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[i习作temp] issue51 我的第一篇issue,求哪位好心人给改改(看完不要取笑哦) [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-3 22:56:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
51"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.”

The speaker claims that if it is specifically designed to meet the individual need and interests of each student, the education will be truly effective. While I agree that it is important for the education to design to meet the student interests. In my view it could be a mistake to only meet the individual needs instead of the public ones. The success of the education is to meet both the individual and the society needs and take a balance of them

As it known to all that the goal of the education is to make a person to a useful one to the others to the family or to the society. And everyone is unique in the world. So it is very important of the education to meet the individual needs. During the period of the growing, individual needs must be met. When a baby was born ,he knew nothing of the world. As he grew up, he learn more and more to form his own idea. If the education is just designed the same. Can you image that all the people are the same in the world. Or if the student could find the information what he needs but the mean nothing to him. How could he develop his career.

On the other side, The education should also be designed to meet the society need. Education is a way to develop the society. If the education don’t follow the society, Who dare to say that is is effective or even successful.? After a long time of the war, most of the buildings are destroyed in Iraq, Also the economic and the policy. So the education in Iraq must pay more attention to the rebuild of it. The university and college should open more courses in business or medicine. And the western countries such as England and the USA should open more course in army and science to meet it rapid increasing technology need. Above all , all the countries should open course upon its own satuation  so the education can try it most to help developing the society

Although we notice that both individual needs and the society needs are important. How to balance them is need far more thinking. The popular way to solve this problem is to build a complete education system. .Some colleges offer different kinds of course and focus its attention on different fields so the students could find the subject which he really needs. Some universities exam the society needs and follow the public to offer the course that could help developing the world. Some teachers are asked to find out what the children really wants or interests and then teach them. Some professors are told to research more on the fields of society developing need. All kinds of education ways should be well designed

As I have noted, a well design education system should be built. Not only for the individual needs but also for the public needs so the both individual and the public could be satisfied. On that way we can say that the education is truly effective.

The success of the education is to meet both the individual and the society needs and take a balance of them
view1: it is very important of the education to meet the individual needs.
view2:The education should also be designed to meet the society need
view3: how to balance the individual and society needs

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issue51 我的第一篇issue,求哪位好心人给改改(看完不要取笑哦)
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