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[i习作temp] Issue144 [sjtu八勇士小组]第九次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-8 16:15:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
144"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."
*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
1.        评论家可以使艺术作品的价值得以凸现
2.        评论家鉴赏并为我们筛选作品,但这往往起反作用,因为不同的人有自己对待艺术不同态度的权力,评论家将主观思想强加在作品上,埋没了不少巨作。
3.        评论家可以将鉴赏结果反馈给艺术家或对作品进行修改,但这违背了艺术的初衷,使其不再是一个艺术品。

Who gives society something of lasting value,the artist or the critic?I think it is almost impossible to come to an agreement on this highly controversial question.Both of them play an important role in arts.As far as I am concerned,although the critic might be indispensable to a piece of art,I still prefer to agree with the speaker’s statement.

Admittedly,the critic really plays an important role in arts.As we all know,the main function of a critic is to evaluate works of art,to help people distinguish between good arts and bad ones,and to give feedback information to the artist.The first function of the critic is obvious.As some kinds of art is often difficult to be understood by the common people,such as painting and music.Without the critic,people might not be able to realize the superiority of an art.For example,some most famous abstract paintings created by Picasso were highly controversial at that time.Many people thought that his paintings are too weird to be understood and accepted.It is the critic who helps to reveal the underlying meaning of his paintings and makes thousands of people begin to appreciate his works.

Another function of the critic which is also obvious is helping people distinguish which kind of work is respectable.They are sometimes like a filter,who reject bad works and admire good ones.However,is this really good to arts?Perhaps it is not necessarily the case.Whether a piece of art is valuable or not is due to the art itself,and every person has the authority to have their own opinion towards it.The critic’s point of view is so subjective that it cannot be representative.In many cases,the critic will become a big resistant to excellent arts only because the great works does not meet with their needs.A typical example could be Vincent Van Gogh’s works.
Van Gogh is a pioneer of what came to be known as Expressionism.He had an enormous influence on twentieth century art.However,his great works were not popularized and accepted by the public until he died.Most critics in his period criticized his works and asserted that his works were valueless.Because of these critics,many people lost the opportunity to appreciate his works on their own.People will be greatly influenced by what the critic says,so that they will lose their own value system towards arts.The same situation happened on Bach,one of the most famous musicians throughout the world.He was poor during his whole life.Although his works are highly praised nowadays,he had not receive the reputation which he deserved in his life time.His great works were neglected by many critics so that many people even had not the chance to get in touch with them.From the abovementioned examples,we could draw the conclusion that the critic might be an obstacle to arts in some cases,not to mention whether it is the critic who gives society something of lasting value.

Now let us think about the third function of the critic.Critics evaluate works of art,and sometimes return their opinions to artists.Perhaps the original intention of them is to help artists improve their works.But in most cases their opinions might amount to poor advices.A good work of art reveals the artist’s genuine emotion,creativity and inspiration.Although some advices provided by critics are really useful,they hurt the fundamental meaning of the work.It is possible that the critic’s opinions will convert art from its original form to an artificial work.We could not say that by this way art will have any lasting value to society.

In conclusion,I am inclined to agree with the statement that it is the artist,not the critic who gives society something of lasting value.Although critics may have positive effect on works of art,in more cases they have negtive effect.But on the other hand,artists creat works and give them value which cannot be changed or eliminated.                                        (622 words)

[ 本帖最后由 frankxuanhui 于 2007-8-8 16:26 编辑 ]

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