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[i习作temp] ISSUE88 留链互拍啊,要考试了 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-2-27 17:00:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE 88 - "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."
WORDS: 547          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2006-2-27
1.        社会习俗狭义定义即人们的行为和生活方式,基于此概念,技术确实影响甚至决定社会习俗。
2.        社会伦理相当于社会观点和社会道德,现代技术确实影响了社会伦理,但不能没有决定它,因为它更受社会文化和人的本性决定。
With the advance of technologies in various fields, social customs are truly influenced even determined to a deep extent as the author argues, while I do assume that ethics are just influenced never determined by technology.

To begin with, the definition of custom, in my opinion, always means people's behavior and life style. In this sense, our social custom is greatly changed due to the development of technologies. The more advanced technologies have provided numerous modern tools to solve social problems so that social customs are actually influenced or even determined.  One needs no further look at the example of modern computer, which definitely determines or affects our current life. The 'SOHO'( small office home office ), an increasingly popular name is just the result of the computer and Internet. SOHO just comfortably sit in front of computer at home to make order or communicate with their customers in any place at any time rather than suffer from the traffic jam. Similarly, most people are unwilling to go outside but surf on Internet to shopping, communicate with parents or friends, or play Internet games with strangers as their major actives during holiday. In this case, we can conclude that the modern technology has in fact changed our customs in many fields--work, daily life, and entertainment.

On the other side, I define social ethics are equal to social values or mores. In this sense,  when it come to social ethics, I assume that a more accurate statement is technology, to some extent has influenced  but not determined ethics which are rooted in one culture or human nature. Specifically, abortion, homosexual enthusiasm, and tube-baby are product of the medical progress. In the current society, more and more people have accepted abortion or homosexual because they believe that modern medical technology is the best way to solve these problems and it is reasonable to solve them rather than press them. Even in some developed countries, homosexual has been legalized like in Dutch and Great Britain. In addition, people have changed the tradition idea that it defies humanity to end one person life by doctors (enthusiasm)or give birth to one life (tube-baby) through technology because they assume it is more reasonable to take advantage of medical method to reduce one's suffer and help give hope to those couples with breed difficulty.

Those changes in social ethics mentioned above are just influenced on the surface, we should recognize those deep ethic issues such as race discrimination and sex prejudice still exist in our modern society with advanced technology due to the human nature, though we have achieved success to some extent during the past periods. It is human nature that we prefer to depart from, distrust and badly treat with others who are different from ourselves in terms of their color, look, languages. I concede that those social issues may be weakened due to the frequent communication with others, while it is timeless and universal ones that never been determined by technology. Therefore, it is reasonable and desirable to claim ethics are never determined by technology but human nature.

To sum up, it is admitted that technology has benefit us in many social customs, changed our ethics but never determined ethics which are more rooted in one culture or human nature.

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