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[i习作temp] issue51 [无名小组] 第一次作业 fay_yi [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-7-25 01:02:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
51"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."

Let's get to the fundamental to agree that the first step to examine whether the education is truly effective is to make sure what the purpose of the education is. I think it can be generalized as three points. First, education should help people get rid off the barbarity and ignorance. Further, education will mold an individual to suit for the society. What is more, education can help one to develop his interests to obtain more information in his favorite fields. So education that is merely designed to meet the individual's need and interests is just conforming to only one of purposes of education. But if the education will be truly effective, it should meet all of the purposes.

For the first purpose of education is to help people break away from uncultivated condition, fundamental education plays a significant role here. Fundamental education is not devised for individual but it is designed for everybody. So fundamental education focuses on the knowledge in general or common sense in daily life, somehow, it just for formulate people’s reasoning thinking. But all these are useful to one and these are basic to receive further education just as reading and writing is essential to learning. Especially in one's early age, the fundamental curriculum is so necessary to the student who has no ability to differentiate the authentic interests from preoccupation of harmful things. For instance, obsession with computer games may not make a pupil to become a engineer of computer but only failed in his examination first. And people have the inclination to ascribe the unwilling thing to lacking of interests. It is just the alibi to shirk responsibility or the excuse for failures. As we all know, math though in which exam there are quantitative of students failed every year is also a prescribed course before the college study because math is the foundation of other course.

Education also practises one’s ability and shapes one's personality to make someone find his right position in the changing world. Anyone was born without any  knowledge about the outsider world, only in a ingenuous condition in which one didn't know how to deal with people and what he need to have in hand in his career life. All this may not be learnt from the teachers directly, but when someone going to school whose atmosphere is just like a mimic society will get a comprehensive impression about the true world by himself. In this environment, people can master much more skills and gain a lot of experiences. What people acquire from school just as these communication skills or the experiences of solving problems is not they intend to study by interest but is an indispensable qualification to the quickening pace society.   

Equally important, the third purpose of education helps one to develop his interests to obtain more information in his favorite fields. People who resort to education just want to get a further achievement or do a deeper research in the area he is willing to devote himself to. One child whose mother send him to a painting class at a very young age because the child has an outstanding gift for painting and he may wants to be the second Van Gogh in the future. This kind of education just caters one's need to develop him to a direction which is led by the interests. The progress chasing interests in study is not detrimental but contributed to acquire knowledge faster and better. Albert Einstein has placed the emphasis on interest as saying that: “Interests are our best teachers". Hence, with interests in doing things people can be more efficient. In addition, the major in the college or university will be a student’s future occupation in a high degree, and then the interests make much sense to the student. To a student, if he major in his ideal field, he will concentrate all his attention in the favorite field, and then pursue a career appropriated and enjoyed. With the inspiration of interests he will be energetic and enthusiastic in his job and he will maintain in the position for longer time. As we all know, frequently hunting for new jobs not only for individual but also for the whole society are tremendous waste of resources. Connecting education with students' needs and interests is the effective measure to ameliorate this social phenomenon.

In conclusion, accommodating the demand of education's purpose can be said as effective education. Satisfying individual needs and interests is only one aspect of the purpose. We should take other points into account but not merely equals the effective education to the education only devised for personal needs and interests.

[ 本帖最后由 fay_yi 于 2007-7-25 01:05 编辑 ]

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