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[i习作temp] Issue36 G流永进小组作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-3-12 19:32:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue36 The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries. 一个人是否伟大是由后人评定的而非他同时代的人

In the long history river, certain time period and conditions decided whether someone was great or not. So in forth, some greatness could immediately detected by his contemporaries, while on the contrary, others should need a followers’ impartial assessment. For my part, the comments-making depends on special time state and exactly the social situation.

In those countries which a overwhelming change was bound to happen, the leader’s greatness was surely to be admitted for remarkable advancements carrying out during his life time. As a old going goes, “History creates the heros”, in particular, great chairman Mao, for example, received extraordinary praises and respects when he was alive. He used his outstanding military minds and wise strategies utilized in the war, led millions of afflicted soldiers by the old society and guided them gaining far-reaching triumphs which eventually set up a new Communist and independently country. He was honored so greatly. For without his greatness, Chinese people were probably still tortured by the feudalism society and led hard lives, not to mention the powers of speaking freely, a pleasant living standard achieved nowadays, etc. Our grandparents who experienced the old century and the new one would immediately glorify the eminent leader chairman Mao with whom they may have the same life spans. A leader who stands up at the crucial social watershed and consequently makes marvelous developments according the whole mass would certainly receives his assessment.

On the other hand, as has been affected by the whole multitudes’ comprehension and their cognition ability, many leaders get a high reward when they had lonely lied in their coffins for many years even centuries. People’s abilities of understanding and bolstering were determined mainly by the overall society’s scientific and technological enhancements. When the Catholic sovereignty controlled the European, the great Copernicus did not dare to publish his famous heliocentric theory until his death. After centuries’ evaluation, his theory regards as a overwhelming change in the astronomy history which was cursed by his contemporaries under that certain brutal atmosphere.

Last but not least, it is possible that a person’s greatness is not decided by his companies or followers, in fact, it is determined by the whole society’s apprehension and cognition. In old China, those participating in the liberal war were thoroughly impressed by their savage lives and struggling to fight back in the hope that a new live would realize in the further. They knew that without their strengths and supports they were doomed to perish bitterly and a prosperous further is prone to come with their undertaking. Contrarily, in the Middle-century European, the whole continent was dominated by the parish, people’s freedom of perceiving and even chatting refined to a certain extent by the government. Therefore, their perception and comprehension restricted and surely they were not able to understand those remarkable scientists and bolster their sound and convincing theories. All of these depend on the special social environments marked by unique characters and qualities.

In sum, the appreciation and honoring of certain greats are due to special situations of their existing society which correspondingly affected their mass and therefore, determining the right assessments would approximately be offered in their time or after that.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-3-18 23:10:12 |只看该作者

Issue36 G流永进小组作业  dxh1201982 (3.12)

Issue36 The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries. 一个人是否伟大是由后人评定的而非他同时代的人提纲:时代中出现N多伟人,但评价出现可能与他是同时代,或者是在他作古之后,取决于不同的领域和时代特征。1:俗话说时势造英雄,一个社会发展历程一般还都是比较平静,但在一些生死攸关的转折口,一个英雄的出现完全领导了时局的变化,这种特定的历史环境下这些变化是很明显,那么领袖伟人的伟大在当时就能体现出来。譬如毛泽东。2:相反,有些领域和时代中,伟人的评定却要依靠后来人,譬如哥白尼,尽管可能是因为惧怕教会的迫害,临死前才发表了日心说的观点,但是当时限于教会的残酷统治和当时科学的发展,人们过了好几个世纪才接受了他的理论。结论:一个人的伟大归根结底是受时代的影响。写到这里,才发觉自己真是不自量力啊!

18:50In the long history river, certain time period(是否重复了, period) and conditions decided whether someone was great or not. So in forth, some greatness could (be) immediately detected by his contemporaries (immediately放后面感觉好点,:P), while on the contrary(两个的意思是一样的,一个就enough了), others should need a followers’ impartial assessment. For my part, the comments-making depends on special time state and exactly the social situation.

In those countries which an overwhelming change was bound to happen(definitely occuring), the leader’s greatness was surely to be admitted for remarkable advancements carrying out during his life time. As an old going goes(好像没有见过这种表达,不敢确定), “History creates the heros”, in particular, great chairman Mao, for example, received extraordinary praises and respects when he was alive. He used his outstanding military minds and wise strategies utilized in the war(两个谓语动词?), led millions of afflicted soldiers by the old society and guided them gaining far-reaching triumphs which eventually set up a new Communist and independentlyindependent country. He was honored so greatly. For without his greatness, Chinese people were probably still tortured by the feudalism society and led(suffer ?) hard lives, not to mention the powers of speaking freely, a pleasant living standard achieved nowadays, etc. Our grandparents who experienced the old century and the new one would immediately glorify the eminent leader chairman Mao with whom they(who whom现在好像基本不用了) may have the same life spans. A leader who stands up atatthe crucial social watershed and consequently makes marvelous developments according the whole mass would certainly receives his assessment.

On the other hand, as has been affected by the whole multitudes’ comprehension and their cognition abilityabilities, many leaders get a high reward when they had lonely lied in their coffins for many years, even centuries. People’s abilities of understanding and bolstering were determined mainly by the overall society’s scientific and technological enhancements(我想用progress). When the Catholic sovereignty controlled the European (in middle ages), the great Copernicus did not dare to publish his famous heliocentric theory until his death. After centuries’ evaluation, his theory regards as a overwhelming change in the astronomy history which was cursed by his contemporaries under that certain brutal atmosphere.

Last but not least, it is possible that a person’s greatness is not decided by his companies or followers, in fact, it is determined by the whole society’s apprehension and cognition. In old China, those participating in the liberal war were thoroughly impressed by their savage lives and struggling to fight back in the hope that a new live(life) would realize in the further(future). They knew that without their strengths and supports they were doomed to perish bitterly and a prosperous further is prone to come with their undertaking. Contrarily, in the Middle-century European, the whole continent was dominated by the parish, people’s freedom of perceiving and even chatting refined to a certain extent by the government. Therefore, their perception and comprehension restricted and surely they were not able to understand those remarkable scientists and bolster their sound and convincing theories. All of these depend on the special social environments marked by unique characters and qualities.

In sum, the appreciation and honoring of certain greats are due to special situations of their existing society which correspondingly affected their mass and therefore, determining the right assessments would approximately be offered in their time or after that(later). 19:40坚持看imong特训,一定会有进步!!!!

阿戴组长,超羡慕这么短时间可以写这么多啊  :)

veiwed by seomen....

[ 本帖最后由 seomen 于 2007-3-18 23:15 编辑 ]

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