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[i习作temp] issue41 [0710G突击先锋小组]第2次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-22 19:49:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue41 [0710G突击先锋小组]第2次作业

TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.”

The speaker asserts that human needs are satisfied mainly by nonmainstream areas of inquiry , on the understanding that the mainstream science cannot meet the requirement of human . It seems somewhat convincing; nevertheless, I suppose the statement unfairly generalizes about the significance and function of nonminstream science.

Admittedly, nonmainstream science is the anchorage of human when they find no way to solute their mental problems by the mainstream science. Many problems such as foreknowledge of fate,   strange phenomenon, things after mortality can not be aptly explained by the mainstream science-- a critical system that needs abundant arguments and data and reasonable inference to corroborate a theory. Consequently, the nonmainstream science appeared. The paradigmatic example is astrology. Through observing the alteration of astronomy especially when a man was born, the astrology will foretell the character and fate of this infant, which appears mysterious and unbelievable. However, we human will turn to the nonmainstream science especially when we are fall into depression and lose the direction of our life.

Furthermore, the nonmainstream science of today may become the mainstream science of tomorrow. For example, the Copernicus’s heliocentric theory in the 16th century was considered to be heresy by the prevailing theological theorists, who hold the geocentric theory tenaciously. With the development of science, obviously, we know that the heliocentric theory is scientific.

However, the nonmainstream science has not been established, while the mainsream science has been corroborated for several generations. If the astrology really foresee human character which even psychological science can not do, why most people turn to psychological professor but not believe astrology when they have such problems? If fortune-telling really foretell the fortune of a man, assuming that he/she will be a millionaire at an certain age, then will it be fulfilled if he/she just sit at home to wait rather than make endeavor as before? If the psychic and paranormal pursuits really exist, then is there something such as ghost in our quotidian life, but why can not we ever find it ?  

What’s more, overwhelming relying on the nonmainstream science will be harmful, which often leads to superstition. At most time, astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits are just play a role of comfortable placebo intrinsically. If people trap into this ideology, they will eventually lose their scientific belief. In the face of every issue, they just depend on guessing instead of considering reasonably, which will lead to wrongheaded decision.

Last but not the least, the mainstream science satisfy most need of human both in substantial and mental aspects. Actually, human are the main beneficiary of the mainstream science. In the substantial realm, technological innovations supply human automobiles to travel, mobile phones to contact, computers to communicate, and so forth. In the mental realm, through appreciating the works of celebrities in many forms such as art and literature, Human will absorb the essence, cultivate their mind, form their value system and perfect their character. On the contrary, the nonmainstream science will just make human puzzled.

To sum up, in my observation, the nonmainstream science has some merit only as comfortable placebo, when human compellingly depend on it, it will be harmful. However, the mainstream   science which satisfies most need of human both in substantial and mental aspects should not be substituted by the nonmainstream science.
believe it and do it

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-23 17:13:58 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE41 - "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.”
The speaker asserts that human needs are satisfied mainly by nonmainstream areas of inquiry , on the understanding that the mainstream science cannot meet the requirement of human 我对题目的理解是:对主流科学没解决的人类需要,主要是通过这些非主流来满足的。应该不是说主流科学无法满足人类的需求,所以人类的需求主要是由非主流来实现的. It seems somewhat convincing; nevertheless, I suppose the statement unfairly generalizes about the significance and function of nonminstream science.
Admittedly, nonmainstream science is the anchorage of human when they find no way to solute their mental problems by the mainstream science. Many problems such as foreknowledge of fate,   strange phenomenon, things after mortality can not be aptly explained by the mainstream science-- a critical system that needs abundant arguments and data and reasonable inference to corroborate a theory. Consequently, the nonmainstream science appeared. The paradigmatic example is astrology. Through observing the alteration of astronomy especially when a man was born, the astrology will foretell the character and fate of this infant, which appears mysterious and unbelievable. However, we human will turn to the nonmainstream science especially when we are fall into depression and lose the direction of our life.
Furthermore, the nonmainstream science of today may become the mainstream science of tomorrow. For example, the Copernicus’s heliocentric theory in the 16th century was considered to be heresy by the prevailing theological theorists, who hold the geocentric theory tenaciously. With the development of science, obviously, we know that the heliocentric theory is scientific.这一段本身不错,但放在这里我觉得会影响整个逻辑思路,建议去掉
However, the nonmainstream science has not been established, while the mainsream science has been corroborated for several generations.非主流确实已经建立了,觉得中心句和后面的支撑句不一致。最好说非主流并非完全可信。 If the astrology really foresee human character which even psychological science can not do, why most people turn to psychological professor but not believe astrology when they have such problems? If fortune-telling really foretell the fortune of a man, assuming that he/she will be a millionaire at an certain age, then will it be fulfilled if he/she just sit at home to wait rather than make endeavor as before? If the psychic and paranormal pursuits really exist, then is there something such as ghost in our quotidian life, but why can not we ever find it ?  
What’s more, overwhelming relying on the nonmainstream science will be harmful, which often leads to superstition. At most time, astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits are just play a role of comfortable placebo intrinsically. If people trap into this ideology, they will eventually lose their scientific belief. In the face of every issue, they just depend on guessing instead of considering reasonably, which will lead to wrongheaded decision.
Last but not the least, the mainstream science satisfy most need of human both in substantial and mental aspects. Actually, human are the main beneficiary of the mainstream science. In the substantial realm, technological innovations supply human automobiles to travel, mobile phones to contact, computers to communicate, and so forth. In the mental realm, through appreciating the works of celebrities in many forms such as art and literature, Humanhuman will absorb the essence, cultivate their mind, form their value system and perfect their character. On the contrary, the nonmainstream science will just make human puzzled.这段中心句+分角度论述+总结局,结构很不错
To sum up, in my observation, the nonmainstream science only has some meritmerits only应提前 as comfortable placeboplaceboes,从这里应该分两句,不然除了when这句,前后两个单句又出现在一个句子中了when human compellingly depend on it, it will be harmful. However前面说nonmainstream作用有限,只是安慰剂,不能依靠,后面强调mainstream不能被取代,所以应该不是转折关系,而应是递进关系, the mainstream   science which satisfies most need of human both in substantial and mental aspects should not be substituted by the nonmainstream science.
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