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[i习作temp] issue4 [0710G summer] by niuzhist [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-1 10:16:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE4 - "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."
WORDS: 501          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-31 下午 09:23:02
关键词:field outsiders  knowledge and experience
1.   其他领域的知识和经验有利于为本领域产生灵感。
例子:美国人关于20世纪60年代太空探索(space exploration)刚开始时落后苏联(Soviet Union)的反思(reflection )。
苏联拥有许多著名的文学家(litterateur),如托尔斯泰(Tolstoy, novelist),高尔基(Gorky,novelist ),普希金(Pushkin ,poet,proser,dramatist)
美国虽然投入了大量人力与物力(Manpower and resources ),但还是落后了,所以把文学(literary appreciation ),音乐(musical appreciation)等艺术课作为一门非常重要的课在全美小学(elementary school)中开设。
     地质学(geology):该地区的地质构成(Geological formation),是否存在地震隐患。
3. 有些领域的发展不一定十分需要其它领域的知识。
一些纯理论学科的发展,尤其是理论物理(theoretical physics )与数学
爱因斯坦的相对论,分析几何学(geometry analysis)中的庞加莱猜想(Poincare Conjecture),世界七大数学难题之一
(one of the world's seven major mathematical dilemma).
The author' draws his assertion that certain field of study can advance significantly when outsiders  
bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study. As soon as I am concerned, I partly agree
with the author's contention. The expertise from other fields can provoke the inspiration in one field
and many fields of studies have become a compound of lots of subjects. However, the knowledge and experience
from other subjects is not a necessary condition for the advancement of certain field.

To begin with, the crucial inspiration can be easily provoked by other fields' knowledge and experience so
that some breakthrough can be posed .Only through the compound of knowledge can give rise to some magic functions
which is entirely impossible grown out from the original field. The history inform us the reflection of American
about the lag with Soviet Union on the space exploration in the sixties of the 20th century and the significant
reformation on the fundamental courses that American schools offer. American socialist make a conclusion after
a study about the differences between the two countries' educational feature that even though the manpower and
resources spent on space exploration are far more than The Soviet Union, America scientific field lack one of
the most crucial things--inspiration. There are many eminent litterateur in Soviet Union's history such as Tolstoy,
puskin who left populace lots of immortal masterpiece which edifies a series of Soviet Union's scientist with natural
creativity and various inspiration from their childhood. In order to overpass its opponent ,America made a program
about opening the literature appreciation, musical appreciation as the basic and compulsory courses in all elementary
schools. The case given above indicates that it is rational that knowledge borrowed from other fields can attribute
greatly to the progress of certain field.

Besides, we have to admit the fact that many fields of study consist of lots of other subjects nowadays. Only one or
two fields knowledge can be bogged into trouble when come across with complex and great projects. Taking the project
of building a dam for example, its erection can be achieved not only by the expertise of architects, but also by geologists,
meteorologists, socialists ,economists and archeologists. Geologists can help us minimize the possibility of the earthquake
beneath the dam and guarantee the geological formation suitable for the dam. Meteorologists can make a estimation of the
rainfall on the upstream by consulting the records. Architects devise the structure of the dam about its width ,length and
height. Sociologists and economists induct us about the moving of the residents living in the area which will be filled
with water. Archeologists can ensue the successful movement and preservation of the antiques in the foregoing area. Without
so many fields of knowledge involved in such one project, It is unlikely that a useful, firm and safe dam can be erected.
The same is true of space exploration and cultural anthropology .So ,many other fields’ knowledge is beneficial and
necessary to certain field.

However, it is sure that there exists some fields where its own knowledge is sufficient to pose a series of exciting discoveries,
especially for the math and theoretical physics. Einstein's relativity theory is based on his long time exploration about the
relationship between the time and space which nearly contains the physic only. And the Poincare Conjecture, one of the seven
major mathematical dilemmas , only contains the pure geometry analysis.
To sum up, I concede that certain fields’ development really need other knowledge's joint which is helpful to provoke the i
nspiration. But some fields advancement only rest on their own knowledge rather than the expertise of others.

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