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[活动] [12.9]好老师 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-9 22:38:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
What is an ideal teacher? The types of teacher should be varied, but generally speaking, there are two major types: some teachers are very strict on their students and others are bright and humorous. As a student, I approve the latter type because that form of teacher is more efficient in educating students.

It is popular notion that interest is the key to learn, and an easygoing teacher could be more possible to arouse the students' ardor for learning. When they are giving lectures, they make themselves seem charming the same time the audiences will feel the lessons fascinating. Once the students love that expertise, they would like to spend more time and make greater efforts on it, which obviously will lead to the result that they can earn more knowledge and better scores.

Someone may argue that a serious teacher will force kids to finish their homework and do what they are asked to do. However, we should notice that this effect is transient because the children are compelled to do so. And the impetus coming from a teacher could not last long because they will not work on it anymore once the teacher is absent. Cite myself as an example, when I was in the middle school, I had a biology teacher who always told jokes and laughed a lot and a maths teacher who never smile and blamed me from time to time. I really love biology till today and I am a collage student on biology now the same time I never be fond of math and once I finished the exam, I just threw my math textbook away.

In addition, a strict teacher has a negative impact on students' mental health while a humorous teacher plays a positive role in children's growth. Imaging facing a person who looks always unhappy all day long, you will feel noting else than nerves and afraid of when he could hit the ceiling, which results in that you are too exhausted to think, to remember other things. As an contrary to that, a humorous teacher will provide students with laughter, stimulating them to love studying as well as their life, which obviously benefit the students' mental health.

I wish that one day in future, all the teachers could became benign and humorous, thus all the students would love school and never being frustrated with studying. How wonderful that would be!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-10 01:52:30 |只看该作者
What is an ideal teacher? what kind of teacher is an ideal teacher?The types of teacher should be varied, but generally speaking, there are two major types: some teachers are very strict on their students and others are bright and humorous. As a student, I approve the latter type becausefor the simple reason thatbecause的同一词,后面的that 再改改) that form of teacher is more efficient in educating students.

V; I  w6 F3 o3 L
It is ( a )popular notion that interest is the key to learn, and an easygoing teacher could be more possible
likely to arouse the students' ardor(这个词其实有点大的,感觉用在这里有点突兀,建议改成passion) for learning. When they are giving lectures, they make themselves seem to be charming the same timemeanwhile the audiences will feel the lessons fascinating. Once the students love that expertise, they would like to spend more time and make greater efforts(这个去掉会通顺点,考官会读起来比较舒畅) on it, which obviously will lead to the result that they can earn(gain) more knowledge and getbetter score.

- K8 q! v2 G- L$ j. DSomeone may argue that a serious teacher will force kids to finish their homework and do what they are asked to do. However, we should notice that this effect is transient because the children are compelled to do so.(
建议改成一句,然后主题句就出来了,显得很清晰,因为楼主这样写第一句就不是这段的中心,这样不是很好) And the impetus coming from a teacher could not last long because they will not work on it anymore once the teacher is absent. Cite myself as an example, when I was in the middle school, I had a biology teacher who always told jokes and laughed a lot and a maths teacher who never smile and blamed me from time to time. I really love biology till today and I am a collage student on biology now the same time I never be fond of math and once I finished the exam, I just threw my math textbook away.

c' \% A7 N
In addition, a strict teacher has a negative impact on students' mental health (, which may result in children’s exhaustion, and) while a humorous teacher plays a positive role in children's growth. Imaging facing
Faced with a person who looks always unhappy all day long, you will feel noting else than nerves(nervous) and afraid of (fear)when he could(删掉could) hit the ceiling, which results in that you are too exhausted to think, ( and )to remember other things. As an contrary to that, a humorous teacher will provide students with laughterlaugh, stimulating them to love studying as well as their life, which obviously benefit the students' mental health.

I wish that one day in future, all the teachers could became benign and humorous, thus (thereby making )all the students would(删掉would) love school and never being frustrated with studying. How wonderful that would be!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-10 11:17:17 |只看该作者
What is an ideal teacher? what kind of。。。比较好啦~~The types of teacher should be varied, but generally speaking, there are two major types: some teachers are very strict on their students and others are bright and humorous. As a student, I approve approve 后面多加of的吧~~the latter type because that form of teacher is more efficient in educating students. 5 ~$ T1 S; P- f+ Q
9 L! ]3 `3 N$ r, X: {) q
It is popular notion
notion可数,冠词漏了)that interest is the key to learn, and an easygoing teacher could be more possible to arouse the students' ardor for learning. When they are giving lectures, they make themselves seem(用look比较好吧,看起来很吸引人) charming the same time (我记得连词是 at the same time~~说错了别见怪哈)the audiences will feel the lessons fascinating. Once the students love that expertise, they would like to spend more time and make greater efforts on it, which obviously will lead to the result that they can earn more knowledge and better scores. * [0 I* h3 Z" o! }: W5 J1 _
5 ~5 y, ]- c0 p4 }( l5 m, m! Q- h
Someone may argue that a serious teacher will force kids to finish their homework and do what they are asked to do. However, we should notice that this effect is transient because the children are compelled to do so. And the impetus coming from a teacher could not last long
(持续时间长,貌似不是这么用的,直接last就可以了~~你最好自己再去查下哈)because they will not work on it anymore once the teacher is absent. Cite myself as an example, when I was in the middle school, I had a biology teacher who always told jokes and laughed a lot and a maths teacher who never smile and blamed me from time to time. I really love biology till today and I am a collage student on biology now the same time I never be fond of math and once I finished the exam, I just threw my math textbook away.
7 A4 W2 a% e) F, b* D  a: h' i
* b8 p) @1 Q" ~+ l
In addition, a strict teacher has a negative impact on students' mental health while
(我觉得改成because更好理解吧) a humorous teacher plays a positive role in children's growth. Imaging有点奇怪,感觉不地道,但是我也不知道该用啥 facing a person who looks always unhappy all day long, you will feel noting else than nerves and afraid of when he could hit the ceiling, which results in that you are too exhausted to think, to remember other things. As an contrary to that, a humorous teacher will provide students with laughter, stimulating them to love studying as well as their life, which obviously benefit the students' mental health.
, x  W* Q% P  i* f1 N, f8 H! l$ c
/ l  t& {& C% d) u$ B
I wish that one day in future, all the teachers could became benign and humorous, thus all the students would love school and never being frustrated with studying. How wonderful that would be!


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