered untolerable<不虔诚?不敬?不可忍受?>, even they might experience the severe punishment. Galileo's case is in the point. He brought his doubt to the authoritative theory and did a classic experiment (from the top of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa) to support(/demonstrate) his skeptical thoughts that both the light objects and the heavy ones are at the same speed while they fell onto the ground <a heavy object fells onto the ground with the same speed as a light object>. Albeit his experiment is a success, he was sentenced to death by chanllenging the authority. <例子稍微改了一下,大英百科的原句如下'Galileo demonstrated, by dropping bodies of different weights from the top of the famous  Leaning Tower,that the speed of fall of a heavy object is not proportional to its weight, as Aristotle had claimed.'>

Those people who were skeptical toward anthoritative thoughts or the ideas that they were taught and had did experiments to fully support their own ideas, however<觉得放到句首看起来顺些>, have acquired a trememdous number of reputation today<我觉得reputation不是重点,重要的是他们追求真理, 本段结尾提到的对于科学发展的意义可以提上来。>. Also, this point can be seen from Galileo. He, who had testified the authoritative ideas were wrong, though devoted his life to the science, is considered as a famous mathematician and physician, and meanwhile the achievements he gained are of great value to the proceeding of the society.

On the other hand, not all the skepticism are necessary. Just as there is no need for students to doubt about the conclusions which were drew from experts's experiments before,and what's more,it is in vain for students to ask questions like why the moon is rounding around the earth.<这段个人不是很赞同,即使是用现有理论可以解释的发现,学生同样可以question,这是一个过程,表明他们在思考,至于结果接受或反对是另外一回事。>

To sum up, students should question whatever they are taught, even if they don't have a new finding, it(which) is a good way for (这里加个动词?them to train) their thinking and they may master the acquired knowledge better through it.

P.S.为什么我的文章里老是用不到Admittedly, on the other hand之类的连接词呢?
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-2-5 12:23:55 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that students should have a certain skeptical attitude toward whatever they study, that is to say, they should study in a positive way by questioning what they are taught instead of in a passive way by accepting the knowledge blindly. One does not have to go very far to see the truth of this statement.(第一段最好总结自己观点)

Admittedly,one who wants to express the skeptical attitude will confront a great amount of difficulty. In the past, it was said that what the teachers taught and the contents of the textbooks were regarded as totally correct, and it seemed that students had to embrace those ideas wholeheartedly. Those who disobeyed the teachers' ideas or showed skepticism to the textbooks were considered untolerable,(intolerable) even they might experience the severe punishment. Galileo's case is in the point. He brought his doubt to the authoritative theory and did a classic experiment to support his skeptical thoughts that both the light objects and the heavy ones are at the same speed while they fell onto the ground. Albeit his experiment is a success, he was sentenced to death by chanllenging (challenging)the authority. (伽利略因支持哥白尼日心说被监禁,后被放出,终老)

Those people who were skeptical toward anthoritative thoughts or the ideas that they were taught and had did experiments to fully support their own ideas, however, have acquired a trememdous number of reputation today. Also, this point can be seen from Galileo. He, who had testified the authoritative ideas were wrong, though(这个转折好像不成立) devoted his life to the science, is considered as a famous mathematician and physician, and meanwhile the achievements he gained are of great value to the proceeding of the society.

On the other hand, not all the skepticism are(is) necessary. Just as there is no need for students to doubt about the conclusions which were drew from experts's experiments before,and what's more,it is in vain for students to ask questions like why the moon is rounding around the earth.最后一句我不赞成,不能充分证明你前面所述的论点,很多人小时候都问过这个问题(这段要展开写写,举个例子什么的)

To sum up, students should question whatever they are taught, even if they don't have a new finding, it is a good way for their thinking and they may master the acquired knowledge better through it.

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-2-5 18:05:22 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE 153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
The speaker asserts that students should have a certain skeptical attitude toward whatever they study, that is to say, they should study in a positive way by questioning what they are taught instead of in a passive way by accepting the knowledge blindly. One does not have to go very far to see the truth of this statement.最后一句好象不大合适

Admittedly,one who wants to express the skeptical attitude will confront a great amount of difficultydifficulties. In the past, it was said that what the teachers taught and the contents of the textbooks were regarded as totally correct, and it seemed that students had to embrace those ideas wholeheartedly. Those who disobeyed the teachers' ideas or showed skepticism to the textbooks were considered untolera
ble, even这里好象没有递进关系,用and比较好吧 they might experience the severe punishment. Galileo's case is in the point. He brought his doubt to the authoritative theory and did a classic experiment to support his skeptical thoughts that both the light objects and the heavy ones are at the same speed while they fell onto the ground. Albeit his experiment is a success, he was sentenced to death by chanllenging the authority.

Those people who were skeptical toward anthoritative thoughts or the ideas that they were taught and had did experiments to fully support their own ideas, however, have acquired a trememdous number of reputation today. Also, this point can be seen from Galileo. He, who had testified the authoritative ideas似乎这里应该加个逗号 were wrong, though devoted his life to the science, is considered as a famous mathematician and physician, and meanwhile the achievements he gained are of great value to the proceeding of the society.

On the other hand, not all the skepticism are necessary. Just as there is no need for students to doubt about the conclusions which were drew from experts's experiments before,and what's more,it is in vain for students to ask questions like why the moon is rounding around the earth.我觉得还是有必要问这些问题,因为思考也很重要

To sum up, students should question whatever they are taught, even if they don't have a new finding, it is a good way for their thinking and they may master the acquired knowledge better through it.

使用道具 举报

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