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[i习作temp] issue138 『勇往直前小组』第八次作业linshao [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-28 06:24:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."

The speaker contends that discovery and progress are made only through mistakes. In my view, this standpoint is too absolute. After careful pondering, I found the conclusion may vary in different realms. It is also seriously misleading to take this remark as a lifelong principle.

Admittedly, in the field of science, committing a mistake may be a stepping stone to success. Many great theories and invention are made through the way that committing a mistake, revising it, so repeatedly, finally achieving the success. In order to invent explosive, Nobel did more than four hundreds experiments. Another instance is Edison. In order to invent bulb, Edison did thousands experiments. Finally, he invented the bulb and made great contribution to whole human being. But we can’t believe mistakes automatically and definitely lead to progress and discovery. For example, attempt of inviting perpetual motion machine in history made by scientists, which opposes the law of conservation of energy, was doomed to fail. Mistake itself does not necessarily mean the ultimate progress and discovery. Scientist should obey the correct theory.

In the domain of art, artistic accomplishment has little to do with mistakes. Take the impressionism for example. Impressionist, such as Monet, Magnet, Von Gogh and the like concentrated on the play of light over objects and stressed vivid contrasts between colors in sunlight and shade. Their achievements did not stem from correcting mistakes of their prior artists, but rather from their distinctive feelings and perspectives to the nature. As it is discussed above, there exist many methods for progress and discovery aside from mistakes, such as inspiration from life and nature, to lead to progress and discovery.

When it comes to the politics, politicians try their best to avoid mistakes. Because committing a mistake as such figure may be harmful not only to the country, but also to all human-beings. For instance, Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in
the outbreak of World War II. He killed millions of people, especially European Jews.

To sum up, human-beings have the ability to foresee and to predict the adversities, based on past experience and knowledge. So it is possible for man to be prepared in advance for impending problems, thus eliminating and avoiding mistakes.

ISSUE25 - "Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction-in other words, to make things as simple as possible."
2.人们的解决方法是:简化复杂的事情。A 一部分工作由电脑取代,如复杂的计算、存储和数据分析。B 对工作进行分类,每个人只做一部分,专攻。
ISSUE108 - "In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings-trials, debates, meetings, etc-that are televised, the more society will benefit."
ISSUE167 - "It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."
1.  政治家们为了让人们对他们的领导有信心,会说谎,尤其是竞选的时候。Politics 有时就是政治家之间的博弈。要施展自己的才华必须首先登上统治的平台。因此,如果人们普遍相信的东西是错误的,也要说谎。
2.  为了保证国家的利益和安全,也应当说谎。如:使民众安心。不能complete forthright
3.  但就长远来说,正直的人品才能真正获得民众的支持和信任如:Gandhi, Martin Luther King,政治家们过分的欺骗民众会导致人民不相信政府并导致不满,并最终导致灾难性的后果。
ISSUE214 - "Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped."
2.标准如何制定?有些领域必须接触了才知道,不是所有小孩都能接触到。如:Music art.很难找到一个社会都认同的标准。立场、观点不同。


[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-28 20:52 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 21:31:43 |只看该作者
The speaker contends that discovery and progress are made only through mistakes. In my view, this standpoint is too absolute. After careful pondering, I found (find) the conclusion may vary in different realms. It is also seriously misleading to take this remark as a lifelong principle.Admittedly, in the field of science, committing a mistake may be a stepping stone to success. Many great theories and invention (inventions) are made through the way that committing a mistake, revising it, so repeatedly, finally achieving the success. In order to invent explosive, Nobel did more than four hundreds experiments. Another instance is Edison. In order to invent bulb, Edison did thousands experiments. Finally, he invented the bulb and made great contribution to whole human being. But we can’t believe mistakes automatically and definitely lead to progress and discovery. For example, attempt of inviting perpetual motion machine in history made by scientists, which opposes the law of conservation of energy, was doomed to fail. Mistake itself does not necessarily mean the ultimate progress and discovery. Scientist should obey the correct theory.(例子举得都很贴切,但都是点到为止,可以再深入。)
In the domain of art, artistic accomplishment has little to do with mistakes. Take the impressionism for example. Impressionist, such as Monet, Magnet, Von Gogh and the like concentrated on the play of light over objects and stressed vivid contrasts between colors in sunlight and shade. Their achievements did not stem from correcting mistakes of their prior artists, but rather from their distinctive feelings and perspectives to the nature. As it is discussed above, there exist many methods for progress and discovery aside from mistakes, such as inspiration from life and nature, to lead to progress and discovery. (意思没问题,可以再深入说一下。)When it comes to the politics, politicians try their best to avoid mistakes. Because committing a mistake as such figure may be harmful not only to the country, but also to all human-beings. For instance, Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted inthe outbreak of World War II. He killed millions of people, especially European Jews.(例子没问题,说理差了点力度,可以把理由说清楚点。)To sum up, human-beings have the ability to foresee and to predict the adversities, based on past experience and knowledge. So it is possible for man to be prepared in advance for impending problems, thus eliminating and avoiding mistakes.(前文没有提到没有错误人们也能够取得成就,突然提到这一点结尾有点突兀)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-28 23:14:51 |只看该作者
ISSUE138 - "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."

The speaker contends that discovery and progress are made only through mistakes. In my view, this standpoint is too absolute(我觉得具体一点更好,比如overate the significance of mistake). After careful pondering, I found(个人觉得用过去时不好) the conclusion may vary in different realms. It is also seriously misleading to take this remark as a lifelong principle.(北美上面的过度坚持会这样说,the adherence to this point would results in ……….)

Admittedly, in the field of science, committing a mistake may be a stepping stone to success. Many great theories and invention(S) are made through the way that committing a mistake(这句话说的不地道,committing a mistake could be the access to great theories and inventions,这二种说法表达的重点是不一样的), revising it, so repeatedly, finally achieving the success. In order to invent explosive, Nobel did more than four hundreds experiments. Another instance is Edison. In order to invent bulb, Edison did thousands of experiments. Finally, he invented the bulb(这段话的表达有点罗嗦和重复) and made great contribution to whole human being. But we can’t believe mistakes automatically and definitely lead to progress and discovery. For example, attempt of inviting perpetual motion machine in history made by scientists, which opposes the law of conservation of energy, was doomed to fail. Mistake itself does not necessarily mean the ultimate progress and discovery. Scientist should obey the correct theory.(这段里面又有正 ,也有反,虽然北美里面有这种写法,个人不推荐)

In the domain of art, artistic accomplishment has little to do with mistakes. Take the impressionism for example. Impressionist, such as Monet, Magnet, Von Gogh and the like concentrated on the play of light over objects and stressed vivid contrasts between colors in sunlight and shade. Their achievements did not stem from(呵呵 你觉得用born of如何) correcting mistakes of their prior artists, but rather from their distinctive feelings and perspectives to the nature. As it is discussed above, there exist many methods for progress and discovery aside from mistakes, such as inspiration from life and nature, to lead to progress and discovery. (艺术失败不需要是吧)

When it comes to the politics, politicians try their best to avoid mistakes. Because committing a mistake as such figure may be harmful not only to the country, but also to all human-beings. For instance, Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in
the outbreak of World War II. He killed millions of people, especially European Jews.(这段为什么这么短 囧)

To sum up, human-beings have the ability to foresee and to predict the adversities, based on past experience and knowledge. So it is possible for man to be prepared in advance for impending problems, thus eliminating and avoiding mistakes.
这篇是分领域的写法,结构不错 希望写句子的时候 可以尽量强调句子的重点,这样写会好一些,呵呵这是吹毛求疵了

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