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[i习作temp] Issue140 第20次 就要考了,牛人帮忙拍呀~ [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-4-7 23:34:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE140 - "What society has thought to be its greatest social, political, and individual achievements have often resulted in the greatest discontent."
WORDS: 475          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-4-7

As the speaker claimed, some may hold the point of view that the so-called greatest social, political and individual achievements often resulted in the greatest discontent. In some degrees, it is true that discontent will always exist as the development of our society. However, insofar as the most conditions, achievements which are benefit to our nations and society are easily welcomed by people. Thus, whether the greatest achievements of society will result in great discontent is based on a case-by-case problem.

It is true that many so-called social or political achievements actually do not serve the demands for all of the citizens; instead, it only meets the needs of governments or a few groups of people. History is full of the examples: Civil War, leaded by Lincoln, is treated as a great achievement in US history and famous for its success of freedom pursuit for Afri-American. However, great discontent is resulted from Southern riches because the failure of the war undermined their rights and changed their living style a lot. Despite of this, the war is still a successful one, and without which the society of US will never become an equal and peaceful one.

What is more, not every achievement in scientific filed will be welcomed as we always considered. Although some discoveries are great progress for human as it in the field of study and researching, high technologies will sometimes bring problems, even disasters and make us to complain with. For example, the emerging of A-bomb is a great achievement in human's society which will also bring great killing of human beings and therefore not only many social scholars but also citizens will be uncomfortable with the rapid developing of technologies. Another achievement which also makes people to discuss about is the study of colon. The technology of colon and its success on animals are still the main topic on ethics issues. A great number of people will consider that if the technology of colon practice on human, a great mass of our society will caused and it also challenge the traditional ethics.

Nevertheless, as far as I know, most of achievements of society, political and individuals are well accepted by people. The great achievement on international trades makes our global trade comes true; the success of Bill Gates and his Microsoft effect make our using of computer become easier; numerous of achievements in medical field make us no longer be afraid of illness. All of these social achievements lead to a better society for us to live in.

All in all, maybe some achievements will not serve the needs for all of the people and result in great discontent. As long as we treat them subjectively, they will sometimes do no harm to us and even benefit for the progress of our nation. Furthermore, we should have the confidence that most of the achievements are good for people and the prosperity of our society.

[ 本帖最后由 Ribby 于 2007-4-7 23:52 编辑 ]

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Issue140 第20次 就要考了,牛人帮忙拍呀~
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