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[i习作temp] issue88 勇往直前小组第三天 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-22 23:35:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In this issue the speaker asserts that social customs and ethics are influenced and determined by technologies. At first glance his opinion seems reasonable. However, although technologies play as important parts in our socirty, I still consider that technologies influence but not actually determine social customs and ethics, as disscussed below.

I do not deny that technologies really influence social customs and ethics. In ancient era, the most significant difference between human beings and animals is that human races could use technologies which are very simple, such as a stone knife. In some ancient clans, certain technologies as fire they get from chafing wood and have been recognizes as their totems.  With the development of society, technologies become more and more complicated and thchnologies have influenced social customs and ethics more. In the first technology revolution, great inventions including steam machine, telephone and telegraph pushed society to make rapid progress in every respects of human's lives. Traditional social customs and ethics change little by little. For example, in Chinese Spring Festival people should go to families of relative persons to bring blessing. With the development of technologies, Chinese people have used to bless their relatives through telephone or internet abandoning traditional social customs and ethics.

However, technologies do not determine social customs and ethics. It will takes a long time to form customs and ethics of countries. During this period, the theoris of philosophy and culture are the most important effects to social customs and ethics. What's more, the political leaders, such as kings and presidents, also have power to influence and change social customs and ethics. For instance, in Chinese history males had right to marry two or more females. This custom has lasted about eight hundred years. However, after Chairman Mao became the leader of P.R. China, he abolished the custom of polygamy and establish new ethic of monogamy. Even in the modern society in which technologies have imfluenced society more and more, customs and ethics still are difficult to be influenced by technologies. People including children and old people could smoothly used computers and mobile phones, but they till obey traditional social customs and ethics about family, culture and moral. So it is not proper to declaim that technologies determines social ethics.

Being the most fatal factors of society, customs and ethics are steady enough not to be changed and influenced. However, technologies have chances to determine social customs in the future. Although cloning human is illegal now, we can assume that the technology of cloning human will be accepted as a new social ethic if human beings face on crucial situation about procreating offsprings. Although technologies might influence and determine social customs and ethics, the moral system is not easy to be changed being formed after a long history.

In summary, based on the contents discussed above, I can draw conclusions of contention with the speaker. The speaker's assertion is too absolute. Technologies could influenced social customs and ethics, but it is partly wrong in considering that technologies determine them.

203. "The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines."

183. "As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious."

112. "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."

30. The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time.

[ 本帖最后由 zhangjing106 于 2007-7-23 23:38 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-23 18:59:46 |只看该作者
In this issue the speaker asserts that social customs and ethics are influenced and determined by technologies. At first glance his opinion seems reasonable. However, although technologies play as important parts in our socirty, I still consider that technologies influence but not actually determine social customs and ethics, as disscussed below

I do not deny that technologies really influence social customs and ethics. In ancient era, the most significant difference between human beings and animals is that human races could use simple technologies which are very simple(which can facilitate their living 好些), such as a stone knife. In some ancient clans, certain technologies as fire they get from chafing wood and have been recognizes as their totems.  (你举出了上面的例子,但是没有说明其对风俗习惯的影响,也没有和下面的技术进步后的情况有对比;比如最初女人phisical 缺陷使男人承担主要工种,因而更powerful, 但是技术进步却改变了这个)With the development of society, technologies become more and more complicated and thchnologies have influenced social customs and ethics more. In the first technology revolution, great inventions including steam machine, telephone and telegraph pushed society to make rapid progress in every respects of human's lives. Traditional social customs and ethics change little by little. For example, in Chinese Spring Festival people should go to families of relative persons to bring blessing. With the development of technologies, Chinese people have used to bless their relatives through telephone or internet abandoning traditional social customs and ethics.

However, technologies do not determine social customs and ethics. It will take a long time to form customs and ethics of countries. During this period, the theoris of philosophy and culture are the most important effects to social customs and ethics.(一般what's more前后是两个层次,你前面没展开,感觉。) What's more, the political leaders, such as kings and presidents, also have power to influence and change social customs and ethics. For instance, in Chinese history males had right to marry two or more females. This custom has lasted about eight hundred years. However, after Chairman Mao became the leader of P.R. China, he abolished the custom of polygamy and establish new ethic of monogamy. Even in the modern society in which technologies have imfluenced society more and more, customs and ethics still are difficult to be influenced by technologies. People including children and old people could smoothly used computers and mobile phones, but they till obey traditional social customs and ethics about family, culture and moral. So it is not proper to declaim that technologies determines social ethics.(你好像想说1有历史的不变性2有它因,比如伟人,可以决定其改变。说的时候可以用firstly和secondly使逻辑关系更清晰,而且在第一方面的时候可以举例子。蓝色的部分我觉得应该是属于第一层次的分析,即技术进步了有些历史遗留的东西仍然没变)

Being the most fatal factors(什么因素,哪方面的?应该具体电,) of society, customs and ethics are steady enough not to be changed and influenced. However, technologies have chances to determine social customs in the future. Although cloning human is illegal now, we can assume that the technology of cloning human will be accepted as a new social ethic if human beings face on crucial situation about procreating offsprings. (这是argu里面的无理assumption)Although technologies might influence and determine social customs and ethics, the moral system is not easy to be changed being formed after a long history. (这一段的意思有点自立门户了,我觉得既然上段however了,这段就应该顺承,进一步分析)

In summary, based on the contents discussed above, I can draw conclusions of contention with the speaker. The speaker's assertion is too absolute. Technologies could influenced social customs and ethics, but it is partly wrong in considering that technologies determine them.

总体来说, 感觉语言比以前通顺了,大体结构比较结识,有进步。

建议你再列提纲的时候 把每个提纲的例子都写在论点下,再想好怎么转承
提纲列得详细点可以帮助写文章更严密  加油^_^

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-23 20:05:10 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-24 17:52:40 |只看该作者
In thisissue the speaker asserts that social customs and ethics are influenced anddetermined by technologies. At first glance his opinion seems reasonable.However, although technologies play as important parts in our socirty(society), I still consider that technologiesinfluence but not actually determine social customs and ethics, as disscussed(discussed) below.

I do not deny that technologies really influence social customs and ethics. Inancient era, the most significant difference between human beings and animalsis that human races could use technologies which are very simple, such as astone knife. In some ancient clans, certain technologies as fire they get fromchafing wood and have been recognizes as their totems.  With thedevelopment of society, technologies become more and more complicated and thchnologies (delete) have influenced social customsand ethics more. In the first technology revolution, great inventions includingsteam machine, telephone and telegraph pushed society to make rapid progress inevery respects(respect) of human's lives.Traditional social customs and ethics change little by little. For example, inChinese Spring Festival people should go to families of relative persons tobring blessing. With the development of technologies, Chinese people have usedto bless their relatives through telephone or internet abandoning traditionalsocial customs and ethics.

However, technologies do not determine social customs and ethics. It will takestake a long time to form customs and ethics ofcountries. During this period, the theoris of philosophy and culture are themost important effects to social customs and ethics. (这一点要展开,写得太简了)What's more, the political leaders,such as kings and presidents, also have power to influence and change socialcustoms and ethics. For instance, in Chinese history males had right to marrytwo or more females. This custom has lasted about eight hundred years. However,after Chairman Mao became the leader of P.R. China, he abolished the custom ofpolygamy and establish new ethic of monogamy. Even in the modern society inwhich technologies have imfluencedinfluenced society more and more,customs and ethics still are difficult to be influenced by technologies. Peopleincluding children and old people could smoothly used computers and mobilephones, but they till obey traditional social customs and ethics about family,culture and moral. So it is not proper to declaim that technologies determinessocial ethics.

Being the most fatal factors of society, customs and ethics are steady enoughnot to be changed and influenced. However, technologies have chances todetermine social customs in the future. Although cloning human is illegal now,we can assume that the technology of cloning human will be accepted as a newsocial ethic if human beings face on crucial situation about procreatingoffsprings. Although(与前面那句句式重复) technologiesmight influence and determine social customs and ethics, the moral system isnot easy to be changed being formed after a long history. (这一句与你前面那两句互相矛盾,你前面说可以determine,最后又突然来个难于影响及决定)
In summary, based on the contents discussed above, I can draw conclusions ofcontention with the speaker. The speaker's assertion is too absolute.Technologies could influenced(influence) socialcustoms and ethics, but it is partly wrong in considering that technologiesdetermine them.

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