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2006年北美生物信息学申请指南 [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-7-25 17:00:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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( F- S- e; p3 a+ c. ~% g7 `! [
0 K, y, _7 H$ X; A2006年北美生物信息学申请指南 0-25- u) u7 `) p& R  j

. i$ Q: s1 l) M1 [0 题记8 \  L, s; k9 p% J; @7 z0 a
1 生物信息学简介
7 R* ?  t; s0 `  k( v( `! ]2 Harvard,MIT,JHU,WUSTL3 i4 o' y2 P9 O
3 UPenn, UCSF, UC Berkeley( ~) T( U0 L# }& v8 C8 @0 _& k
4 Duke,UNC Chapel Hill,NCSU,VT
; V% B1 U& X2 Q1 b5 U of Washington,Stanford,U Mich
6 [* ?& z  W  v" c# y3 G* o6 Columbia,NYU,Cornell2 }* u2 o0 U" |: H& O: D7 S# ]
6-1 Ph.D. Program in CB at Cornell
: ~& |7 v5 \( W) E, X" Q) s7 UC系统之UCLA,UCSD9 H$ \. T- h& j6 h+ F1 n9 v
8 UC系统之UCSC,UCR/ f) k* O$ c0 O: F% ~
: A# ?7 `2 _" O5 {2 Q6 u10 UC Merced,UC Davis,UCSB,CGU and KGI8 A$ V$ X; E8 ?4 ~5 z( R- [! h
11 耶鲁大学,德州贝勒医学院,西南医学院,安德森癌症中心
6 d4 A( s6 y6 {& r' f( D" |% D12 UT Health Science Center at Houston,CMU,UPitt,PSU2 c' K4 h5 P# G- d+ w# s9 U4 D
12.1 Drexel University
) m# K( X7 Y- v( D13 Univ. of Tennessee, UIC% T/ C! n* m, K
14 U of Virginia, VCU, GMU' ?; O" S% n0 ^- K3 S& P
15 U of Wisconsin, BU, U of Iowa, ISU* q! W! S: O  U% ~% a* m
16 UCHSC, Dartmouth, UM College Park, IU,UC5 M7 A5 b7 Y( @; J$ H
17 Princeton, Rutgers, and others in USA
1 B- N1 i' O) F* K1 c18 Programs in Canada
0 |2 L9 d1 E3 w  m- e6 u19 Programs Outside of North American* G; H- F& u  u1 J; {4 G
20 Done- `& d8 {$ G2 B) m
21 DKFZ International PhD Program---German Cancer Research Center2 i" b, Q3 X- @" i" C
22 PhD Study in Bioinformatics at The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
0 k& c: S1 M! m' J23 Interdisciplinary graduate program on Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI" Z/ y5 u! K( E- Z0 l/ w
24 Good Opportunities of graduate programs in Life Science now in China% D5 V1 [4 k/ Z7 i
25 后记
2 }/ M# _3 w5 X5 H2 E! z8 j0 r: S8 r- d# _& x4 d: X6 S/ Y& N* d3 y5 m
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---0 题记( ^2 T  b) V- X# }6 G" u: ?

% v7 _  T# r( u, j# c今年春天的时候,答应过和另外一位好友合写一份申请北美生物信息学或者计算生物学博士班的指南。其实说是指南也算不上,只不过是想借此机会,抛砖引玉,提供一些自己的经验罢了。后来,朋友由于忙着写毕业论文,不得不搁浅一阵,再加上自己忙于一些其他的事情,也一拖再拖。& k: J  g! A& C- j9 |% O6 ]( F
/ ]9 I4 L9 n3 d  ]  y  v3 B8 c这份指南是写给有计算机或者数学,统计背景,准备从事用计算的方法来研究生物问题的同学。指南首先会推荐两篇介绍生物信息学发展的文章,让对这个领域不熟悉的同学有个大概的了解。接下来,会分别介绍一些值得推荐的博士班项目。不过,各位申请的同学还有很多具体而烦杂的工作需要做,上网查询学校专业信息,了解具体研究方向是否让你感兴趣等等。
" G- J' J& j; w1 ?/ f( v# ?匆忙之中,错误在所难免,请发电邮给mayagao@hotmail.com,6 Z7 F' m/ e! v8 ^: Z) s
" a: Z0 J; [( k3 k7 d0 [4 X7 d' f9 |) n% M
" X! c1 Q  d# }2 {5 M- Y
Mayagao 2005年6月24日
8 m! H7 B) N8 ]; G& U  F, I
: `. k% L- b* \* L+ g2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---1 生物信息学简介
0 P& @+ t0 h) K- |) d- S. o0 U% f2 t
对生物信息学感到陌生的同学,可以去看看中国科学院院士张春霆教授的文章"生物信息学的现状与展望"5 u0 @7 ~% P1 s1 v$ Z9 K. T
http://www.iipl.fudan.edu.cn/res ... Bioinformatics.html
1 |; |5 d2 z( B$ }& g和中科院计算所生物信息学实验室的文章 "生物信息学的发展现状和展望"
# p# ?- N  l2 `( C* ~/ u* h- Ohttp://www.bioinfo.org.cn/biology/biodevelope.htm
8 u& @, p% ~1 K& G
+ E2 a; {. k0 q2 w% e2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---2 Harvard,MIT,JHU,WUSTL
' b( U/ M' C; C8 C) X1 i$ P( r( B从这份帖子开始,就进入了指南的中心内容了。我决定按US News 上2006 Top Medical. U: ^) g( v1 z
Schools 的排名介绍各个学校的生物信息学专业。4 J( T  N! X8 C: q. O  A
在北美,生物信息学被称为Bioinformatics,类似地,不少大学还建有Computational Biology(计算生物学), Computational Molecular Biology (计算分子生物学), Systems
; k2 \2 _) V: Y) vBiology(系统生物), Genomics (基因组学), Biomedical Science (生物医学),
' D/ z5 Q' i, g6 n! f" j& LQuantitativeBiology(数量生物)等专业。个中的区别是有的,取决于不同的研究课题和方向,但是以上的专业大家都可以考虑申请。
2 w6 e; T' f, p6 J/ W我比较推荐申请单独的博士项目,因为这些项目一般成立的历史不太久,资金比较充
' m2 [" L3 w& v& v% _足,所以好申请到奖学金。当然,也可以考虑申请具体的系,如果在这个系有教授从事生
0 T% E3 j, M) g物信息方面的研究。
4 p( j0 Z; Q9 t, f7 y8 B因为生物信息学是一个新兴地交叉学科,和医学,生物结合尤其紧密,所以我打算按
9 _- v0 G0 H% g% C& b# u9 V照美国的U.S. News的2006 Top Medical Schools排名介绍各个学校的生物信息学专业。虽然排名固然重要,但是申请的时候一定要结合自己的实际情况和研究方向去寻找自己所满意的学校。
' T* S  ^( p7 E! N8 u同时,一些建有生物信息学专业的学校没有医学院,我也会把它们列举出来。最后,我也会列举一些加拿大和新加坡的学校,可能也有申请者会考虑。. K, ^; k, G- E/ E( m' ]
首先让我们来看看U.S. News的2006 Top Medical Schools排名。网站; J9 X; w  f& g: K
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu ... f/mdrrank_brief.php列出了前46名。
' v% C2 V, T8 D- v, t9 ^/ ~第1: Harvard& C. ]* G" y6 `  c) U5 l# l
Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) program (http://big.chip.org/% P: Z' r8 j; S, I) e( u. g
(1)具体的申请方法请参照 http://big.chip.org/admissions.html
7 F& b, u! x$ f- g: @# g(2)它强调申请者至少要取得工程或者物理或者计算机的本科学位,同时接受过生物,
4 I4 t) Y- u/ s" h有机化学,物理化学或者热力学,生物化学和微积分的训练。; r* b* k9 \& [# Z( v
(3)因为BIG program是在Harvard和MIT合办的Division of Health Sciences and
2 T; u! g  o) p! XTechnology (HST)下面,所以申请者可以通过MIT去申请,也可以通过Harvard申请。: q: E: q$ I2 p9 c  M
Systems Biology Ph.D.Program in School of Medicine. U, e3 m, i9 q7 }$ l
3 q& A6 J6 T7 v  @(1)Harvard去年正式在医学院成立了Systems
; x( p1 u5 D( `9 o+ UBiology系,也开始招收了2005年秋季第一班博士生。系上先有10个正式的faculty,整个
! a  e1 N' g9 gPhD项目里面有22个faculty。值得一提的是,毕业于中科大的Dr.Zhuang( U: q* V) x  |6 f7 I8 b2 v
3 K+ o" M& R  h! [3 X1 C5 l1 ~(2)对Systems Biology感兴趣的同学不妨考虑一下。去年好像有北大的同学申请过,不知6 B2 L- i6 P$ Y, ]8 C
道最后结果如何。5 E4 r. z8 I" o3 m% _
Biophysics Program (http://arep.med.harvard.edu/biophysics/#description)8 x. a8 b* i$ k9 d9 o
& C" I' P# G5 P( f4 J9 y收来自生物和电子工程的申请者。5 `% W, k! N, ?* `  D/ R
(2)这个Program也提供Computational Biology的training,具体信息请参见1 U) Y0 E+ G* Q2 K4 H4 B2 X% K
6 j' [% u4 U1 r, UPh.D. Program in Statistics
6 C; ^* U- m) b( w' C2 T5 b(http://www.gsas.harvard.edu/programs/degree/stats.html)
$ |0 ^0 N: x5 }Ph.D. Program in Biostatistics* h' [: T$ z% H4 @' y
6 ]& b% V0 E* g(1)这两个Program也值得推荐给学统计和数学的同学。在统计系,Liu Jun教授做得很  x# Z$ ]  `+ l# }
% n7 \- J, b1 f" q0 w' Nhttp://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~junliu/),具体的一些研究方向包括单核苷酸多# ]4 T5 S5 ~8 ^0 F
态性的基因分析,聚类算法,Monte Carlo 算法,优化算法,基因序列研究等。' \% w' b$ K) v  z
5 [- f7 l+ c& E$ Y" P/divisions/compbio/index.html。Liu Jun教授也在这个系,他以前在Stanford的学生 Dr. Xiaole Liu 也在这儿,主要研究方向是基因序列分析,- ~6 q& ]! v7 o4 V5 L" \
5 k* d7 @6 g7 I. t/ w谈到Harvard就不能不谈谈它的邻居,MIT。值得强烈推荐的是:
7 a* k$ W7 z0 ?9 Z( P' P5 c
+ n% i# K' O9 O  t! b; G1 t3 jComputational and Systems Biology (CS Ph.D. Program
& Y4 z* b! |5 G2 ~http://csbi.mit.edu/csbieducation/csbphd
. b# h! |& Z7 @; I% I' a0 u(1)到2006年秋季,是CSB的第3届招生了,我所了解的是,他们比较倾向于有生物和计算双学历的学生。当然,缺一方面背景的话,你一定要在另外一方面非常强。+ m# S% X! M# X, o$ w
(2)他们的研究力量很强,教授来自好几个系。纯计算机背景的同学也可以去MIT的EECS0 z9 U# ]$ e$ H
系看看他们的CS in Life Sciences介绍(http://www.eecs.mit.edu/grad/CS-LS.html)。
0 E6 y8 U( M/ H
: c* ^! {" f' E9 Z( |第2: Johns Hopkins University4 l$ ?2 D& t5 D! i" K
+ w; f8 B2 x7 H  c) u9 k
Program in Computational Biology (http://www.jhu.edu/~ibr/bwf/index.html)7 s# `8 t* K0 q' A
(1) 申请JHU的计算生物专业需要通过JHU的Program in Molecular & Computational, N6 s6 I% `- Y$ {: [
Biophysics 去申请,http://www.jhu.edu/pmb/。他们鼓励有生物,化学,工程,数学,物理的背景的申请者去申请,当然有统计和计算机背景也是欢迎的。
# c- J. q- ^9 J7 H# Q(2) 具体研究方向包括了:, l( ?+ j) c# |* e( T3 [
Protein and RNA: Folding, Energetics, and Dynamics
) r: B, R3 B) T/ l# G5 \Macromolecular Recognition and Interactions) \  J1 _* \. V# l% x, K, @
Membranes and Membrane Proteins
& K4 b3 p, v+ q, q9 eRibosomes and RNPs
# v8 ~& H' l6 o: y5 oDNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair
; w) S) L/ }' Q1 H: HEnzyme Mechanisms and Metabolic Pathways: u8 D; H8 ]- M0 m; f, A: i2 u
Structure Determination by X-ray Crystallography and NMR
5 h/ m5 J" p3 G! k0 aGene Regulation Mechanisms% F; I9 @. _: u$ {
New Spectroscopic and Single Molecular Methods. @, V7 @: S. K
Computational Approaches and Modeling in Biological Systems' F/ g' m9 C2 D/ R4 C
Molecular Evolution
+ ?; a+ Z& _1 m( v" A# c9 _$ g; G, d$ ?! N* [# f, n6 n- m
第3: Washington University in St. Louis- v  `. P! [; _. M
) t8 t( D4 K- A! g$ j; P. M6 o, u
华盛顿大学的医学和生物医学分部 Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences一共有12个不同的graduate groups。值得推荐的有:Computational Biology Program  G3 u" O2 H! `. J: J
5 v5 ~0 ]1 E% w4 P4 N6 hOpenDocument&DN=1103&C=Graduate+Students&U=C6A57C07D1F1A4AD86256D8600522802)Molecular Biophysics Program$ H4 l( O% x, m, W2 o1 o! g9 d
" w% o% Z7 G# A5 c8 d; D7 m' |+ r- ROpenDocument&DN=1107&C=Graduate+Students&U=BFCA6EDE45235CC586256D8600526202)Quantitative Human and Statistical Genetics Program
+ c) T3 Z/ \; T: @6 d" V/ G9 s$ Bhttp://dbbs.wustl.edu/dbbs/websi ... 6256F1100641A0B?Ope" U$ q! A! v/ t( S4 O
2 [1 {# u% J" X! }, \0 B' s1 z7 y% w(1)有统计和数学背景可以考虑申请Quantitative Human and Statistical Genetics
# @2 ^% e4 G8 L, H. u9 sProgram;有计算机背景可以考虑申请Computational Biology$ ~% X9 i' D2 \- ^0 H' C
Program;有物理,化学背景可以考虑申请Molecular Biophysics Program。; c# l, N. \: h  \
(2)Computational Biology Program的Director是很有名的Gary D. Stormo,. B0 Q/ |, F+ `0 V1 ]7 K
http://ural.wustl.edu/ , 同时Dr. Sean Eddy也非常出名,是Biological Sequence( }  V, s& W4 Z% F2 s! Y
Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids一书的作者之一
: E$ d* G7 L' Y5 @' bhttp://selab.wustl.edu/ 。 有计算机背景的同学为了增加录取机会,也应该考虑同时9 |- m% N4 J# x+ v5 x0 v# D7 q; L
申请Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,http://www.cse.seas.wustl.edu/
5 ~' d/ ~: J6 Z) I& I# R4 C。在CSE,目前有三个教授从事Computational Genomics的研究,Michael R. Brent,Jeremy
! Y# W- d) m5 P1 lBuhler,和Weixiong Zhang,http://www.cse.seas.wustl.edu/ComputationalScience.asp, Y' w7 N/ f6 m6 S
(3)Quantitative Human and Statistical Genetics6 h' O$ |( u6 Y; @. q2 }% \& S; c/ u
Program是2005年秋季第一次招生,具体研究方向请去它们的主页浏览。! i5 m( R* |1 D! f! i% Q) r5 z
(4)强烈推荐大家申请盛顿大学的医学和生物医学分部 Division of Biology &
. V- Z2 K7 f% C+ q; E% X7 ]3 dBiomedical Sciences下属的12个研究小组,理由是它们的研究的确非常强,还有就是在每年12月1号前能把申请资料寄到的话,申请费可以被waive掉,也能节省几十美刀啊,呵呵。不过,这里是非常难申请到的,祝大家好运!0 b1 W2 F$ D* ^! {  B& L) D; a
* M+ e3 E" S8 y; l$ m3 Q- I4 Z) F
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---3 UPenn, UCSF, UC Berkeley
+ Y0 [2 v& [- [
* b+ Q/ e: U- z/ k! z7 W今天准备介绍的有University of Pennsylvania, UC San Francisco和UC Berkeley大学。
0 j+ d- d) t& \; kUPenn的医学院今年继续保持第4的排名,同时在NIH获得的资助中,排名第2。推荐的
# ?1 @, ?) X; H: y1 R项目是Graduate Group in Genomics and Computational Biology (GC in Biomedical Graduate' ^" y5 o% S% z8 h. ~
Studies in School of Medicine, http://www.med.upenn.edu/gcb
% v5 H0 U* F. T% W& P' e4 ]/ q" C/ N4 k, P' l
(1)GCB Program是和其他几个Program例如神经,分子,药学等,建立在医学院的生物医
) O& v& z9 D& N* b! ~学研究生教育项目里面。目前有来自全校医学院,兽医学院,统计系,计算机系,生物工
: P  {$ B) L* ~. g! u! w) o程系等37位教授。在GCB的faculty一栏,http://www.med.upenn.edu/gcb/fac.shtml里面,列出了31位教授的名字。GCB在2004年新增了一名统计系的教授,Dr.Shane Jensen3 Y. s6 h5 R" S$ S& i, ^
5 _3 ]' {2 x% y* n. B- A7 O& {  h他也是前面提到的Harvard统计系,Dr.Jun Liu的学生。* q0 N% P( n& h6 I
2 j+ B9 E3 I2 {# s8 V/ s4 `/ K
# \* T: y3 Q' f. `' r( K• Thomas Cappola- Medicine, School of Medicine$ q: n- u2 A1 F) `0 Y
• Frederic Bushman- Microbiology, School of Medicine' S" T7 L7 t; p! o
• Paul Sniegowski- Biology, School of Art and Sciences6 `/ u. D8 B6 n
• Carlo Maley- Systems Biology, Wistar Institute# M" Y8 G. b; \3 X/ N+ k. N# x2 `
• Qihong Huang- Molecular and Cell Biology, Wistar Institute
1 U4 _+ f; ~4 B) J
# m! A; [7 I' }1 K9 M: w/ e( u(2)GCB Program从2001年开始招生,目前有20个左右的学生。在美国的申请者一般在每年的2月被邀请去面试,在面试后的1到2周内会得到录取结果,不在美国的申请者会通过视频和4个教授交谈。
% u4 J% N1 Z3 _每年招生人数会保持在5个左右,一般发出的offer数会是15个,三倍于5,因为最终有的人会拿到更好的offer去其他的学校。不过我很推荐这个学校,因为每年在1月初的时候它们就决定了邀请去面试人的名单,不象有的学校,拖到4月的时候才出结果。. D; Q( A% w+ l6 k' D  |7 F3 ~
9 }+ n6 }, C5 m- g( ?  K) S; Q& m
(3)如果有CS背景的同学,也同时可以考虑申请CIS系的PhD项目,在CIS系,有4个教授从事生物信息研究,具体信息可以登陆到4 c* E+ I, _+ k; Y3 ]
http://www.cis.upenn.edu/departmental/research.shtml 浏览。
/ K' {" W: ], V' g6 R; G1 A+ J) N* f% a- ]
# T- Q) M$ M9 P: d3 n5 k9 i系目前唯一做这方面研究的教授,或许以后还会招新的教授。还有一个选择是,可以考虑
9 p5 [: G! A3 Q- `# W5 {申请医学院的生物医学研究生教育项目里面的Biostatistics Program, 具体信息可以看
, s+ _+ j) d& O. \* uhttp://www.cceb.upenn.edu/main/education/biostatGraduate.html 。清华(or 北大)一个数学系的mm就申请到了2005年Fall。4 ^  d% i% x% A4 k: K1 }

9 f4 W4 R& G( l( v接下来介绍的是,UCSF,这是多少学医学和生物人的梦想啊!值得介绍的专业是:
  {/ Q; }  R! s$ f3 s6 N# nGraduate Program in Biological and Medical Informatics, http://www.bmi.ucsf.edu/) X# D1 X  n/ m
3 Y/ T3 o0 ~8 O% r- u
, _. V& F4 P. o本科学历,同时the core curriculum assumes that students have substantial computer literacy,' d9 |& g! m5 q
and are knowledgeable of the basic life sciences, introductory calculus, matrix manipulation, and elementary statistics. In addition, students should have additional coursework or experience in some aspect of computer science, which could include database or algorithm design, elementary knowledge of a programming language, software engineering, or database or system administration.
5 r2 y7 h" c! p& ?(2)2004年在它们的网站上看见了给国际学生的note,大意是申请它们这个program是如何$ a3 K" H  h& a; h0 E
如何困难,竞争如何如何厉害,给国际学生的奖学金非常有限,请大家不要浪费60美元的8 g- }2 h3 M5 V$ ], d
3 r: T* C( _- W8 L. u0 I9 E" A" J# t2 L9 G% i, ]
同样的,提到UCSF就必须谈谈UC Berkeley了,UC/ E) w3 c) u# W4 }. y
Berkeley没有医学院,但是它的生物很强,同时,因为地理的关系,也和UCSF保持着很好9 O% E# P5 j, \1 x; h# E$ l
的合作。UC Berkeley的Bioengineering系,http://bioeng.berkeley.edu/, 和UCSF合作成立了Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering,
# S  @3 u  z1 J* h4 T8 Fhttp://bioeng.berkeley.edu/graduate/index.html
) _7 \' T9 b- G0 p6 X(1)研究方向就包括 Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Genomics,http://bioeng.berkeley.edu/graduate/bioinformatics.html,有15位来自UC Berkeley和UCSF的教授。6 p; b# G5 V, N- i4 c8 a
8 B& h5 i9 T3 Y/ l" y8 \和物理的背景。另外,Appropriate academic preparation includes a two-year college mathematics sequence, including calculus and differential equations, and a one-year sequence; F& R4 n7 _# P; _
in physics and chemistry, plus extensive upper-division work in either engineering or biology. A course in linear algebra is highly desirable./ U. g7 V* ~! F( C! l
UC Berkeley还建立了一个Graduate Group in Computational and Genomic Biology,
) L, }8 c2 D& S  j7 s! Q! Q9 Q, Zhttp://computationalbiology.berkeley.edu/graduategroup.html .& L4 o5 \+ G3 ~  A
8 t. y9 ^2 h$ h3 M  s2 g0 T( T4 n申请单独的系来进入这个group。
  ]' R, m* K/ F" ~! Ohttp://computationalbiology.berkeley.edu/graduategroup.html3 y+ z0 i3 f. x
列出了教授们的大致的研究方向,可以先看看对谁感兴趣,再申请具体的系。% ^! y/ y, Y* l' J$ b3 y, S
http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/faculty/index.html( ~' `8 ]0 w4 J9 T0 N
可以查到在统计系里面,哪些教授在做生物信息的研究工作,值得提到的有Dr. Michael4 L3 P- k$ o+ x: i9 I
' F* |0 e& k! U! S" s
I. Jordan,
" G0 o& b8 J* z" b; lhttp://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jordan/ 和Dr. Sandrine Dudoit, http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~sandrine/ .
) u5 A  w3 `5 d5 j- d2 I' t在CS系,有3个教授从事计算生物的研究,分别是Michael Jordan, Richard Karp 和: u! S; x0 h9 w# M' G8 L9 d' |
Gene Myer, http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Areas/CS/CB/8 T1 y( @  c! {2 J
* ~' g% c1 ^0 c7 Q
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---4 Duke,UNC Chapel Hill,NCSU,VT
) o9 v- X1 Q- M, D6 f6 Z7 x, ~' Q4 W) U' h* m
今天介绍的学校有排名第6的Duke大学以及和Duke大学紧密相连,也位于北卡研究三角洲的其他两所大学,分别是北卡大学Chapel Hill分校和北卡州立大学(NCSU)。还值得提到的是,Virginia Tech也有一个很不错的生物信息项目,因为北卡和Virgina州相邻,VT和NCSU有密切的科 研合作,所以也顺道介绍。; [5 d, V% o+ A. z
+ `! q: `2 |1 a3 R. R3 Y7 b( t
Duke大学 Ph.D. Program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 也叫Bioinformatics and Genome Technology (BGT), 名字大同小异,链接是
5 A' ^0 @# Z$ e- Y3 ~8 J7 w& u" Shttp://www.genome.duke.edu/edexchange/programs/bgt$ ^' K+ r3 R% c! b

7 }. N, Z8 y0 K1 i+ R(1)这个stand-alone的program成立于2003年(或者是2002年,不太确信),目前有学7 \6 P, b0 C+ x' h( v) J& g
$ v: C9 }2 _% a9 C' X7 ]; N5 _http://www.genome.duke.edu/people/faculty
$ V# C- z& ?  W" G1 U- d% o: S9 G(2)录取要求是:修过计算和生物方面的课程,具体有微积分,统计,计算机,基础生1 ^# x- Q( ~4 J! Q
9 x% G7 K& U0 I" H0 }  B(3)入学后,要求的核心课程有Statistics Methods for Computational Biology, Genome
6 P, ~$ @" S  ]3 ?Informatics and Sequence Analysis, Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Genome Technologies。
& B! r8 x' ?% r, L) j(4)主要研究方向有:Evolutionary Genomics,Pharmacogenomics,Genome
( R; L; O# G( \/ aBiology,Breast Cancer Genomics,Public Genomics and the Value of a Scientific Commons,Genome Ethics & Society, Environmental Genomics, Genomic Medicine,更多的信息请见. h: C$ p8 w: a* ]/ W
http://www.genome.duke.edu/research/highlights( h3 f; p2 @/ G# t$ R( ~1 b' H7 P
" ~, L8 U  K. s1 y, t! }
NCSU(North Carolina State University)的Ph.D. Program in* T) H2 q0 ?3 d6 E# A
, F  U5 y, w, y9 [3 ~( C7 B. EPhp 建在NCSU的Bioinformatics Research Center
5 l9 r3 z) U: X) A% K/ q(2001年3月成立),实际上,这个program主要的老师来自统计系和遗传系,所以有统计,  y1 [- D" \* S$ ^! [' Z8 d: X
数学背景的同学也可以考虑申请,当然有计算机,生物背景也可以。5 l7 t/ C7 p" Z# c3 i1 J& e

2 F3 ~. T1 _% i, D5 i% K(1)NCSU建有一个更大的Graduate Program in Genomic Sciences,其中包含了Ph.D.
7 |  F' |" m# L% U; i1 XProgram in Bioinformatics, http://genomics.ncsu.edu/bioinfo.html and Ph.D.# U5 N& z6 }3 ~5 e% v* A
Program in Functional Genomics, http://genomics.ncsu.edu/function.html。在它们的网站上,这两个Program之间的关系被阐述为协作的,合作的关系(synergistic)。Functional Genomics主要的研究目标是 - the generation of large bodies of data relating to organism function,Bioinformatics Program的目标是 - the analysis of these vast and complex data sets.
" [7 p- v+ G8 L8 H: ^0 D在一个Program的学生在学习专业知识的同时会从另外一个Program接受到牢固的基础。% h+ b6 ]; v8 \* ^- r+ \" O6 x
(2)Bioinformatics: H1 S+ e% l7 v. ^! A  q1 v
Program的录取要求:有生物,或者物理,数学,计算机,统计的本科学位;修过本科微9 ~, S: r, P( y) Q; G8 s# Y
积分和线形代数;修过C++,生物统计和遗传理论三门课程。. F7 y. W, Q2 Q- r4 d
(3)Functional Genomics Program的录取要求:有生物,或者物理,数学,计算机,统) i. S+ G1 K& j: L; V
计的本科学位;修过至少一学期的本科微积分。& Z1 E  C/ d7 a" [
(4)Bioinformatics Program的Director是Dr. Bruce Weir,
8 z) \+ ~( @, |+ J. Ehttp://statgen.ncsu.edu/bsw/bsw.html,% V9 r8 f: g. U. H5 D6 D+ y
非常出名的一个教授,同时在统计系和遗传系任教。其他的教授名单请参加1 l- M" f) W; |: I2 _4 }- m+ W/ C
http://bioinformatics.ncsu.edu/brcwebsite/people.php?photos=yes% ~( x+ Q  X* q$ |9 K0 g& B
(5)有数学背景的同学也可以考虑申请Ph.D. Program in Biomathematics, 具体信息请+ s4 ~9 p/ Z& m6 |
参加 http://www.ncsu.edu/biomath/
  [! t& T( Y% l; {% ?' P- d! u9 q
/ N* }. K# n. ?# X5 j1 N, X- jUNC Chapel Hill的医学院排名第23,它的生物信息专业是Training program in0 ?# f# b/ u- n2 n2 Y
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, http://genomics.unc.edu/bcb/index.html( q. s. |) I6 {6 ]* k/ o
( p4 M$ d$ s- r& d! \0 N9 s# H
(1)老师来自学校各个系,包括计算机,统计,生物,图书馆信息等等,: I9 Q) s9 `. U/ Y- P! x
http://genomics.unc.edu/bcb/faculty.html 。申请者需要先申请各个系,才能进入BCB P
4 x/ F* Y! \9 W5 }: v$ {& y3 @rogram。+ E2 T9 `5 i: s
(2)录取要求除了各个系有些自己的要求外,还要求申请者修过离散数学,概率与统计8 [; Y, |$ ~: I0 ]" v2 L
,分子生物和基因,数据结构课程。0 C9 _+ U, u' e, m
, U  {: x* K- W4 y. H
VT,也叫弗吉利亚州立大学,建立的专业是 The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in4 F% K2 b1 [8 Q5 N% A
Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology,) M: ]4 m% A. B: z/ |- u
具体的信息可以从http://www.grads.vt.edu/gbcb/phd_gbcb.htm% [% {, G+ }* C3 Q& ]7 {
了解到。不过他们处理效率比较低,到4月15号左右一般都不会给申请者任何消息。- o( R$ d% \) j; u. l( d( M
' _2 o+ [; j  a9 J9 V, ^
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---5 U of Washington,Stanford,U Mich
: K& j0 G8 g2 b8 u5 r; s, C
( k2 c' w( Z' [7 \7 V, h今天介绍的学校有医学排名分别为第7,8,9的University of Washington, Stanford
% z, T. t0 g! B/ ^4 z: A* wUniversity和University of Michigan Ann Arbor。
1 L8 l% P$ j, ~& J: K- F
6 k6 c" L! v7 N+ bUniversity of Washington
! O) n  o9 i2 W! M(www.washington.edu)值得申请的program是Computational Molecular Biology3 L6 [3 J  ?6 @7 }
http://depts.washington.edu/cmolbiol/),是University of Washington和Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center合办的。或许大家都知道,Fred Hutchinson已经出了三位诺贝尔生物医学的得主了。& ?6 A3 M3 G1 ^( B; V, }/ o
但是这个program不是独立的,申请者需要通过申请University of Washington以下几9 o4 I. x1 T" t% W5 `+ k
个系来申请到CMB Program:
# _4 D4 u$ E2 b! i9 DApplied Mathematics
( p9 N+ l7 H: D: B" GBiochemistry" e9 M6 y( {+ s/ t. D5 z
Bioengineering4 X2 W$ ^% w  I
7 f) P2 j* K8 O( J6 eComputer Science & Engineering
- n2 A' r. r( w- p! C  E9 DGenome Sciences
- [* {3 D1 `& G4 ]" X& s1 |Microbiology' s: X  i( o& N7 K  }
: G. N( I( v  O9 j& u
( }' d' Y8 w$ {9 Jprobability & statistics;, l1 n5 }$ o6 X; P
computer programming(preferably including the writing of programs for( ^& j1 v: j% x" o7 A1 i
data analysis);algorithms and data structures;% ]9 M- q: \! u
molecular biology, biochemistry, and/or genetics. ]3 [! P- B# j$ q2 ^
在录取前,至少满足以上条件中的2个。* ~& i1 x8 Q  v- ?8 e0 C+ U

4 ?5 O/ {. W* r( c# h可能有的同学会被Dept. of Genome Sciences感兴趣,其中的Dr. Phil Green和Dr. Willie Swanson做得非常出色。但是该系的学生中
: w: v! N% E0 G$ |+ |http://www.gs.washington.edu/gradprogram/currentstudents.htm)中国学生非常少,
8 Y5 l. J0 y: I2 N" ?2 r2004年前没有中国学生入学,所以不知道该系是否值得中国学生去申请。 有计算机背景的申请者可以考虑申请Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,从事Computational Biology的教授有Dr. Larry Ruzzo (http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/ruzzo/) 和Dr. Martin Tompa
2 g4 z6 ]  _" ?4 O4 A- {, G(http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/tompa/)7 B2 V1 z1 [2 g* d2 V5 E

, \2 Q' z: a% Y3 N有统计和数学背景的申请者可以考虑申请Dept. of Biostatistics的Ph.D. Program,个人感觉这个系在全美的Biostatistics排名能够进入前5吧,具体信息可以去3 f, ], b9 `/ B6 D% v
http://www.biostat.washington.edu/prospective/overview.php 浏览。5 X! _- b, [# ?: x* {. e! G

& Q" |8 a1 ], B5 T, Y% uStanford大学的Biomedical Informatics Program
$ W( i& c. v, f) Ihttp://smi-web.stanford.edu/academics/ 鼎鼎有名,应该不需要我过多地介绍了。具体
8 `) a' i; j0 w的申请要求就参见
- M0 Y1 w% ?6 H- V) [3 J. A5 I" nhttp://smi-web.stanford.edu/academics/apply.html# L$ Z. J9 ^: L7 c& @8 s1 h- k* Y
9 b$ C; S+ A% W8 c% P" \
University of Michigan的Bioinformatics Program的网址是  ?/ }+ Q" H9 t' t, y
% u! C# C# h9 N) ]7 k/ y, `' g+ V) N2 ]. }3 |: q5 N+ U% i- y4 O: ^
该Program从2001年开始招生,第一年招了9个人,第二年招了6个人,第三年和第四年分别都只招了4个人。2005年有6人去面试,不知最终能录取多少人。' U( H9 y+ T, C# C/ h0 T
" ~# _% A' S% q# o8 J
$ }+ y9 i5 {+ F  L! J& Pbioinformatics.med.umich.edu/people/faculty/。+ y: `1 P& `" p6 o$ G
% U# z  w# `, ^- m) ?. T
申请者需要注意,如果你是对quantitative and analytical sciences感兴趣的话,就直接申请这个Program;如果是对joint experimental and computational emphasis感兴趣并且 have prior experience in the biological sciences,则应该通过申请医学院的Program in Biomedical Sciences (PIBS) http://www.med.umich.edu/pibs/ 来申请其中的Bioinformatics Program。这样的设置和UPenn的很类似。个人觉得申请PIBS的录取几率比直接申请 Bioinformatics更大一些。. S% V& ]* m) H" K

' ]" N. K# Q. F& L6 w' ]& n有统计和数学背景的申请者请关注University of Michigan的Biostatistics Program# y: _$ }% H3 Y) ~% L
1 U  U6 t) e; r% x- T$ \5 }; Z% K, g+ z$ B8 i, r
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---6 Columbia,NYU,Cornell
7 f; E* o& H1 _/ P* j" L
1 u* R- ^2 ?5 `3 S" H! J! m7 c最近实在是很忙,抱歉抱歉!
# Q" r5 C8 I- p2 w  l. i. w+ Q9 ]" W( z8 X1 c6 B3 v5 Y5 A  y
今天介绍的学校有排名第10 的Columbia大学,顺便也介绍一下同在New
% H, E7 n6 N8 J! f4 q. \York市的NYU和Cornell大学(注Cornell大学的医学院在NYC)。, j0 D3 v* Z& e: ^) [
1. Columbia的Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics http://www.c2b2.columbia.edu/, H3 W: A4 h1 |
2 Q$ T7 o6 M8 Y5 f" t
! ]& `' {- J0 u; F$ _1 r! U5 w  jPrediction of protein structure, function and localization., v; z# t( R4 E' v$ r" S
Study of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.$ K$ D; G4 z$ r. ~3 \+ O7 a' x1 r
Gene expression analysis and prediction of regulatory network structure.  C9 Q7 a# \7 |8 t' `1 Y' v
Study of complex inherited traits.
9 B: V, t+ p3 |! m4 i* w0 `Image analysis and interpretation.
+ U- I4 R0 A1 u8 N; DBiomedical ontology development.. p3 x% p" [/ e" Y+ z# w
Knowledge extraction from scientific literature and medical reports.( _9 }, n( @. V
Evidence integration.8 Q/ D5 Y/ q7 A; D
# B* s+ l, _. J+ O
这个中心主要的主要的program是Integrated PhD program in Cellular, Molecular and
1 j; F! c/ L# M" I  wBiophysical Studies(Computational Biology Track),
: x, S/ I( y: C" l0 t6 @) nhttp://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/integrated/description/
" D* D5 z1 t2 Z: ~! D0 M0 p1 A; h. x
同时,在Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Biomedical Informatics, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics的学生都可以到这个中心从事computational biology and bioinformatics的研究工作,具体说明请看 http://www.c2b2.columbia.edu/education.html% ]+ ^" V6 t0 i# x% O( {
http://www.c2b2.columbia.edu/education_courses.html列出了中心在computational biology and bioinformatics方面能开出的课程。6 @% a& E) G* V, N! K  d/ W. a% Y: D
值得推荐的Program 有:
$ A7 J, D" k$ g7 O) `C2B2 Graduate Program
- \7 `! j" F' N" O* ^- jComputational Biology Track of the Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biophysical Studies/ J6 R$ [9 X0 b; V; }3 f( _
它的培养目标是:for students to learn to apply computational methods to solve biological problems. This is accomplished through courses in both the life sciences and in computational and related sciences, mentored research, and immersion in a community devoted to solving important biological problems using computational methods.
# g# X8 \2 a/ s
7 s; J6 C4 O" e录取要求包括:
( n2 S: A2 x. B% O  CA science Bachelors Degree) }. E" b4 V. |, k; ^1 z
The Graduate Record Examination and one advanced test in either biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, or computer science
, w3 O5 |% {$ ^& g* C  sLetters of recommendation* M- @  J, }$ V$ Z* n8 `% w
Personal interview
+ H- ^. ^$ v* p, R; y1 Ohttp://www.c2b2.columbia.edu/education_phd_details.html 给出了详细的课程安排和培养计划。
& m2 x6 |: k$ Z4 l(b)Department of Biomedical Informatics的Ph.D. Program http://www.dbmi.columbia.edu/7 e, [! ^1 l2 T2 I8 _9 R
http://www.dbmi.columbia.edu/bio ... hOpportunities.html
: ]6 Q* z' y# O9 A. j概括了该系Bioinformatics专业的9个研究方向:7 {  ^0 X: p9 T' t
Phylogenetic Trees
4 s- B; }8 V, t6 k" s! l$ S5 a' uPrediction of Protein Structure3 Z! F# u9 f  w0 _& o* G
Sequence Assembly
  r; X7 s. x# [  @4 E" PPhysical Mapping3 I6 A+ |* ]" \6 f& p
Sequence-Similarity Analysis
6 ^% Q% y4 ~7 G8 I- Z0 LAnalysis of Protein Domains/Motifs8 C# j  ?. q8 ]5 m
Gene finding  L7 c7 Y; c% v, A: ^6 v% l# `, C
Metabolic and Signal-Transduction Pathways和+ P  b# c4 ~' e7 E
Analysis of Gene-Expression Chips) D1 k% ~  j4 I1 y8 E" ^% r
6 x% U7 v0 f) Q. H' }5 ?
http://www.dbmi.columbia.edu/bioinformatics/docs/people_new.html' c; S  Y+ w" R
概括了从事这些方向的老师。但是,好像他们对陶瓷不是很感冒 :(+ H3 S+ X2 J) f  g1 Y
$ R  W# s+ m0 G+ P/ I; R: p
录取信息请参见: http://www.dbmi.columbia.edu/educ/degreeprograms/admission.htm
" ?9 w+ X6 z% n: M* Z6 A# cl
! F; p+ I: P7 z2.New York 大学和Mount Sinai School of Medicine在2004年合办了Doctoral Program in Computational Biology http://monod.biomath.nyu.edu/igert/
; _& P4 E8 J# p% Z# n! @( W5 C; c$ x* l% K% l5 h2 N
这是一个Stand-alone的program,但是申请的时候还是需要通过参与6 v$ |% W0 k0 m3 u# M2 c3 g
这个program的系或者学院去申请。* T7 @8 _' O" j7 a4 ^: ~
- a! R8 m7 z) }" LNYU Biology
1 o# V7 U3 f1 G- D- `2 O4 R" ^$ a  ZNYU Center for Neural Science' B+ Q. y, {% l, {6 M
NYU Chemistry% H# O# R7 S4 R# j
NYU Courant Institute
1 w& x1 E. Z3 Z# a4 O* `% W+ {NYU Courant Institute# {! I  O; n) y' ?$ {
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
, v5 I! M9 m  }$ j+ BNYU School of Medicine, Sackler Institute
: C1 z$ k; i7 d  e+ D
% f2 J0 p* \* uNYU School of Medicine和Mount Sinai School of Medicine 的排名都是32。; G1 u* }2 ?9 A3 D
(1) 申请。 申请要求请参见:http://monod.biomath.nyu.edu/igert/application.html" b' {$ L* D+ K1 t5 D) g( O0 @
它建议申请者申请之前,与这个Program的director:( t7 |; \% B% z4 I' f; ^0 F9 h
Dr. Tamar Schlick 讨论一下你的申请计划,比如你应该选择哪个home
4 z/ K% p. M  U% R( W% N% ]8 xdepartment申请。我去年申请的时候就跟Dr.Schlick讨论过,虽然我的背景是计算机,但是她告诉我说NYU的CS太难申请,她让我通过化学系去申请,因为她是化学系的教授(尽管她同时也是计算机和数学系的教授)。
: g. _2 W2 W7 M& y(2) 这个program 要求学习8门核心课程:
, I0 O0 W" R0 X* Z; v7 JCore 1: Core Biology I: Molecules & Cells (Bio) OR Biochemistry I (Chem) OR Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Core I (Sinai) OR Foundations of Cell and Molecular Biology I (Sackler)
* f1 @4 P4 |) k& _8 Y. k- U0 Q( SCore 2: Core Biology II: Organismal Biology and Evolution (Bio) OR Biochemistry II (Chem) OR Cell Biology: Core II (Sinai) OR Foundations of Cell and Molecular Biology II (Sackler)9 \% F6 L/ f+ v. D
Core 3: Computational Biology Student Seminar (taken each semester for first two years) and Computational Biology Research Seminar (taken in Spring semester of 2nd year)8 p: r8 X, K' e2 x
Core 4: Biomolecular Modeling (Chem)) C+ T7 C  X/ S8 L5 T! h$ K, }
Core 5: Bioinformatics and Genomes(Bio) OR Genomics (Bio)- s- r5 W$ r: [( i+ u* D
Core 6: Statistics in Biology (Bio) OR Numerical Methods I (Math) OR Biostatistics (Sinai) OR Scientific Computing (CS)6 i) l2 i& _3 q; s' t3 Y
Core 7: Fundamental Algorithms (CS) OR Honors Fundamental Algorithms (CS) or Statistical Mechanics (Chem)$ U8 q, v( F: Q5 x" q
Core 8: Programming Languages* (CS) OR Honors Program Languages (CS) OR Statistical Mechanics (Chem)
% g" c5 F9 ?6 [$ {2 p5 d2 Y详细的课程表请参见:
; X9 r0 _0 O: Vhttp://monod.biomath.nyu.edu/igert/courselist.htm
: V# N' h) z7 K( k7 \http://monod.biomath.nyu.edu/igert/courselist0105.htm+ x4 s4 P+ x, h+ n; N* `' {; j
(3) 研究方向分为3个大类:% k& T9 M/ T9 e% y
Macromolecular Modeling;
/ ?- ~$ {2 p* I! ]7 p6 U2 y8 _Computational Genomics;
" }9 Y! u& k4 Y. B) l2 \4 H0 Y: uPhysiological Modeling8 w0 K. f) O2 ]5 t
具体请参见: http://monod.biomath.nyu.edu/igert/research.html( g% C6 d) Y# D4 s* O7 x! O9 \
(4) 推荐一个NYU CS的教授:0 n) C4 i# \. U( |7 R7 y1 h
Dr.Bud Mishra  http://www.cs.nyu.edu/cs/faculty/mishra/1 W# L1 h. x7 a( @
他的研究projects请参见 http://www.bioinformatics.nyu.edu/Projects/index.shtml
1 @2 _6 w: A4 S/ b
7 e+ T$ Z# ?3 Y3. Cornell大学和Rockefeller,Sloan-Kettering Institute合办的Tri-Institutional Program in Computational Biology & Medicine (CBM),非常棒!http://www.triiprograms.org/cbm.html
1 @5 R+ t! ~+ [/ @) j) i7 o! t+ H# r. E(1) 申请: 申请的时候通过2个track来申请,要么是Computer-Science emphasis
0 k( c; t# i0 ?: M. i+ h1 P(C-Track),要么是Life-Science emphasis (L-Track)。如果你希望be trained primarily as computer scientists (and secondarily as biological scientists) who will apply and develop computational methods to study problems in biology and medicine,那么就申请C Track,如果你希望be trained primarily as biological scientists (and secondarily as computer scientists) who will research biological problems using tools of computer science. For additional information on the two tracks and the program in general, please see the Tri-Institutional Research Programs Student1 Q& e4 ^% |  c$ K
Guide,那么就申请L-track.  http://www.triiprograms.org/cbm/apply.html
! R2 f' n& X, u. V(2)培养计划. C和L track的学生第一年都在Cornell大学的本部,
$ B( e9 t* ^( {% z$ d$ ~7 N  f2 d: LIthaca校区学习基础知识,第2年,L Track的学生去NYC, 选择Cornell的Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences, The Rockefeller University, and Sloan-Kettering Institute的任意一个实验室进入论文阶段。
* n4 Q. ^7 w* \http://www.triiprograms.org/cbm/courseofstudy.html
# w/ H5 E' U) [% m+ L(3)师资力量:http://www.triiprograms.org/cbm/faculty.html, Y1 Q) x, j. ?9 |5 E, J+ N  Q2 d
列出了28个该program的教授。' W! u  s2 U% \2 F, k" \
(4)Cornell大学准备在本部成立一个Computational Biology Program,但是一直没有* g! A) B& U8 E% p; K3 \
, A. J& h' `' d. Z1 `# J9 _1 m7 P; S9 X, \- s, T: ?$ {! b& c# d
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---6-1 Ph.D. Program in CB at Cornell
5 b: R5 o' D- T4 g; ^9 T
" T+ \2 n% G) A* i0 q5 ^: A$ yFinally, Cornell University approved the establishment of Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology. It is complimentary to Tri-Institutional Prgram in Computational Biology and Medicine
* N- {, e3 q* ?& v: p: P(http://www.triiprograms.org/cbm.html) which has already been talked about in Guide 6.
3 O% A* D+ `+ y% e) u' u4 s
8 c* d! {0 {* ?Computational Biology (C at Cornell is an interdisciplinary program that links the computational and mathematical sciences with the life sciences, http://www.cb.cornell.edu/index.htm9 h% [9 s5 W* n( p7 Y

. w$ c# H4 P* ?3 x; i(1) Admission Requirments
# ]. Y' T5 E3 C
7 b3 ~& g6 v% S8 ]6 h: HThe detailed information about admission requirements will be available soon. Please check http://www.gradschool.cornell.edu/catalog/fields.php?id=4A back later.! H8 e3 j- ?* U. Z; n
  R  W. y, N( S) }
(2)Research Areas$ ^" i# L# J5 t+ L+ y( `4 y# ?3 v
The graduate field of Computational Biology has seven subjects:
1 C& e5 V% F& C% @- Z7 V5 q' d$ E. u! |Computational biology
8 c9 ~2 \# v( Y# G( h8 O8 VComputational genetics
' F+ ]3 ~' l8 f% h' lComputational cell biology
( d4 A/ J9 [1 |4 }* l7 n& wComputational organismal biology
5 Z8 |2 G- Q- S) P# G6 \9 cComputational behavioral biology* `: R: x* B9 P9 y1 v
Computational ecology. ?) K2 U, ~% g8 J! U
! z* h8 Y5 B0 k+ L
(3) Faculty
' B& _  }: q3 L0 [" H. [/ }, |0 g32 Computational Biology faculty come from 16 departments, including the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. The webpage of each faculty can be found at0 K- q6 k" b. E2 }! ], A- w. \
http://www.gradschool.cornell.ed ... s.php?a=3&id=4A
0 J9 F- }; K5 x3 K1 h/ }: P
/ P! R' i9 A; s' E, }Recommended faculty:; K7 D# _' W; z; {( z
Andy Clark, current director of this program, a famous Population& a7 G- u2 l# u  u
genetics expert, http://www.mbg.cornell.edu/Clark_Lab.cfm
' m5 E* s4 V7 x% Q# d4 O4 d3 |  J6 @3 F, t5 b9 o
(4) Courses
+ k) ^- @& K$ C" \5 r/ E' v
+ u' j% n5 P7 M  s8 h) F2 vCourse information can be found at http://www.cb.cornell.edu/courses.htm1 _) O. y* c1 l
Just a reminder that if you have a background in Statistics/Mathematics, you may be interested in Ph.D. Program in Biological Statistics and Computational Biology at Cornell, http://www.bscb.cornell.edu/

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发表于 2006-7-25 17:08:49 |只看该作者
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---7 UC系统之UCLA,UCSD" ^( t7 U' v+ p$ D: A: q

! D" j) f: C2 |: ]2 [" p3 x5 O在指南3中,我们已经谈到了UCSF和UC Berkeley,现在我们来看看其他一些UC系统的分校 ,包括UCLA, UCSD, UCSC,UCSB, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Davis, UC Riverside 。) ~* V5 B3 z7 R3 `

1 }' Z6 b; v" A2 U  K( X3 C1. UCLA
9 l7 ~( W# B; u# p4 v6 }UCLA的医学院排名第11。UCLA的Bioinformatics Program的链接是:& P, K: y1 L2 [8 c. u+ P
6 w0 V9 ~2 Z! v8 M" O( ]/ V# ]! L
' E* h4 b+ s1 B4 q1 a0 O/ h+ H(1) 申请者需要通过申请单独的系,包括Biological Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering,/ b0 R1 p2 g' T5 B! t) s3 R$ R4 I
Biomathematics, Biostatistics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Human Genetics, Mathematics, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, Molecular & Medical Pharmacology, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology和Statistics系。 具体的申请要求和截止日期请参考' z$ a7 G+ A2 H, S
# V3 V9 ~5 U- [' [# g(2)  核心课程包括:
1 \( v3 d2 k! J- fStatistics 100A: Introduction to Probability Theory1 g5 O: ?8 T: E/ g) {  _. m
Chemistry/Biochemistry 260: Bioinformatics and Genomics5 x, _- |4 X5 @1 h  |, Q
Math/Statistics 254: Statistical Methods in Computational Biology
% {/ Q1 y3 H6 R4 F! m$ @Chemistry/Biochemistry 202: Bioinformatics Interdisciplinary Research Seminar+ V# r( Y+ [$ ]1 ^
选修课程包括:* C! I% F; ^! h5 [+ m* \/ v8 R( r
Biology C275:Computational Biology& _* N& L" _% y+ K
Biomath 207A:Theoretical Genetic Modeling
9 x' p9 V. I2 R2 VBiostatistics 272:Statistical Genetics
$ d8 w/ W- W2 ^4 XChemistry 251B:Computer Algorithms in Molecular Biology6 o+ M0 e  N& s% H5 Q! l3 e7 @' s
Chemistry 298: Seminar: Computational Methods in Bioinformatics2 I% B- F7 Q% t; _) I% \2 }- J# T
Microbiology M246:Computer Analysis of Genetic Organization
5 g3 B7 k% v. c6 iMCDB 292:Seminar: Molecular Evolution
* U( A/ Z2 u6 I/ ]3 {# ?5 x(3) 专业要求:
0 W3 Q6 u! q% _$ N8 `3 Zhttp://www.bioinformatics.ucla.e ... am_requirements.htm列出了整个program的要求和设置。概括地说,这个program要求学生先进入一个graduate program来作为他们的major subject,同时还要从Biology, Computer Science, and Mathematics中选一个作为他们
4 B1 }$ i/ q% Z. H: z$ a的minor subject。需要注意的是,毕业之后学生拿到的是所在graduate program的学位而不是Bioinformatics Program的学位。1 B! z- t; P! o* E2 }
2.  UCSD
& F1 ]) C- b5 L5 w' i$ t% sUCSD的医学院排名第14,其Bioinformatics Program的链接是:) I- ?" t  s, z; }- l% C0 v7 v0 N
http://bioinformatics.ucsd.edu/ 。这个也很棒,值得申请。
; O- v# w" e( d. @" ^- I; E
+ ?% W/ Q- w0 @" A- S. K(1) 申请要求, 请参看7 P' a* S8 Z, y$ }
http://bioinformatics.ucsd.edu/students/admissions.htm。这是一个独立的program, 直接申请即可。
' F/ t& g: j; @, U(2) 课程安排:
* L4 d1 x  d& P8 m* a; U& K核心课程:( Y- E3 F6 X: s
Bioinformatics I: Biological Data & Analysis Tools! H' d) A$ e& s3 h* u: N" O
Bioinformatics II: Sequence and Structure Analysis
% M) Q# @$ @, H+ q* P! OMethods and Applications) W- \* X8 u- x
Bioinformatics III: Genetic Circuits and Modeling Pathways: {8 M7 F0 L/ H. {! D' ]
Bioinformatics IV: Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics
" ~; {0 P6 o$ k1 o选修课程请参看:' W" L6 m% p( `( L' z- H
3 |% w6 f' l  ~7 \2 z(4) 师资力量:一共有58位教授,阵容非常强大,具体请看1 O  d" Z$ _6 ~: F# i2 N% j
http://bioinformatics.ucsd.edu/faculty/index.htm8 j- k0 d2 ]/ |" q+ f& O$ c  n7 p% X5 R
http://bioinformatics.ucsd.edu/faculty/deptlist.htm 按系列出了老师。值得推荐的是:
1 p4 V& E& P2 W& h  F: l! i" |6 |a. Shankar Subramaniam, 他的实验室的链接是:http://genome.ucsd.edu/ ,Lab for
' W5 u0 V; E5 u6 _6 L1 \Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 其主页的链接是
5 Y' P7 H- C! d5 bhttp://genome.ucsd.edu/people/index.shtml 。此人为整个program的director。
$ r+ c3 s' Q1 Mb. Jeff Hasty,他的实验室的链接是:http://biodynamics.ucsd.edu/ , Systems Biodynamics Lab。
8 H# ^+ a4 M5 L" \' @3 Nc. Trey Ideker,他的实验室的链接是:
' v# R% r3 D$ W4 ?2 x# Z8 Y. Bhttp://www-bioeng.ucsd.edu/faculty/area/ideker_lab/$ Z. G: n9 ]6 a6 _% K( s. r
Laboratory for Integrative Network Biology, 非常 promising。3 a' C1 l4 C6 G8 z
d. Bernhard Palsson, 他的实验室的链接是:http://gcrg.ucsd.edu/ , Lab for Systems Biology and Genetic Circuits 。+ m' I: m3 N. ~2 q5 ^5 l( C
e. Xiaohua Huang,  P, Y5 n* n) ?9 q& U
他刚加入这个program,还没有正式的实验室的主页,http://www-bioeng.ucsd.edu/facult9 ?( i* L/ y2 @1 P
0 |; {$ b. ^- ?" I9 ]介绍了他的研究兴趣,http://www.jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/FacBios/findprofile.pl?fmp_
! S% ~" M4 J( ]recid=191介绍了他的背景。& Y  I& I1 S. q1 ^7 w& [4 q
f. Vineet Bafna, 计算机系的教授,主页是 http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/vbafna/2 A; |+ n: V7 T5 z
g. Eleazar Eskin, 计算机系的教授,主页是 http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/%7Eeeskin/,曾在指南6中提到的Columbia大学的Christina Leslie教授手下做过postdoctor。他现在的主页研究方向是国际人类基因组单体型图计划 ,今年2月和别人刚发过一篇Science的文章,: b2 Q1 \- `1 @2 \/ x
Whole-Genome Patterns of Common DNA Variation in Three Human Populations'' Science 18 February 2005: 307(5712):1072-1079.
1 s  S8 @7 B1 l2 sh. Pavel Pevzner, 计算机系的教授,
; S- A& X+ E$ t  h- r% H  T1 U大牛人就不用介绍了,他的主页是:http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/ppevzner/1 H. h" e. X( Y+ |7 X4 ?9 O1 T
另外还有2个牛人,虽然不在Bioinformatics Program, 如果能有机会和他们合作,( k* o8 H' i4 ]0 H
也非常不错。一是Terry Gaasterland, http://www.sgc.ucsd.edu/members.html,2005年刚从Rockefeller大学move到UCSD的 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 她在Rockefeller是Lab for Computational Genomics的head,http://genomes.rockefeller.edu/, 现在是Scripps Institution of Oceanography的Genome Center的Director。二是Bing Ren, Assistant Professor
$ I) y+ Z+ X7 e  D% |- L) Rof Cellular and Molecular Medicine,9 K& C( o- S: Z+ C0 }( v
http://medicine.ucsd.edu/molpath ... e.php?faculty_id=33 。+ m$ h/ Q, @2 p  {" `7 Q! E' ~
6 \* H, _5 t1 e+ N
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---7-1 Caltech, UCSB* \, b8 Z: Z" L( ^% e& }

! j2 s& ~  F' G6 tFor those applicant who has a keen interest in Systems Biology and a solid background in mathematics, dynamics, and control, coupled with intensive study in science and engineering, you may be interested in interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Control and Dynamical Systems at Caltech, http://www.cds.caltech.edu/academics/gradinfo/.; s3 C+ V" w  B3 T3 W

) a0 {6 a6 D% o5 ZThe leading and active player in Systems Biology at Caltech is Professor John C. Doyle , http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~doyle/
/ F6 B& |3 f8 V5 {
2 v; @8 L9 c# i2 D& BAnother professor at UCSB is Dr. Linda R. Petzold, who is the Chairman of Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and a professor of Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering. She is also a Systems Biology guy. She applies differential-algebraic equations and
8 s# C- k0 ^1 Y& b* ~& ]: L+ J9 ]partial differential equations to the "development and analysis of multiscale simulation methods for biochemical networks" and one of her research projects is "A Novel and Radically Integrated Approach to the Biology of Intra-Cellular Networks and Systems".
" M, s- H: ]/ `% i; e$ e" w! H/ P
& d  {7 ^7 L) F, N, B  zhttp://www.me.ucsb.edu/dept_site ... s/petzold_page.html
. k4 A& d# |1 ^0 |) f0 d3 ]! h% m, ?8 Q8 U& U
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---8 UC系统之UCSC,UCR" z* A' }3 F2 n8 A1 G/ P, R) ^
& T3 f0 b& {( }  a9 Q" X
今天继续介绍UC的分校的UCSC,UCR。1 A1 X1 x/ `5 |/ o. L
% [4 n& r  @, g
1.UCSC 全名是UC Santa Cruz,非常漂亮的一个海滨城市,临近硅谷,地理位置佳。7 D) `/ E! h, A9 f" b' S
UCSC的 Bioinformatics Program正式于2002年春运行,在全美都很有名,它的链接是:http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/programs/bioinformatics/graduate/。这是一个独立的program,共有7位正式的老师,都是Dept. of Biomolecular Engineering0 a, t, t6 H. G5 |+ U. }
http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/departments/bme/faculty.html的faculty(这个系于2004年2月正式成立)。http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/programs ... aduate/faculty.html还列出了一些related faculty,不知道他们是否也能带Bioinformatics Program的学生,我的猜测是。! r, `, n3 {% h) g4 S6 l
% M5 h/ j4 s0 n+ G+ m
(1) 这个Program偏向computaional,它们的目标是combines mathematics, science, and engineering to explore and understand biological data from high-throughput experiments, such as genome sequencing and gene expression chips.
- {: n! |  J9 |: y1 R5 J(2) 录取要求请看:http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/advising/graduate/admissions.html 。2005年Fall, 整个program从100多人中录取了7人,一般他们会在1月发出面试邀请,2月做出正式的决定。那以后没有消息的话一般就没有希望了。# q, Z6 h# f9 i, _# K1 u! `6 T6 I
(3) 研究方向。http://www.cbse.ucsc.edu/research/research_bioinfproject.shtml  q7 T6 n7 B/ R  F: V8 b) ]
介绍了具体的一些研究方向,包括: DNA research,RNA research,Protein research,Estimating amino acid distributions,Parallel sequence analysis,Discriminative models in computational biology,EST analysis ,Software tools。; i$ C9 A6 W* v" ~# @& z
(4) 教授推荐:2 U1 N) i+ }* y/ B9 d
a. David Haussler, 大牛,被公认为Bioinformatics的pioneer 之一,他目前是Howard; o* f$ i7 F4 O2 F7 N$ ?0 Z, J
Hughes Medical Institute的 Investigator, Center for Biomolecular Science &
6 w# l1 S8 C# U+ xEngineering的Director。http://www.cbse.ucsc.edu/news/resources.shtml#Story3% a: {. u# u# u! s) D0 o
列出了关于他的研究和荣誉的新闻报道。他的实验室Genome Bioinformatics Group的网
% M3 P! r- W' g5 }6 T9 m址是 http://www.cbse.ucsc.edu/staff/hausslerlab.shtml 。他们的主要研究工作是"produce,
$ L! p! w9 c+ n, n2 |assemble, and annotate the first mammalian genomes. They designed and built the program that assembled the first working draft of the human genome sequence from information produced by sequencing centers worldwide and participated in the informatics associated with the finishing effort." Haussler对Computational Biology最早的贡献是把Hidden Markov Model引入了Computational Biology这一领域。' r+ j- o; w, x9 W; j
$ _+ Z$ S& {9 R
b. Kevin Karplus, 是和David Haussler一起筹建Bioinformatics Program的人之一。他现在是整个program的undergraduate and graduate director,负责招生。 他的研究方向包括Protein structure prediction, analysis of protein sequences, hidden Markov models, neural nets, fragment packing, 实验室的网址是
. g1 S) v% \1 [! i3 B9 j  _7 R. ehttp://www.soe.ucsc.edu/%7Ekarplus/group/index.html' y" J6 q. \$ j& D' f4 j

8 `: X$ G* H6 }* y9 u8 S* Sc. Josh Stuart, 2004年毕业于Stanford的Biomedical Informatics Program, 现在是Computational Functional Genomics Lab的director,
6 z" Z& [3 l) H# xhttp://www.soe.ucsc.edu/~jstuart/Lab/index.html 。 他的主要研究兴趣是 Develop computational models to predict gene function;Integrate datasets across multiple organisms to identify core molecular pathways;Develop algorithms and resources for biological discovery。
7 e- R5 c& S* U# c1 b+ N9 S* Md. Todd M. Lowe,http://lowelab.ucsc.edu/~lowe/, 1999年毕业于Washington University, 师从著名的Sean R. Eddy 。他的实验室 http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/%7Elowe/ 的研究方向包括 DNA microarray chips, gene expression in Archaea, RNA gene prediction, cross-species hybridization, comparative genomics.
$ a- x0 z; E  [( U3 u; D  d( _8 O, S8 D0 [* Z
2。UCR 的全称是 UC Riverside。 它建有一个独立的Graduate Program in Genetics,+ a& O) U5 E6 Z  W" Q9 A
Genomics and Computational Biology, http://www.genetics.ucr.edu/' A2 K/ m- |) {
(1)申请。 这个program包含3个track: Molecular Genetics, Evolution and
# q# b+ p2 \4 G4 wPopulation Genetics, and% R7 c1 p& W- K0 H5 x$ ?
Genomics/Bioinformatics。申请的时候,需要注明申请哪个track。Genomics/Bioinformatics是目前最受青睐的一个方向。' }* J. w; X9 x* N) c# a
& J' a0 G! A' m4 |# J- i8 }4 {; n. D具体地介绍了各个track的研究方向。 它们建议申请者申请之前仔细阅读student handbook9 e' J. {' D1 I3 h) F
http://www.genetics.ucr.edu/down ... tudent_handbook.pdf。里面介绍了各个track对学生的要求,你可以借此看自己是否适合申请。同时它也介绍了各个track的课程安排,研究计划表等等。# s/ s3 y; C/ c( s- F1 D* A
8 z/ U0 e9 x. A/ I
: h5 W9 U1 q( S# t* k$ q6 Hhttp://www.genetics.ucr.edu/main.php?action=view_section§ion_id=3&dynamic_section=faculty列出了整个program来自全校11个系的62位教授。推荐的教授是 Jiang Tao, http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~jiang/ ,来自计算机与工程系。他的主要研究兴趣很广泛,包括developing efficient algorithms and software for computational problems in molecular biology and genomics; efficient algorithms for comparison of annotated sequences, quartet-based
+ j6 O9 U' E( `  Q7 F& Breconstruction of evolutionary trees, comparative plant/bacterial genomics, probe set design and cluster analysis for oligonucleotide fingerprinting of ribosomal RNA genes (OFRG), search for transcription factor binding sites, NMR peak assignment, haplotyping on pedigrees, and a few prototype software tools。
2 L: a2 l6 ?" f2 w4 ]4 |, @2 }0 L, s! a+ h6 T& p6 X. W
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---9 UC系统之UCI和USC
9 e4 w9 K# `) I: j' a9 |
. J/ B  l1 t7 _! p; _1 {指南7中介绍了在LA的UCLA,今天介绍一下同在LA的USC(USC是所私立学校,不属于UC系统),另外一个学校是UCI。6 @2 h2 r# e4 L$ Y3 c/ N

$ I/ u+ Z% _9 S1.USC是所私立学校,位于LA的downtown,据说学校附近的治安不太好。USC的专业是 Program in Computational Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics,链接是http://www-hto.usc.edu/) p- s8 l6 t) `" I

/ ]/ {7 x) B/ T! U(1)申请。这个program的老师来自4个系,包括Dept. of Biological Sciences,% f- ~& k: ~: Q4 l' _
Computer Science, Mathematics 和Biostatistics。提供的学位包括:
! h. t; X# v% t4 k8 bPhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
, R) l* u. e% f3 C/ t6 _2 w4 Lhttp://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/biosci/mcb/admission.html
3 h5 _& q: v: V3 j( {, G/ nPhD in Applied Mathematics' k0 m) p( v! o9 V
PhD in Computer Science
) i! A1 O* \3 G* ~/ L2 TPhD program in Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology* X, a, b4 z( m5 R5 l
http://www.usc.edu/schools/medic ... dicine/divisions/bi
# R0 `9 R: ^( K: P3 e7 @ostatistics/education/phd/sgge.html
/ L5 g+ Q& Q3 j" @
7 c+ l" x  d  e( b6 E! S" p7 L, v建议大家申请PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,不要申请费。FAQ有具体的解释http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/biosci/mcb/faq.html
7 z- e! x3 `( Q2 z! ]% Y+ n6 J. M  I- r; S% \$ _
(2)  师资力量。目前一共有16位老师,* }# Y( W, ~3 t- ]5 `/ i* ]% M3 `3 n
http://www-hto.usc.edu/People/faculty.phtml?catID=1&DeptID=2,整个program还在继续招新的faculty。最著名的应该算Michael Waterman了,被誉为生物信息学之父,http://www.cmb.usc.edu/people/msw/Waterman.html。他1982年来到USC,从此推动了计算生物学的研究,目前是三个系的教授,2001年被选为美国科学院院士。. n$ S/ y* }/ P; P1 y
这个program还有四位中国教授,Xianghong Zhou,
& ?- ~1 f( G1 _6 T& O) {, f& Shttp://www.cmb.usc.edu/people/xjzhou/ , 她的lab是 Computational Lab of Integrative Genomics, http://zhoulab.usc.edu/ , 主要研究课题包括developing methods for the integrative analysis of heterogeneous genomic data and studying the evolution of biological networks; 她是在Swiss Federal Institute of Technology拿到的PhD,估计是在CBRG - Computational Biochemistry Research Group, http://www.cbrg.ethz.ch/ 学习过。) {" j6 s: v  f# x2 ~2 }! h5 P

- V! f6 k0 K4 F5 K. Z* Y( \另外一位年轻的中国教授是 Tim Ting Chen, 他同时是Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics三个系的assistant professor。他目前的研究课题包括the analysis of protein! U# p) f9 w' j7 N: b5 M
interactions, functions and pathways;the protein identification and sequencing via HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry, and the analysis of Human SNPs. 提到SNPs,感兴趣的同学可以去 http://www.hapmap.org/index.html.zh 看看,这是当前一个很热地研究课题。
' Y: r. y) I9 Z
/ ?! z" A* B9 Z. E2 ]2。UCI的全称是UC Irvine, 整个学校的排名在不断地上升,去年又有人得到了Nobel奖( r. J) p2 y+ ]: u$ B0 O6 u
,所在的社区气候环境好,是很多华人的理想之地。9 ]+ j- `! l# X. l2 z

$ X5 p! ^& A, RUCI的School of Information and Computer Sciences的Ph.D. program提供了Concentration in Informatics in Biology and Medicine (IBAM),& Y2 z1 K: [0 `' I  z6 s' L
* P3 Z, b+ n# z( ?  b(1) 研究方向包括gene finding, protein structure and function prediction, structural and functional genomics, proteomics, electronic patient record systems, medical decision support systems, guideline-based health care, medical information access, and human-computer interfaces
: h& Y9 [9 G; dfor medical applications。目前共有6位教授,http://www.ics.uci.edu/faculty/area/a rea_biomed.php。最著名的应该算Pierre Baldi, http://www.ics.uci.edu/~pfbaldi/,他的研究方向包括understanding and predicting protein structures, analyzing and modeling gene expression data and regulatory networks。
! p; ~7 R8 I& l! M8 ]  v7 f1 }* L(2)课程学习。http://www.ics.uci.edu/grad/degrees/index.php?track=ibam 列出了这个方向需要学习的课程和选修的课程。
7 |9 L1 A3 b. L/ O9 R) D$ h1 K" F* E(3)申请。 UCI在2001年整合了School of Medicine,School of Biological Sciences,Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science,School of Biological Sciences,Henry Samueli School of Engineering和School of Physical Sciences的力量建立了Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics(IG,http://www.igb.uci.edu/about/about.html
  c- B! I0 Q- V8 @3 uhttp://www.igb.uci.edu/people/faculty.html#3 Z; F. b$ |# Y3 y# J- @1 u
列出了IGB的director,7个core research方向的leaders包括Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Biology, Evolutionary Genomics, Functional Genomics, Human Genomics, Systems Biology, and Structural Genomics,和参与进来的faculty。1 r3 F  P  X: s/ {
IGB建有一个Biomedical Informatics Training (BIT) Program, 申请者需要先通过School of Medicine,School of Biological Sciences,Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science,School of Biological Sciences,Henry Samueli School of Engineering和School of Physical Sciences申请四个track,才能进入BIT program。这四个track包括:ME, Molecular Evolution track in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;: O+ l$ K" B7 `
MBGB, Combined Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry Program in the Schools of Biological Sciences and Medicine; CB, Chemical Biology track in the School of Physical Sciences;IBAM, Informatics in Biology and Medicine track in the School of Information and Computer Sciences.
- K7 l. H. F5 C$ j0 a* Fhttp://www.igb.uci.edu/education/program_pre.html 介绍了申请要求和课程要求等等。7 v# _  e6 p" u3 r' K) I
/ d( P2 i4 G3 E7 T9 c5 ]9 c
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---10 UC Merced,UC Davis,UCSB,CGU and KGI' z0 i& f9 w2 ?

0 _/ n. o1 [0 m& ~' T- f$ V- J  cUC Merced! s2 I/ ~: G6 X  ]
UC系统第10个分校UC Merced将于2005年Fall正式开课,之前经过了一系列的筹划和准备,预计到2030年学校在校的学生规模增加到2万5千人。
$ w! B& v9 f/ g2 s5 U. N$ r! E2 j  v, t0 s& j4 e/ j% F
UC Merced提供博士专业,Quantitative and Systems Biology,3 U' Y" ^' c$ Z9 a/ \2 ?
http://engtest.ucmerced.edu/2.as ... 2&contentid=117。0 u% M; l! ?9 E8 o4 v
1.师资力量:目前整个专业有12位教授。* J! x+ C' Z5 b1 \4 v
2.录取要求:有life sciences, the physical sciences, engineering and mathematics的本科学位。8 d6 ]& H- O1 s/ y# U, M
3.研究方向:from intercellular signaling to computational molecular biology
  M$ m6 {4 L6 h网站的介绍很简单,没有找到更详细的内容如课程设计,学位要求,申请的同学可以写email和他们联系,获取详细的信息。7 ]6 W# w8 g" C
整个UC系统中,建有独立的生物信息/计算生物/系统生物专业的学校已经介绍完毕,现在; k; f7 E/ q2 K$ p2 x
7 X* ]6 r3 q5 ?# u, w6 u7 q" [
. S- G4 a  J2 x0 A4 t+ V  I* rUC Davis8 ^0 v+ e" b9 Q

/ p; A: ~8 O5 |+ a(1)Michael A. Savageau , http://www.bme.ucdavis.edu/profile/masavageau, Department of Biomedical Engineering的教授。University of Michigan Ann Arbor的Bioinformatics Program的第一任director,退休之后来到UC Davis做讲席教授。研究方向包括:
( G0 H- O) `9 _, ^& R' XIntegrated behavior of organizationally complex systems, quantitative relationship of such behavior to its underlying molecular determinants, generic methods for mathematical and computer analysis of such systems, application of such methods to specific classes of7 A: n" S! ?' @! D1 S7 G' m% }
cellular and molecular networks, biological design principles governing the organization of metabolic pathways and gene circuits, system robustness.
# t3 U2 v$ `8 M: L; t0 R5 y3 c# e+ T& {
(2)Craig J. Benham, http://www.bme.ucdavis.edu/profile/cjbenhamhttp://www.math.ucdavis.edu/research/profiles/benham,同时是Department of Biomedical Enginnering和Department of Mathematics的教授。他2000年被UC Davis从纽约的西奈山医学院挖走。研究方向包括: developed statistical mechanical methods to analyze computationally the occurrence of structural transitions instressed DNA molecules。
; Y4 m5 q6 H( D& ]8 [  T" p7 U- B
6 G$ R# e# N. O0 G" x. s(3)Dan Gusfield,http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~gusfield/
% d8 {  S0 g9 T9 Zhttp://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/people/faculty/gusfield.html ,Department of Computer Science的教授,2000年到2004年担任计算机系的系主任。他是Computational Biology的pioneer之一,非常有名,目前是IEEE/ACM Transactions of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics的 Editor-in-Chief of。他的研究方向包括:string and combinatorial problems that arise in computational biology, particularly involving bioinformatics and genomics.( k* K, W. N" t4 ]
' W* M# J# `' d& ^8 w
(4)UC Davis成立了一个Genome Center,研究方向包括:7 d" `4 {6 j+ B1 e
Genotyping* d/ e7 N- G  r) d  G( t, F$ G6 O
. S8 h1 ^5 l$ A5 }0 z' E, i% BMacromolecular Complexes- H' {) t5 g6 L/ C9 M. M) b& h
Analysis of Small Molecules
& c0 [- l) M5 P8 [( `; O" I7 sBioinformatics
2 i4 S* k3 B7 I8 m' y
: h( i& ~1 M8 L% J4 ^& uhttp://genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/faculty.html 列出了现在在Genome Center的教授和一些即将去的教授。Bioinformatics/Computational Biology方面的教授有:
2 r" t* I* P6 H. E, m9 y5 C+ W" Z, P" m# I# B
YONG DUAN,http://www.duanlab.ucdavis.edu/ ,Computational biology and computational biophysics;
$ X& V, {! w# k+ _& QIAN KORF, http://homepage.mac.com/iankorf/ ,structure and function in genomic DNA;) ?" B( h) ]) G' q3 G/ p
KATIE POLLARD, http://lowelab.ucsc.edu/katie/ ,Primate genomics,Human variation,High dimensional data,Statistical programming;6 `# k( R. ~' i6 ^! x
BRUCE RANNALA,http://www.rannala.org/, Mathematical modeling and statistical inference with application to human genetics, population genetics and phylogenetics  I2 _1 H# T% ^9 Q/ O

4 x, t& r4 U: J& fUC Santa Barbara
# a- |3 ]. [- K; i4 U
+ P4 ~5 O9 J. `0 @3 m; lLinda R. Petzold,Department of Engineering的教授,同时是Department of Computer Science的chair。她的研究方向包括Stochastic Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks,http://www.engineering.ucsb.edu/~cse/# X* D0 n% W" i- Z* `# J
& B, K+ E- r3 `& k# T7 J  m
Claremont Graduate University的School of Mathematics Sciences和Keck Graduate Institute合办的Ph.D. Program in Computational and Systems Biology, http://www.cgu.edu/pages/1209.asp ,
6 w, W  A! `  e$ o% i# Fhttp://www.kgi.edu/prospective/phdprogram.shtml

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发表于 2006-7-25 17:10:07 |只看该作者
2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---11 耶鲁大学,德州贝勒医学院,西南医学院,安
& R# k8 }- z& A, Q& D1 u德森癌症中心
, T5 E1 L+ @' d2 I' q3 E: J  _  Q( N& r5 e6 G
Yale大学的医学院排名第11。它有一个Combined Program in Biological & Biomedical Sciences, http://info.med.yale.edu/bbs/。其中有8个track。适合申请生物信息学的是Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Track http://info.med.yale.edu/bbs/biocom.html; _/ ^. p, ~- i$ }0 E6 [9 j7 N

) r% _; ~1 e% k7 C( o1. 研究目标:promotes developing an integrated view of the organism vis-á-vis large-scale genomics and comparative genomics research& O3 g5 @7 v) G9 y! p" u7 L% o1 M" t
2. 研究方向: Computational Approaches to Functional and Integrative Genomics ;Theoretical Molecular Biology and Computational Algorithms ;Computational Analysis of Macromolecular Structures ;Heterogeneous Database Design and Information Integration* ^0 L8 p& ^7 P8 U- b
3. 录取要求: 1) a strong foundation in the basic sciences, such as biology, chemistry and mathematics; and 2) training in computing/informatics, including significant computer programming experience. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is required, and the GRE Subject Test in cell & molecular biology, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, or other relevant discipline is recommended. Applicants for whom English is not their
( l$ U2 u; o8 _4 t2 d; S0 m$ ynative language are required to submit results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).: F' I/ M+ d) n3 ~/ w
4. 学习计划和培养目标: http://ycmi.med.yale.edu/CBB/CBBProg.html
; F7 r( j# c4 L5. 师资力量:目前共有30位教授, http://info.med.yale.edu/bbs/biocom/faculty.html。Yale的Center for Genomics and Proteomics也列出了Bioinformatics方面的教授:http://cgp.yale.edu/bioinformatics/index.html1 W2 B3 v* p) F0 i3 t

6 n, P" P4 f" \推荐的教授有:1 m3 K: w! G/ f" z
(1) Mark Gerstein, 实验室的网址是 http://bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/。他目前是这个track的graduate studies的director,研究方向包括: analysis of structures, focused on understanding protein motions in terms of packing; (ii) analysis of sequences, focused on surveying the occurrence of folds and families in genomes (both for genes and pseudogenes); (iii) analysis of functional genomics data, focused on trying to predict protein function on a genomic scale.) c4 G) j0 h$ n+ {6 ^# B1 G
(2) Hongyu Zhao, 实验室的网址是 http://zhao.med.yale.edu/ 。研究方向包括:9 e: D$ a7 j+ c% s1 w. l
Genetic Linkage and Association Studies and Population Genetics;(ii)Computational Biology (an integrated understanding of the genetic networks underlying complex biological phenotypes. We are focusing on developing statistical and computational methods to integrate different types of genomics and proteomics data to dissect biological pathways, including metabolic pathways, transcriptional regulatory pathways, and signal transduction pathways); (iii)Proteomics 德州的贝勒医学院Balyor College of Medicine排名第13。Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, The University of Houston, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, and The University of Texas – Houston Health Science Center合办了Ph.D. Program in Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics,
/ W$ J/ w: t: \http://scbmb.bcm.tmc.edu/1 `- e5 Z, F% b9 _. b; X
* [) C" P1 q4 ~0 M( r
1. 录取要求请参看 http://www.bcm.edu/gradschool/grad-application.html 。如果你网上提交申请,那么30美元的申请费会免掉 :)
' j9 g6 D. N( V0 K8 Z# @2 I0 ?2. 研究方向: 9 @% ]/ o8 C, ~0 J/ q
Computational Biology, Structural0 U3 R: P# ]0 b& G
Biology,Genomics,Biophysics,Proteomics,Bioengineering,Neuroscience8 Q, `. ^& `( v7 Z5 ~; S
http://scbmb.bcm.tmc.edu/research_areas- A; E! V  g) }0 w  B# N/ @
3. 师资力量: http://scbmb.bcm.tmc.edu/research_areas 按研究方向列出了各位教授。 目前大约有67位教授。
' N3 F3 m' L& k: ?( H推荐的教授有:
0 m/ |/ c5 D* {5 w(1) Aleksandar Milosavljevic, 实验室网址是 http://brl.bcm.tmc.edu/。研究方向包括:developing new methods and creates new resources for discovery through comparative genomics and informatics。
, L$ r* r, G1 C/ r- i& ~* g0 k5 S(2) Richard Gibbs,实验室的网址是 http://www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu/ 。他目前是Baylor
! I1 x2 r7 [. `& e+ c7 oCollege of Medicine - Human Genome Sequencing Center 的director。研究方向包括:The Human Genome Project; molecular basis of human genetic diseases; molecular evolution。8 K/ u' A+ D+ t! X5 i
(3) Jonathan Miller,http://scbmb.bcm.tmc.edu/people/gcc_faculty_179。研究方向包括: Theoretical/computational studies of microRNAs and anti-sense RNAs; gene regulation; networks; biological membrane structure and dynamics 。# I) S: `( L; W" V
4. 学习课程安排请参看: http://scbmb.bcm.tmc.edu/program/curriculum
5 I) t8 k6 M2 r# }8 Z6 L- q: g% A, c. E7 N, a- u' L- d
另外,有统计/数学背景的同学可以考虑申请:8 U) `0 |& w' A: F4 H

! \1 d# |( ~% E/ lRice大学统计系的Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics Program,
: f5 n  P- Y" Rhttp://cohesion.rice.edu/enginee ... rad.cfm?doc_id=3411 ,* {+ u& D; ^" D
http://www.stat.rice.edu/Bioinf/bioinf.html .5 ~( F% g; n! Z! U
9 O# _; ]% C' P8 F4 C
全美癌症研究排名第二的The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center的Program in Biomathematics and Biostatistics,http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/biomath/ .5 k8 h& [8 t4 @% F1 F8 D  ^% [) X% |7 O

7 O7 s" o5 v2 C3 p2 ^同在德州的西南医学院 University of TX Southwestern Medical Center于2004年在Molecular Biophysics Profeam设立了一个Computational Biology Track, http://biophysics.swmed.edu/page_3/
5 X: s; k# N; i! X1. 培养目标:for students who are interested in using mathematical and computational modeling techniques to understand biological and biochemical processes+ F+ ^3 K5 H) y
2. 录取要求: 申请者首先要被Graduate Program in Molecular Biophysics录取。申请者应该有undergraduate training, or demonstrated competence in the use of computer operating systems, and working knowledge of one or more high-level computer programming languages (C/C++, Java, FORTRAN, Perl, Ada, Pascal, etc). Students should also have a solid background in
7 g; ~& U* Q4 F1 G: N/ qmathematics through calculus and basic statistics as demonstrated by their undergraduate transcripts.* K+ P# c) x$ L, [* p

$ B. n: w" t6 g! L3.研究方向: Computational Genomics
1 w. I5 j* t( @6 @DNA/Protein Sequence Analysis, }/ G( C4 g3 Z4 y7 a- C
Sequence Analysis and Annotation
; T8 k1 I/ ~- H$ R+ h9 DAlignment Methods* |0 J2 J& F! }) w
Comparative Genomics7 A5 b, M8 @/ g7 W, B1 C
Computational Analysis of Proteins
$ q8 j! o# d$ C) K" K1 ~Structure Prediction Methods- s. D+ [# Z) L4 k7 r
Comparative Modeling2 _1 \7 {/ i( m) {; ]' D0 l+ E: f+ {
Molecular Dynamics6 I; a& z  g3 c6 {! w
Data Mining And Databases
& r2 F( N# p/ @( ~Comparison Methods (Sequences, Structures, Abstracts)
; u' Z" _$ b! G: @Database Searching
% J3 ?5 x5 i; r# z7 D6 f! L3 TBiological Data Structures1 b! `1 P! ?8 i% w& T3 k
Structure Determination Methods( X4 ^. c- h! a5 f0 F8 ]" G$ X
Biological Systems Modeling
" D6 E5 i4 q& @4 o! m  ZComparative Modeling1 Y. _# t: t& Y& ~$ @* S4 P
4. 师资力量: http://biophysics.swmed.edu/page_3/
# e/ s, Z# `* P! vDr. Harold Garner
" B2 q/ v! U& s- ]Dr. Nick Grishin
$ {. T  d# a8 \, [+ ]% UDr. Zbyszek Otwinowski8 L5 \8 o& K" P8 J" Z$ _
Dr. Alexander Pertsemlidis4 w* }3 f& P( N+ S
Dr. Rama Rangananathan
. H$ [% I; I. kDr. Elliot Ross
% U% D8 Q. Z/ ^1 Q) b* v  L, JDr. Richard Scheuermann1 N% T1 C) x3 s, C& n
% w9 n& i% ~% F6 l
5. 课程安排:
6 T6 k+ o. m/ G9 h. |; l% _8 b! f/ q* h+ }$ A" j
Required courses (6 credits)
( D' G* h, f/ F# F* oMB 5155-01 Mathematical Methods 1.5 credits
3 l5 ]' G$ g3 m+ U5 Q2 |' w0 p6 q5 cMB 5105-01 Molecular Biophysics: Energetics 1.5 credits
' _% s# e( g: w5 kUTD CS 5343 Algorithm Analysis and Data Structures 3 credits  o; v9 f2 k( [+ ^5 F  I1 s

! p: o' ]# g+ d4 y0 a: h% RElectives (3 credits)
2 J: \" K1 L6 Q9 f( k/ C5 K& I, cAny of the 1.5 credit courses offered by the Molecular Biophysics" m2 w; w* x+ t
Program (below) or any of the approved 3 credit electives in Computer
& r/ M5 o. Q; b7 b2 s2 _Science or Mathematical Sciences offered at U.T.Dallas (See Appendix)." R7 o; _! S& P! p  Q1 X5 h  r& A: }
MB 5145-01 Computational Approaches in Protein Science 1.5 credits, w: _9 D# T0 k1 Y: n
MB 5125-01 Computational Modeling of Signaling Systems 1.5 credits
- B9 c5 x9 U- [) G2 M% n  }MB 5096-01 Bioinformatics and DNA Microarray Data Analysis 1.5 credits
0 q  ^2 n/ |7 m, c  d5 s1 i* B2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---12 UT Health Science Center at Houston,CMU, UPitt,PSU* D' U* g9 c9 Z2 d& c' P

; }6 F! V; I2 H6 ?) T这份指南介绍德州的UT Health Science Center at Houston,UT Austin和TAMU,就给德州的学校画上了一个句号。UPitt的医学院排名第16,这里介绍的是UPitt和CMU合办的一个专业,同时也介绍了在CMU,UPitt的一些其他专业。同在宾州的PSU也正在筹建Bioinformatics Program,加上之前介绍过的UPenn,宾州的学校也介绍完毕。+ N5 V( }& b: ^3 N

$ R+ k! `' \; xUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston的Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences提供了14个Ph.D. Program,http://gsbs.gs.uth.tmc.edu/pro_programs.htm ,包含了21个研究方向。Bioinformatics是其中的一个研究方向,http://gsbs.gs.uth.tmc.edu/pro_bioinfo.htm" W' {7 m; m7 k" \# J! g5 n' Q

* h# Y* Y1 t! l7 ^5 ]  Y1.申请。要接受Bioinformatics的training,就必须先申请14个Ph.D. Program中的8 S% j6 ?7 v7 x4 n$ K3 r/ p
Biomathematicsand Biostatistics http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/biomath/ , Gene and Development http://www3.mdanderson.org/public/genedev/public_html/ , 和Human and( {  A. Y2 W$ k# D( o: Q
Molecular Genetics http://hgc.sph.uth.tmc.edu/hmg/ 3个program之一。 总的录取要求在 http://gsbs.gs.uth.tmc.edu/pro_admin_reqt.htm 可以看到,包括课程安排等:
& Y; Y8 y8 h6 ?$ Q- sBiology -- a minimum of one year (preferably including a course in introductory biology) Biochemistry -- a minimum of one semester (with prerequisite organic chemistry)$ ~6 T4 w5 {$ ?2 ^4 G
Calculus -- a minimum of one semester Physics -- a minimum of one year,而每个program又有各自的一些要求,请去上述链接查找。% q, P( A8 u" G- L! K% S# z. D

" U9 s( q; R7 x  z9 _2.师资力量。可以根据具体的program去查找从事Bioinformatics/Computational Biology的教授。或者在http://gsbs.gs.uth.tmc.edu/searches/gsbs_tutorial_search.html的search 框内输入关键字Bioinformatics/ComputationalBiology来查询老师。如果输入Bioinformatics, 会得到14条查找结果,输入Computational Biology,会得到4条查找结果,输入Genomics会得到51条结果。* p4 S# x: s" E! f6 q1 ~
: Z+ I/ s$ A- M9 R& e4 ~1 Q" u
对德州感兴趣的同学也可以考虑UT Austin。它建有Center for Computational Biology and
& ~" ]  Q- v, Q* p% I  IBioinformatics,http://ccbb.biosci.utexas.edu/ 。一些研究方向包括:Nucleic acid structure and function,Molecular evolution,Computational Phylogenetics,Proteomics,Drug Design,Regulatory and Developmental Pathway Inference。它们不能提供PhD degree,想接受训练的申请者可以加入这个研究中心的教授合作。http://ccbb.biosci.utexas.edu/按系列出了各位教授的链接。
3 p$ W& c& f6 d5 k- z德州农机大学TA&MU的计算机系目前有3位从事Bioinformatics研究的教授,分别是Dr.; e2 ?$ w* v5 i; \; a5 i
Sing-Hoi Sze,http://www.cs.tamu.edu/people/faculty/shsze ; Dr. Michael Thon,
+ j0 s" W/ E  q& f/ Z1 ]http://www.cs.tamu.edu/people/faculty/thon ; Dr. Nancy Amato,
$ W/ {% `# E5 i1 u5 X& Fhttp://parasol.tamu.edu/people/amato/
9 @6 b# m( m+ W) o$ I& P: ?/ R; C, H/ v' i" B! b
2004年UPitt的Department of Computational Biology和CMU合作成立了Joint CMU-Pitt PhD Program in Computational Biology,http://www.compbio.cmu.edu/ ,2005年第一次招生,预计招收8人。
' a* A" {0 X2 f9 u" j8 t
3 Y( X; {9 k  g; ]' R1.申请。它们最希望的学生是有Computational Biology的本科学位或者是有biology and quantitative sciences的双学位。要求的先修课程2 m8 E/ G! j+ {* M7 W6 Z& U# j
http://www.compbio.cmu.edu/Admissions/prerequisites.html 包括:* c7 c7 p) ?; u- G* G

; _! C8 ?, l2 f  q4 }; oLife Sciences
+ T# W4 m) {8 n3 ~Cell Biology (e.g. CMU 03-240 or Pitt BIOSC 1500)
3 i" R" m* j/ \+ e5 N7 w0 {Biochemistry (e.g. CMU 03-231/03-232 or Pitt BIOSC 1000), ~% m4 r3 D# L: l% J8 B6 m7 J- ?
Genetics (e.g. CMU 03-330 or Pitt BIOSC 0350)6 ^" S# c, q; C6 D" O
Genetics (e.g. CMU 03-330 or Pitt BIOSC 0350)
5 _# y4 @$ O( {( }: t  F' C9 A: sComputer Science
  j# b4 b, Y6 j/ jIntermediate/Advanced Programming (e.g. CMU 15-111), e6 G9 T- I  L9 x! p
Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms (e.g. CMU 15-211, at7 D) o# Q) k. m, Q) T
other universities this may be either one or two courses)1 \7 X, R, O$ L8 b4 |3 L: B3 N
Algorithms (e.g., CMU 15-451, Pitt CS 1501, or Pitt CS 1510)1 N9 @/ i# }1 R4 @- E8 V; k% m& ]
Physical Sciences
, V! A& o! q( RStatistical Thermodynamics or Physical Chemistry% ?! c) K% G4 i2 d; ^# ]
Mathematics and Statistics# e. z6 X; C: O5 S
Vector Calculus (e.g. CMU 21-259)5 o' o' m5 v7 e5 m' f% k0 \9 a
Linear Algebra (e.g. CMU 21-341)$ M) p9 c% |* G: d. A' X8 r# N  W
Probability & Statistics
6 L2 b( y6 o. m1 \* U" sComputational Biology
2 k& @3 W# o7 KComputational Biology (e.g., CMU 03-510 or Pitt BIOSC 1540)
* n/ ~2 z. N& w" K% g不需要申请费,需要sub成绩。2005年是例外,第一次招生,不强求sub成绩。
! \0 G) g3 S( f) _0 K
' q3 r; Q8 l. l; ]$ ^2.课程安排。! M' D8 ]' w0 S, Y
- a% |; j; t% z) G' V/ rMolecular Biology or Biochemistry or Molecular Biophysics or Biophysical Chemistry;Algorithms; Computational Genomics; Computational Structural Biology; Cellular and Systems Modeling。 之外,每个人还需要从Computational Genomics;Computational Structural Biology;Cellular and Systems Modeling;Bioimage Informatics;Computational Neurobiology中选定一个作为自己的专业方向,并选择相应的选修课程。
8 M# b6 Q3 N6 q' g# ^9 d+ l5 p( L# f  W  d2 c$ w/ V2 V% _2 \
3.师资力量。整个program一共有来自2个学校的67位教授,非常庞大,' q* p& ]* }8 j7 I
http://www.compbio.cmu.edu/Faculty/。2005年录取时没有邀请申请者去面试,不知道2006年开始是否会,因为比较流行的方法是从所有的申请者中选优秀的申请者去面试,以便更好地了解,同时也让申请者熟悉自己的program。有的学校,被邀请去面试的申请者就是最后拿到offer的人,有的学校又会从面试者中再挑选一次,最后发出offer。这个program给学生发出offer的同时会按照他的研究兴趣分配一个initial advisor,学生有自由换老师,最后会得到导师所在学校发的学位。就这个program一开始就给学生定下一个导师,我持保留意见,比较普遍的做法是新生第一年会在三个不同的实验室去做rotation,完成之后再定下导师。不过这个program也刚刚成立,可能有的规定也会变化。有的人也认为一开始定下一个导师也有它的好处。- z; O, I' o8 p0 o7 v
推荐的老师有:: D7 j) Y/ [# e  o2 G6 K, a! i$ @
Eric Xing, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~epxing/ , 双博士学位。
7 x* m9 m2 R+ w/ @Ziv Bar-Jpseph, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zivbj/1 d. i" r! t( c) C6 M; G4 x
Russell Schwartz, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~russells/,2005年获得Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers! _" H( D8 P1 K1 `' l: H& L! }; z
Kathryn Roeder, http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~roeder/, 统计系教授。' d( A7 _" G. G9 s
Takis Benos, http://www.hgen.pitt.edu/~benos/lab_pages/lab_members.html. \7 Y, z. X( C- E# c
1 G) H3 x" W! m: B推荐了很多, 包括UPitt的Interdisciplinary Biomedical Graduate Program;Biomedical Informatics;CMU的Ph.D. programs in Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science等。. z( o+ [, ]5 G$ N$ \

' K; S( Y9 d. O, _; e' N! LPSU的Integrative Biosciences Program共提供了9个Ph.D. degree,正在筹建第10个,Bioinformatics and Genomics。http://www.huck.psu.edu/GradEd/IBIOS_BXGeno_NoCV_Aug2004.pdf是2004年8月提出的一个proposal,等待NSF的拨款,据说很有希望。4 \5 E# j# A( Q" z( J3 K) _
Dr.S. Blair Hedges, http://evo.bio.psu.edu/hedgeslab/ ,是这个方向的co-director,他建议在这个proposal正式批准之前可以申请PSU的其他program,一旦批准之后,可以transfer。
3 |. s7 U% W$ {  I) q+ e" y8 H
; ]9 D) Y1 Y; OPSU的Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics
3 ^" T8 u) L1 O: ~5 r$ {http://www.bx.psu.edu/ 目前有8位PI,都在准备成立的Bioinformatics and Genomics Program里面,申请者可以根据自己的研究兴趣申请PI所在的program,以后再转。5 R( W! T, s% y- q; K7 N

6 C! v( g2 W3 S! ]7 ~( |Webb C. Miller, 是计算机工程系的教授,算Bioinformatics的pioneer之一,
; F9 E" R; z+ O( l4 P) qhttp://www.cse.psu.edu/people/faculty.php?person=webb 。研究方向是Algorithms and Software for Molecular Biology, 不过他2005年不招人,不知道2006年有没有位置。4 c4 Q) P8 l8 J! L

6 m, i! J1 v+ e) ]* V) X+ V2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---12.1 Drexel University: \" Q2 M2 S4 g9 W8 N7 H0 W% b
. t2 {( A5 s* j/ `3 y
I should have included Drexel University in Guide 12 because it is in Pennsylvinia as well as CMU, UPitt, PSU, UPenn.. a6 `; f  s  p3 e/ t
  m' d: P- |' [/ I7 f  E
Drexel University has a Center for Integrated Bioinformatics,
4 T/ I) T) y* Y5 whttp://bioinformatics.biomed.drexel.edu/ . It provides doctoral training in Integrated Bioinformatics which is a concentration of PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences.( t* O9 S+ s' y

, r! b* I5 O6 ?+ GPh.D. Program in Biomedical Sciences awards specializations in :. K5 i! }. J1 y0 x. a' {  s
* Biomaterials and tissue engineering
# v8 A% B8 l" B2 P, y9 ~( _) ~) m! U2 d* Biomechanics and human performance engineering
$ T+ ]5 J, d0 R" v5 }, f3 T& M+ u* Biosensors and biomedical imaging
3 t6 Q0 o/ O7 j" k% p: n2 a, V! @* Genome science and bioinformatics3 e& n" A. r& K  W/ C/ w) i$ a
* Functional bioinformatics
- \9 H. D  e) l/ [9 T, S- \* Neuroengineering( m0 _) T" D* _- T: o5 I9 [7 S4 O
* Biostatistics* b+ k7 _& F1 ?) ?' {2 O" K/ }
* Systems Biology
4 m" U; v4 S5 J1 ~2 J2 r5 [http://www.drexel.edu/em/grad/academics/sbiomed.html
6 Z3 Z# D4 e' l! i& u' @' d4 |1 s- @5 Y2 \! G3 I" m
(1) Application.0 K) b4 N8 O% |8 U' z  L
Visit http://www.biomed.drexel.edu/new04/Content/grad_prog/admissions/ for details. Any questions, please send email to Ms Cary Glaser at glasercb@drexel.edu .
" |3 T% F. i7 t+ g6 v2 V" H/ x% n(2) Faculty.3 O& {& @4 v; b" J9 Q
Visit http://bioinformatics.biomed.drexel.edu/CfIB_People.html# Y+ ^. v+ _$ T9 W' V; m. w# o
(3) Research.
7 \3 Q" @8 T1 `Research in INTEGRATED BIOINFORMATICS at Drexel consists of :1 q$ r! V/ r! r! x0 O% M3 I5 u
* Biomedical Informatics( f4 U! Y( ?% f, ~+ D; v& r. I2 X$ o
* Biomedical Robotics8 v0 j- P0 w. l6 F* q
* Implant Research9 U/ ?" J/ S! s3 h1 z
http://www.biomed.drexel.edu/ResearchPort/$ I' i4 y2 @5 y2 H7 Q

# F; r8 @* p2 ~- D9 G/ b5 aMost applicants should be interested in Biomedical Informatics and please visit! ?0 n  G; o3 p2 N! e
http://www.biomed.drexel.edu/Res ... medicalInformatics/ for details about ongoing research projects and faculty involved.
- A( T" c  f  j% G0 X" `(4) Courses.# ^" @8 _& S8 p8 X0 y
Visit http://bioinformatics.biomed.dre ... 20Descriptions.html
/ ]+ y6 O' E: K3 {* rFor information about courses which Center for Integrated Bioinformatics is able to offer.% x9 w5 ?3 W9 y, l4 t' z" Y2 b

* h8 [1 Y4 W. A2006年 北美 生物信息学 申请指南---13 Univ. of Tennessee, UIC2 G" u) x/ L: R# `

, G4 u3 j  t5 L# sVanderbilt University的医学院排名第17。它有Department of Biomedical Informatics7 k' b6 a1 I  _/ v; v
http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/dbmi/ ,提供Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Informatics http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/dbmi/education/msphd.html 。但是它在网站 http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/dbmi/education/admissions.html
+ j6 G5 a- @1 B# Y0 C# }特意提到给International student的资助位置非常有限,同时从它现在的学生目录中几乎没有发现直接从中国大陆招的学生,不建议申请这个学校。不过,如果你对VU其它专业感兴趣的话,可以考虑申请,整个学校排名靠前,而且如果网上申请,能waive掉40美元的申请费。
/ W! G4 n% f, e% F6 A. J) I和Vanderbilt University同在田纳西州的University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory(橡树林国家实验室)联合提供了Ph.D. Program in Genome Science and Technology http://gst.ornl.gov/$ C+ f8 p  I- n: t$ H+ j
* O% R0 t5 E% {! l8 T
1.录取要求:Applicants are expected to have a background in either the biological, physical and computational sciences, although some knowledge of more than one area is desirable. Requirements for admission are: (1) one year of general biology or the equivalent; (2) two years of chemistry, including one year of general chemistry and one year of introductory organic chemistry with laboratory; (3) one year of calculus; (4) one year of physics; (5) at least eight semester hours in cognate sciences related to the program;  a satisfactory score on the Graduate Record Examination for the verbal, quantitative and analytical sections; and (7) a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 out of 4.0. Coursework in genetics, cell biology and computer science is advantageous. Otherwise superior students, deficient in one or more of the above requirements, may be admitted at the discretion of the GST admissions committee. Deficiencies in given areas will routinely be made up as a part of the Genome Science and Technology (GST) program.. f# U  ^5 E3 z: h# l
注:2004年该Program要求GRE是必须在2年内考的才有效,申请2006年的同学最好先确认一下是否还有这样的规定。# y9 C3 i2 F* d8 ~7 |4 D6 G2 j
2. 资助:1年18000美元。, V. g6 d* `% ?' J$ U: D" q
3. 4个大的研究方向:, h5 t% O1 |& m8 g" M' S
Genetics/Genomics http://gst.ornl.gov/genetics.html
4 v4 V- `, @: e7 ]Structural Biology and Proteomics http://gst.ornl.gov/structural.html
5 e3 p5 x  ~# C# W! `6 @Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
3 c$ b! v2 Y% ^4 z# ohttp://gst.ornl.gov/bioinfo.html+ t) _7 w( S6 \2 w
Bioanalytic Technologis http://gst.ornl.gov/bioanalytical.html
# f% O9 R- V5 s0 N3 y* I  M& v4.师资力量:; \. ]  p" w  G1 M
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics方向共有14位教授,http://gst.ornl.gov/faculty.php
$ D' L2 f; m' [6 R5. 学习计划安排: http://gst.ornl.gov/program.html+ p0 W  j: H+ v2 f2 d
University of Chicago的医学院排名第19,但是没有找到适合申请的专业。同在Chicago
) m% B2 f; w7 h$ [5 z的NorthwesternUniversity医学院排名第20,该学校建有一个Bioinformatics的Master Program, PhD program正在筹划中。在Chicago的另外一所大学UIC在Bioengineering Department成立了Bioinformatics Program,并且提供PhD degree
& p0 U0 L2 p! \6 ]* E5 [http://www.uic.edu/depts/bioe/gr ... matics_GProgram.htm 。
, U+ G4 T/ {" c. f0 c
: b: F2 o; M; }. G0 C  ohttp://www.uic.edu/depts/bioe/gr ... matics_GProgram.htm8 z  t4 d) P. N0 A2 A) j
给出了该专业的教授链接和课程安排。师资力量:从2004年的4人增加到现在的10人0 Q; C4 d: G% [/ g. a' \' z
http://www.uic.edu/depts/bioe/faculty/bioinfo_fac.htm 目前的Chair 是Dr. Jie Liang,http://tigger.uic.edu/~jliang/- l4 R, @1 b, f/ I2 _
) i& F$ ~# }* L; d
Case Western Reserve University大学建有Center for Computational Genomics and Systems Biology, http://genomics.case.edu/http://genomics.case.edu/people.html
2 K5 @" l% R+ c0 o' B: Y/ I列出了现在的教授,申请教授所在的系的program然后就能进入该center从事研究。6 R' ~9 D7 P* P# h4 w; c
另外想提到的是Dr.Jing Li http://vorlon.cwru.edu/~jxl175/ ,2004年从UC Riverside毕业,现在是Case计算机系的教授。主要研究方向是Algorithms in Computational Biology,3 ^, j* D& h5 f$ [" o5 x
Bioinformatics, Statistical Genomics, Functional Genomics, Proteomics and Cheminformatics。6 i" \* @' Z% l0 ?) D
/ G+ A& ]! v: o3 n- `
Case医学院排名第20,它的Department of Genetics有三位教授从事Genomics的研究:
9 x) u! g% j% |4 Dhttp://genetics.case.edu/research.php#Genomics, k6 C% V" o2 ^: `# W5 |' L
Joe Nadeau, Genetic & Phenotypic Dissection of Complex Traits Using Mice; Bruce Lamb, Genetic & Phenotypic Modification of Mouse Models of Alzheimer's; Mark Adams, Comparative genomics and genomics of mouse models of disease。
# u; W9 [3 Z# q6 y& @9 s同样排名第20的还有Emory University,但是没有值得推荐的专业。和Emory University同在亚特兰大的Gatech建有Ph.D. Program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,不过需要申请具体的系才能进入这个专业,& a0 z" E' c7 l* k7 ~
http://www.biology.gatech.edu/bi ... informatics_phd.htm 。

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Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主 挑战ETS奖章

发表于 2006-7-26 00:34:31 |只看该作者
好贴( y* n) l5 V( Y# W% J0 W" V. g! q

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发表于 2006-7-26 10:31:07 |只看该作者

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发表于 2006-7-28 13:02:19 |只看该作者
good stuff

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发表于 2006-11-19 02:22:55 |只看该作者
非常棒呀~先copy一下,保存慢慢看咯~& _9 y6 B& v& F( `2 k

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发表于 2006-12-10 16:43:25 |只看该作者

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LZ辛苦了. Y. F* o! }$ _8 p5 y6 y& D( g* }) O
2 E; {5 O, ?7 [" Z) S6 x

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